Both Lucas and Nami arrived at the Orange town. Nami was feeling a bit hot from the last night's events, so she was acting a little embarrassed, however, now wasn't the time to get distracted by those things, but it is time to dig for some gold, literally.

She lowered her head and ran to another direction.

'Keep your hands clean, they haven't finished their job'

Lucas followed her butt with his eyes, he can't help but to like this cat, she was kind of cute, and hot at the same time. Too bad that she has to work as a slave for that shark guy, well, it doesn't matter since her boss is the next on his list.

Lucas then shook his head and walked forward slowly toward the town entrance, now is time to work.

Lucas walked in the streets of this town and took his time to see the things around. What Lucas noticed in the buildings of this town was the emptiness, here, there is no single soul, even the houses are empty. Lucas looked to a far village and could only see the destruction, to be more exact, the destruction that was caused by a large scale bomb.

"not a single soul" This island was a lively place full of people, but apparently, one day, the pirates of the red nose, lead by the clown Buggy, came here, killed the people and kicked them, then they took over this island.

it gives a different feeling about the pirates when you see them as true persons when you see them from a realistic point of view and not from point of view that was made to entertain a child. even if buggy was a funny character at the manga, this is only on the papers, but if you see him as a person, as a living being, he is worse than the terrorists, not only take over the people's money but blow them and kill them for fun.

" Sigh, I feel pity for who lived here, they were either killed or forced out of their homes, " Lucas thought, he won't feel bad if he kills pirates, his consciousness may stop him from killing innocents, but in some cases, it won't, and he already tasted his first kills.

in his life, he dealt with many kinds of criminals in the underground world, but only a few of them were lowly as those pirates. You may say that there are few good ones, well, indeed, some of them were forced to take this life, but also, some of them are retarded who don't know what piracy means. And if Lucas has to see Luffy as a person, then he would say that he is an a.d.u.l.t with a child's mind, basically, a retarded who doesn't take things seriously, throw his and his friends lives to danger and they got saved by some plot-armor (except Zoro), and want to be the pirate king because he thinks it is a fun adventure and sounds cool. He needs to go to a clinic for some serious help and his grandfather knows that.

"but well, Who am I to judge people, it is not like I'm a saint or whatever "

Lucas is still walking while thinking deeply, behind a building, there was a pirate who saw him and recognized him as the new stripper bounty hunter, that pirate quickly went to his boss and reported that Fernando Lucas is here.

Ten minutes later.


Lucas who still walking in this town suddenly stopped as he saw some men surrounding him. They were 24 men and one animal, in the middle, stood a giant Lion that should be 3-4 meters in heights, above it, sat a man with a white hair and beard with animal ears. The pirates held their daggers and guns and glared at Lucas with absolute confidence that says they would beat him with ease.

The man above the lion started talking:" Fernando, Our captain Buggy would like you to give up your money and come obediently with us"

Lucas put his hand on his rapier and pulled it from his belt, he looked to those pirates with cold eyes:" And what if I refuse "

"Then you would still die anyway," the guy on the lion said, his captain wants to kill Lucas personally so he can boost his reputation in the sea.

"Really" Lucas without giving them a chance to reply stabbed in the air, a compressed air blade like a bullet flew out of his sword and pierced a pirate's stomach. The pirates weren't expecting this, they gave their crewmate a look, but Lucas isn't playing with them, he waved his sword and some compressed air blades flew out of his sword and cut the arms of three pirates that held a gun.

"bastard " the rest of the pirates reacted quickly and dashed toward Lucas without hesitation.

«Itoryu: tornado » Lucas held his sword and waved it, some air blades left his sword and made a small tornado that flew toward the pirates, as soon it got them, three of them had wounds appeared on their faces and bodies.

[Ding, killing few weaklings + 100 acc.u.mulated XP]

On the sides, Two pirates appeared with swords and attacked Lucas at the same time yet from different directions. Lucas focused his force on his legs and jumped four meters high, he successfully dodged that attack, then he waved his sword and it was the end for the two. Lucas landed on the ground away from the blood, then he looked around, there are 15 pirates left, they surrounded him from all of the directions and looked at him with killing intent.

"you have no way to run to, " The one on the lion said with an angry tone, how dare he kills them, they should be the only ones that allowed to kill.

"Usually, I don't like killing, but you aren't even worthy to be XP cows, " Lucas said as he decided to finish this quickly.

using «stealth footwork», Lucas vanished from sight, and in a mere second, before anyone could react, all of the pirates had cuts appearing on their chests.

"where, " The one above the lion said, but before he knows, Lucas appeared in the air, only a half-meter away from the lion's head, Lucas stabbed the animal's forehead hitting its brain. Then with a quick move, Lucas stabbed the animal's master to the chest. Both the lion and the master fell to the ground.

[Ding + 600 acc.u.mulated XP].

[Swordsmanship level 9 (22500/25000)].

Lucas looked to the ground, from the 23 and animal, 10 are already dead while 13 are wounded badly, Lucas didn't feel that bad, it is not because he felt like a self-righteous hero, but it is because he felt like he threw the trash, however, he didn't finish those 13 who are wounded badly, however, they would die anyway from the blood lose.

" Not bad, my consciousness is barely tickling me this time" Lucas shook his head and continued to walk in his way toward their boss.

1200 meters away, standing in high platform. There was a group of pirates. In the middle, stood one pirate with a height of 196 cm, he had the captain hat, red rounded nose, blue hair and some tattoos on his face, he looked like a circus clown, on his back, he had the captain's cap.

"Captain Buggy, what happened " asked one of the pirates.

The buggy was standing and looking through a telescope, his hands were shaking. Originally he wanted to boost his reputation by defeating the bounty hunter, he was someone who had a devil's fruit ability that allows him to counter the attacks of even the strongest sword user in this world and get out unharmed, he had absolute confidence to defeat Lucas, but he never expected his men to be defeated like that.

"Damn it, guys, get the Buggy bomb" Buggy ordered his man while keeping his eye on Lucas. Buggy's man came along with a cannonball which had a clown drawing, he went to a near cannon and put the bomb inside.

"Shot" Buggy ordered and his man nodded, he lit up the cannon and then the cannonball flew toward the town that Lucas was in. The second the cannonball left the cannon and hit the first building on its way, it made a series of huge large scale explosions that contained its way to Lucas with high speed. This was a buggy ball that can destroy a town

"What," Lucas noticed a huge explosion coming toward his direction, it was going to swallow him and take his life, but because it happened fast and gave him a sense of danger, the adrenaline boost was activated automatically, it allowed Lucas to react earlier and faster. «stealth footwork», Lucas vanished to the thin air before he got hit by the bomb.


500 hundred meters away, Lucas appeared from the thin air, he turned his head to see the destruction in the spot where he was, most of that town got destroyed. Lucas looked there with wide-opened eyes, such an explosion would have ended his career if it hit him, this made Lucas clench his fist.

"Bastards" Lucas got pissed off, his eyes showed a flaming rage if it wasn't for the fact that his reaction speeds are beyond humanity he may be dead. Lucas is human, and when such a thing happens to him, he gets pissed off.



From a random building, Nami got out of the door while holding a huge bag that was full of gold. She heard the explosion from earlier and came out to see what happened.

"HAHAHA, with my devil fruit ability and my bombs, I'll conquer the grand line " Buggy was laughing, he thought that Lucas was dead.

"captain, look," a pirate said as he pointed with his finger.

"What…what!" Buggy turned his head to see what is going on, what he saw made him think that it was a ghost, he saw Lucas standing one hundred meters away, that is not right, he clearly saw him getting hit by that explosion.

"FERNANDO, I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU SURVIVED BUT THIS ONE WILL KILL YOU" Buggy quickly said, then he turned to his man and ordered him to charge another ball.

"bastard, I almost thought I will meet that supreme being again. " Lucas with an ugly expression on his face activated adrenaline boost making his speed, power, senses and brain speed three times fold.

Lucas jumped In the air and lifted his sword, with each time Lucas level up his sword, his sub-skills level up as well.

"wait, That Lucas " Nami saw how things are going and held her breath, luckily she is standing on the sides and not between them.

«Itoryu: Dragon cannon» Lucas waved his sword with all of his speed, a huge blue energy left his sword and made a dragon shape, the dragon was five times bigger than the time Lucas used it for the first time, the sword energy flew toward The platform where Buggy is still charging his ball and hit it.

*BAM* as the energy's dragon sword hit the platform, it made a strong shockwave that destroyed the platform along with some buildings behind it. The guys with Buggy were all dead and even Buggy's canon got crushed.

"Strong..." Nami hide behind a building, she saw it all and her eyes are still shaking.


[Ding, killing a weaklings crew with only a strong one +1700 XP]

[Swordsmanship + 400 acc.u.mulated XP]

"He is alive " Lucas heard the notifications, he now about Buggy's ability and know that cutting him wouldn't even kill him.

From the piles of the destroyed platform, some meat piles started flying in the air and gathering itself, who appeared was Buggy unharmed.

Buggy's head left his body and flew in the air "Fool, I have eaten Split-split fruit, You can't kill me "

Lucas was stunned, seeing the devil's fruit power with your own eyes gives a totally different feeling, however, Lucas still looking to Buggy with the same cold eyes " good then, I still have some anger left in me "

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