The Navy HQ: Marineforde, next to the seaport.

Sengoku who was standing with the other higher-ups had an ugly expression on his face.

There was exclusive news, which the rest of the world didn't have access to.

One of the CP0 members, who was staying in Wano, had caught the sight of Big Mom's pirates, lead by unknown pink-haired beauty, attacking Wano. Not only so, but all of them also became giants, and they were extremely powerful. The CP0 member seemed to engage in a fight with one of their members, Katakuri, as he was reporting, and he lost.

Apparently, a blonde man had joined Big Mom's side, and he was extremely powerful, and his eyes are blue. If there is someone to point fingers to, it would be...

"No one would have expected that Zorro would join the side of Big Mom," Zephyr said.

"Yes. After all, he is her son in law," replied Tsuru.

"I guess we should kick him out of Warlord seat." Gion sighed.

"But it is bad news," Sengoku shared his opinion, "the fact that Big Mom gained enough strength to attack Kaido, while we lost Akainu and Aokiji is bad enough. Even though there are replacements, those Lucas's crew. Not to mention Lucas himself. Now, we have Big Mom to deal with, yet, what happened to Kaido..."

"That brat," Garp, who was eating popcorn with Kizaru, lifted his eyebrows as he looked at one Warship, "all of this is happening and he is peacefully sleeping. For some reason, I am proud."

"Upon mentioning his name, where is he," someone asked. As the next Fleet Admiral, Lucas should be here to witness such news. "Is he sleeping?"

"I'll wake him up," Gion picked up her sword and headed toward the sh.i.p.s. But then, Domino turned into a lightning bolt and stood in her way. "No, he is sleeping, let him rest."

"Get out of my way."

"No, his mood is already bad enough."

"Why do you care?" Gion said, putting her hand on her sword, "Admiral Domino."

'Damn it, Lucas,' Domino bit her bottom lip. She knew that she has to cover up for Lucas until he comes back, even if it meant fighting.

"Because I need him full energy at night," Domino said as her purple eyes turned blue, some lightning bolt danced around her body.

The people around paused for a second and gave Domino a look. Sengoku and Garp stroked his goat and didn't seem surprised, as they knew Lucas from his times in Marineforde – the guy who lives with so many girls. "Ooo" Kizaru started to eat popcorn, "this is dooope."

Upon hearing Domino's response, Gion opened her eyes widely; a red flush ran across her cheeks. She didn't expect this.

Did Domino say that she needs him full of energy at night? Is she planning to take over him already? 'This little *****.'

"Hey, he is too young for you." Gion furrowed her eyebrows and stared at Domino. The chances for her to take her sword out of the sheath are higher now.

"Why do you care, you aren't his mom," Domino said.

Gion clenched her teeth, not knowing why is she angry or why isn't she considering the volts that would descend on her. But Domino's last comment angered her.

"Are You Saying I am Old!? Ha!"

"Why would I?" Domino said, mockingly. "Isn't that obvious enough?"

"Hoho," Gion withdrew her katana and threw her sheath.

(When a swordsman throws their sheath, it would mean that they are sure they wouldn't use it again.

But it also means that they are ready to fight to the death and have no intent to sheath their blade.

"I'll teach you a lesson young lady."


"Bring it on," Domino would fulfil Lucas's order even if she has to fight the rest of the Navy. Besides, Gion has no resistance to lightning. That would be easy as long as she gets far.


Suddenly a voice interrupted. All of the people presented here turned their face to see a man wearing a Navy's coat approaching.

"What an ordeal, can't a man have a peaceful nap?"

Lucas said, his hand on his forehead, as he approached everyone looking at him. He looked at the faces that had been staring at him. Gion and Domino seemed near to have a fight.

Seeing Gion, Lucas let a small smile, before looking at Domino with the same attitude. Domino just sighed in relief. Finally, Lucas is back.

"Lucas, I just heard that she needs you full of energy at night," Gion said, looking at Lucas who just grew a lot during his time.

Lucas let a yawn. Great. Were they talking about his relationship with girls or what? But, possibly, one of Tsuru's girls exposed him.

"I want to know as well," Lucas said looking at Domino, which made everyone draw o shape. He is pretending to be innocent, and it was convincing.

"You know, Fleet Admiral. Tha–" Domino decided to play along.

"She meant for the party, your promotion party." Gion quickly placed her hand on Domino's mouth, not wanting Lucas to get the message. Don't let the Blondie get more than that kiss on the chick.

But then, suddenly, Gion took it back as she felt a high voltage running through her body. It made her lose sight for a brief. Domino had a frown, "don't touch me."

"I'll deal with you later," Gion whispered as she took a step back.

"Try your luck."

Before someone could say anything, Lucas said, while letting a bit of his Conqueror Haki out. It helped these people, who have a strong will, to give him some attention.

"Jokes aside, what did happen. Someone tell me."

Lucas earned some looks upon feeling the aura he emitting. He wasn't that serious, but well... it let him gain some respect as he could notice someone faints, while someone talked if The Fleet Admiral has that Haki. Lucas never knew why people worship this kind of things. It only works on weak-minded people.

Garp approached Lucas and started to explain the satiation. How they think that Big Mom attacked Kaido. Now, they are waiting for

"No way!" Lucas said. "Zorro did that?"

They are right in fact. Only if they knew the truth.

It seems that he would make a task for Linlin to take care of the rest of the CP0 members in Wano.

Sengoku nodded with his head. "It's your responsibility as the Fleet Admiral to make the decision to balance the power between pirates and marines.

"Well, if they are going to take care of themselves, shouldn't we help the last one before taking him out," Lucas said. " Well, as long as we protect citizens, I guess we can do it."

The others nodded and started talking about this topic.

"Someone, bring me my coat, I want to see my new office," Lucas said as he looked at the HQ tower.

That's going to be his office for now.

Lucas didn't need the Navy to take control over the world at this point.

But he needed it for something else. The last person Lucas is planning to backstab is the Supreme Being. He doesn't want to leave One Piece world, not at all, neither has he planned to let someone control his fate.

And for that, he plans to use The Navy to get something to achieve his purpose. To create havoc and entertainment while buying time for himself. But, he didn't dare to think of it too much.

Anyway, a few weeks from now, he would get the last dozen of the fruits he needs to recharge his title and visit the Holy Land.

'I want it that way.'

Lucas didn't notice that Gion was walking by his side as he headed to the HQ. Gion gave Lucas glances occasionally before patting his arm. "No need to be nervous. You are very good when it comes to paperwork. "

"I'm not nervous."

Lucas looked to see her smiling down at him. Whatever. The sight of her tits bouncing next to his eyes was good to calm him.

Lucas was really anxious, as he is approaching the most critical point of his journey.

Seeing his hidden expression, Gion patted his arm and smiled. He is surely tense and he is trying to hide it. Maybe it's because of the endors.e.m.e.nt to Fleet Admiral, or the fact that his family was attacked and kidnapped. Or is that Domino throwing signals to him... whatever.

"Don't you want to attend your promotion ceremony?"

Sengoku approached Lucas with a goat in his hands.

Seeing Lucas's face, Sengoku was somehow happy. The time that Lucas took over the navy was a critical one. Not to mention that he would deal with politicians and the Celestial Dragons, his life would be hell.

'It would be fun to troll him,' Sengoku thought. 'I'll turn his life to hell with my goat.'

"Just make it quick." Lucas said, "Unlike you, I don't like to waste time."

"You bra—"(cough, cough) Sengoku coughed blood. He was still badly sick.

Lucas shrugged his shoulders as he reached with his hand to the woman next to him, Gion, and placed his hand on her waist. He forgot to suppress the high levels of his hand.

Gion continued walked as she opened her eyes widely. The way Lucas rubbed her made her feel a unique chill running through her body. She couldn��t yell as it was good and relaxing. Also, taking into consideration the place from which the feeling comes from, it made her feel excited inside.

'I'm getting wet,' Gion bit her lips, 'I need to act normal, just keep walking and no one would notice... Damn you, Lucas, playing with this Big Sis's heart.' Gion could only place her hand on her mouth to suppress any m.o.a.n from escaping, as she got near the climax. It was only a few steps before Lucas's hand (accidentally) fall lower.

Gion opened her eyes wider, her snowy long thighs clashed with each other as her red eyes looked at Lucas with disbelief. She could feel her p.u.s.s.y twitching and releasing hot juices. Luckily, no one was looking at her thighs.

'I haven't c.u.m like this in years... It must be his hand, something abnormal wit... it feels good.'

It felt so good, so good that she could only suppress her m.o.a.n and continue walking.

As soon they reached the HQ, Gion excused herself and vanished to thin air. She was just that fast that no one could see her as she headed to the nearest private place.

Lucas looked at his hand after he saw her back. "Oh..." he only now realised that he may overdo it. She is going to masturbate and that is a fact he knew.

'And I was wondering from where that smell came' Lucas coughed as he felt that he was getting hard.


Very soon, Lucas reached Sengoku's previous office, his current office now. Lucas couldn't help but smile. Very soon, he had his promotion ceremony, and he needed to make a speech to the Marines. Lucas, after signing some papers, sat on Sengoku's chair, extended his feet and put them on the table, which he made it a little smaller since it didn't match his taste.

'Now, All I need is to find that fruit.'

Lucas then looked at his system. He had a theory, which he was willing to risk all of his XP on it.

As he noticed, with each level up of his DFM, Lucas would get pass through one of Devil Fruit's curses. First, the water, secondly, the Sea stone, and now, it should be, Second Devil Fruit.'

*Knock* *Knock*


Suddenly the door was opened as a red-eyed beauty who wore a pink shirt. She took steps inside, turned and closed the door before locking it.

She turned to him, and her huge chest jiggled up and down each time her heels hit the ground as she approached

Lucas raised his eyebrows, focusing on her snowy perky chest. He gave her long legs a look before looking at her eyes, she was frowning, "Gion, what are you doing."

"Fleet Admiral, I think we should have the talk," Gion said, as she made sure to lock the door.

"The talk?" Lucas lifted his head looking to the roof. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts before saying, "I've never had that."

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