Since the end is approaching, all of the chapters on patréon are now available on

Thanks for all of the patrons who kept the series alive.


Lucas was walking to the centre of the events in Wano as he was throwing rocks to the sky. Some of the rocks were getting up slowly, while others faster. <<More More Awaken>> <<More More: speed 0.005>>. Each one of those rocks has the Devil Fruit effect.

If anyone had seen Lucas doing this, they would think that he is doing a trick, a magical one that makes rocks float.

Finishing throwing them, Lucas looked carefully forward. He closed his eyes and saw the future. 'Good, everything is within the calculation' he thought.

Then, in one step, he vanished to thin air, leaving no shadow behind him.



Charlotte Linlin, the young one, was looking at the sky dazed. If anyone was close enough, they would hear how her big heart was beating loudly.

"Where is everyone,�� she murmured again. However, she didn't seem to be talking to anyone.

Around her, her kids were doing the same thing – looking dazed while sweating crazy.

Very soon, one of them screamed and fell to the ground, defeated.


From thin air, Lucas appeared at the centre of the events.

He looked forward to the people.


As he called, he saw no response from her. He looked around to his little (not that little) stepsons. All of them seemed to be the same. With his Observation Haki, Lucas could tell that they were afraid. No, it was more than that. Like they are facing the only thing that they wouldn't want to.

He looked forward, to Katakuri, who was sweating crazy and shaking. "Don't laugh at me..." It seemed that he was sleep talking.

Lucas looked to another person, who seemed to fall down. he was not breathing. He... He is dead!

'He dared to do this to my kids...'

Focusing his Haki more, Lucas could feel some aura, a purple one that was taking a shape of a skull. He didn't need to think too much to figure that it was the reason for the

'Even Linlin is shaking

'How ironic.'

'5 seconds.'

Lucas took two seconds to smile.


"...Two." He raised his voice a bit.

"One!" Lucas let a chuckle as he vanished and jumped up some ten meters.


Looking down, Lucas could see it. What hit his original spot was a very fast, weightless arrow. It was made of bones and covered by a purple aura, which made Lucas feel a bit negative coming from it.

"Your surprise attack isn't surprising at all."

Lucas sneered as he looked to one near the spot, 'that should be the one.'

He then looked forward. There, there stood a man, short, tanned. His body was full of muscle and scars. His eyes were covered by shades and there was a furious. He was crossing his thick arms and glared forward.

"Well, I can say the same." Usopp didn't smile as he looked at Lucas.

Usopp flinched as he looked at Lucas.

This man is the same one who threw him to the cruel sea in a boat leaving him only with apple pies.

If there is a reason for any small and big suffering Usopp had to face in his life, it would be him.

That day, Usopp had decided to stay in his village. But, Lucas threw him to the sea.

"Long time no see. Tell me, how did the apple pies taste." Lucas kicked the air, reminding some asshole of how he was good to him.

"Good. But I'll have to thank you. You, Big Mom and her crew. Combing the power coming from your death, I'll become the strongest existence. Even Kaido would die in my hands."

Usopp smiled as he looked at Lucas, who was coming toward him and waved his hand.

"Try to block this."

Lucas could see many bone arrows flying toward him, coming from thin air.

At that moment, Lucas increased his speed and avoided them.

There is no way he would block those weightless bones. He knew, from the future, once he touches them, he would fall into some illusion which he couldn't see in the future vision – he could only see the outside part. But still, as long he dodges them, he would be fine.

"You can absorb the power from death." Lucas appeared near Usopp, five meters away. "well, no wonder a coward like you got stronger."

"Yes. As long as you don't fear it – death – like Kaido, you have no chance against me."

"No wonder you have the guts."

Lucas was approaching at a fast speed. But he then flinched and stopped in the middle of the air as he kicked it, flipped and landed on the ground and stared forward.

"Tsk, you almost fell for it, my old friend." Usopp sneered at Lucas's face. He lifted his finger and flicked them.

In front of Lucas, a net, a purple one appeared there. Had he passed by that aura, he would fall down and his physical strength would do no help.

Of course, Lucas knew this in advance.

"While you fought Kaido, I had all the time in the world to sneak, set traps, and capture Big Mom in my Necromancer aura." Usopp rubbed his chin. "You know, I am still a sniper. "

Suddenly, tens and tens of purple bone arrows flew toward Lucas from the purple lines.

Raising his hand, to the bones and Usopp, Lucas used Six King Gun and shot a great shockwave.

However, the bones didn't seem to get affected or slow down as they headed toward Lucas.

Usopp, on the other hand, had to cross his arm in defence as purple energy danced around him and made a shape of a protective skill.

The skull cracked and shattered like glass, Usopp was still fine, but he caught blood.

"You need more than that to kill me. And no physical attack can stop those arrows."

"tsk." Lucas clicked his tongue on Usopp's mockery. He flipped back dodging the arrows.

But then he stopped on the ground and didn't take a step back.

"Hah, you almost fell for it, again."

Usopp swept the blood from his mouth. Behind Lucas, another purple net appeared.

Lucas looked at the spot he looked at earlier.

Usopp flicked his fingers again.

This time, not only behind Lucas but in all of the directions. In his left, up, right, there was those purple lesser like lines.

Lucas seemed to be trapped in the middle of this.

"Please Lucas; use your super-speed to walk through this." Usopp was talking as he was walking back and opening his arms.

No matter how fast the fish is, once it's trapped in the net, she would be cooked for dinner.

"I see." Lucas walked forward. He smiled.

"Why are you smiling," seeing such reaction, Usopp seemed to be taken back.

No response.

Lucas kept walking forward toward so many nets covering him. it looked more like a lesser protecting system. All you have to do it not to get touched by them.


Usopp yelled as he waved both of his hands.

As he did that, the purple lines covering Lucas started moving. Not only so, but purple arrows were flying out of them.

Lucas closed his eyes, twisted his body the side; four arrows passed by him and three lines didn't touch him. But it didn't stop. As more and more of arrows and the purple of lines were passing by him, Lucas jumped slightly, bent his head a bit, flipped, and spun.

Lucas looked like he was dancing as he was dodging.

Usopp, the one who was known as the most potential sniper, was waving his hands no stop, sending more and more of his power in order to win. But despite his skills, Lucas kept dodging while dancing.

"Bingo." Usopp smiled as he saw Lucas heading toward one spot.

'His next line, 'Got you!''

Lucas smiled as he reached the spot he looked at earlier.

"Got you!"

Usopp raised his hand. At that moment, Lucas looked at the ground and Usopp smiled. Beneath his legs, thousands and thousands of illusionary arrows flew up.

"You have ten seconds." Lucas didn't look surprised and let himself get hit by them.

Seeing this, Usopp breathed in relief.

Lucas now was looking forward, to him, while not moving at all.

Although Lucas was glaring at him, Usopp knew that Lucas was seeing something else by now.

No one knows what it is, except Lucas.

The net from earlier vanished in thin air.

Usopp walked slowly toward Lucas. There was a small laugh leaving his mouth.

"he-he-he..." Usopp started to laugh. "Don't worry; I'll turn you into a bone knight. HAHAHAHA. After I kill you off course"

"BIG MOM, KAIDO, AND the asshole. All of you would become my tool."

"I'll kill you as everyone made me suffer."

Usopp seemed to have lost his mind as he kept walked forward.

Now, Lucas indeed was seeing something else.

In Usopp's hand, a gun appeared.

"Now, all I have to do is to blow your head, or your eyes."


Not so far from Wano.

The place where Lucas threw the floating rocks earlier:

One of the rocks touched one rock. <<More-More: speed x5>>

That rock had regained it's original speed 200 folds and hit another rock.

<<More more; speed x 10>>

Like a billiard, the rocks were hitting each other. Each one had a specific effect.

If Lucas had a comment here, it would be, all about timing.


At a different time

Somewhere, where the sky was red, the sand was black, two people stood.

Around them, there was millions and millions of corpses. Had anyone examined them, they would think of one word, 'Demons'.

"Lol .... so, you are telling me. HAHAHA. Usopp, from all the people."

"That's not the funniest part." said a blonde man, holding black katana as he was looked up to the red sky. He was wearing a long cloak which covered his head.

From the sky, a giant creature, surrounded in black scales and had black horns started descending. He looked like a humanoid black goat that held a giant red sword and had a hair of flames.

"Really..." said the other person man. He too had blond hair, but his eyes were red, unlike the other person with blue ones. He was holding a sword, which he swept in "I want to know what he made you see."


"Had you asked me 100 years ago, I would say, my worse fear." The blue-eyed man held his katana and looked up, to the demon that was descending. Kicking the ground, he flew up and waved his sword. Both of the demons like creature and the man flew back.

"And now?" the red-eyed person said as he appeared behind the demon and waved his sword. In one slash, the monster was cut in half.

"It's what I wish to happen now the most." The blond with blue eyes said.

In the sky, tens and tens of gates started to appear. More and more furious looking creatures started to appear.

"hah, why do I feel like I have the same wish." The red eyes man landed on the ground next to the blue-eyed man.

"same fate I guess," from thin air, a great red sword appeared.

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