East blue. The early morning, There was a ship above the water.

On the ship's deck, Nami stood looking to a far shadow of The Conomi island which was her home. Her eyes were very red, she had been crying the last night and didn't sleep at all, she felt guilty for pushing Lucas off the ship and saying those vicious words to him, but this was for his best.

Other than grief, Nami had another feeling. After she experienced the pleasure of Lucas's s.e.x.u.a.l technique, her brain made another connection to Lucas, it was a bond stronger than the bond between a drug addict and the drugs.

"I wonder if he will forgive me " Nami realized that she can't imagine her life without him, so even if he hates her, she still needs him. After this is done, she will find him.

'I've done the right thing, at least there is hope as long as he is alive '

Inside the bas.e.m.e.nt, Lucas was on his bed sleeping, Last night he couldn't fall to sleep easily because he could hear Nami's tears, it made him feel sorry for her, but, she would laugh at this day in the future, So Lucas didn't bother to comfort her. Lucas opened his eyes, he turned his head to see through the window.

"Seems that we still in the sea, Guess more of a couple of hours…" Lucas fell to sleep again, he needs more hours or two, besides it would be useless if he stayed awake waiting for the ship to arrive at that island, so he slept again.

After one hour.

The ship finally reached the island. Nami would usually stop her ship next to Arlong's park, but since this ship holds very precious memories, she stops it in a hidden spot next to the beach.

Nami walked to a huge bag that was full of money and gold. She put it on her bag then she walked to the edge of the ship and landed on the beach like an agile cat.

Nami started walking, Today would be finally the day that she would set her village free. Crossing some hill, then some rice farm that was full of small lakes, then some village which was a bit of empty since everyone is working to gain to pay money for Arlong.

Nami finally reached her destination, she stood in front of a huge gate, behind the gates one can see the huge red mansion that was built in the Japanese style.

In front of the gates, two fish-men saw Nami, both of the fishmen were more than 2.5 meters tall, they had blue light skin, human shape except with some unique fish-type features. Both lowered their head to see the human who came and smirked

"Oh I see Nami came back"

"Hahaha, I see you have a huge bag this time"

"Arlong was wondering when will you come, but it seems you came earlier... How far are you from the 100,000,000"

The two fish men's words were annoying, however, Nami just gave them a cold glare and said:" Move away"

Then she walked between them and entered the park. Inside the park, and before the mansion, there was a large yard with a pool that was connected to the sea, around it, there were tens of Fishmen with different features from shark type to golden fish and so. All of the humanoid fishes were two meters and a half and more. And The weakest among them was stronger ten times than the average human.

Sitting on the chair, there was a humanoid with dark blue skin, sharp long nose like a sword and his mouth was full of sharp fangs. Obviously, he looked like a human and shark at the same time. He saw Nami and smiled.

"Nami, I see you are back, how was your hunt," Arlong said with a smirk.

The fishmen around him smirked as well. They enjoyed the way they slaved and tortured this girl from a young age, it made the hateful part for the humans inside them feel satisfied.

"Ah, It's good, I just hope you do your part of the deal" Nami replied with that cold tone.

"What! Do I understand from this that you have all of 100.000.000 million berries " Arlong said somehow shocked, he didn't expect things to go this fast?

To Arlong, Nami is a very important member of his crew. Since she was very young, she had incredible talent when it comes to navigation and drawing maps. After Arlong killed her mother and discovered her talent, he made a deal with her, she would work for him until she collects him one hundred million berries, then she and her village would be free. After that, He locked Nami in a chamber and forced her to draw maps day and night, some times he would allow her to sail so she cam steals the money from the Pirates.

But to Arlong, Nami talent worth more than a hundred million berries. His plan of conquering the east blue and make a country for fishmen depends mostly on her maps. He never intended to keep his promise to her. What he truly wanted is to keep her as a slave that draws maps until the day she dies.

"Yes, I have one hundred million berries and they are ready, " Nami said, she wasn't aware of Arlong's schemes, after all, she thought that he just wanted the money.

The fishmen around all made the shocked expression, they know that she is close to that amount of money but they never expected that she would collect it all.

Arlong calmed down as he looked to the bag next to her, she just came back which will give him time:" I see, Is it all cash because I won't accept gold"

Nami looked to him as she expected this:" You can cash it yourself "

"Well, I promised that as long as you bring me a hundred million berries, and by berries, I meant berries papers and not gold, so our deal isn't complete, "Arlong said with a smug face that annoyed Nami more.

"I understand " Nami held her bag and turned to leave, she won't allow Arlong to have any excuse to use. Nami left the park and walked between the villagers that didn't talk to her at all.

As she left, the fish-men turned to Arlong.

"Mister Arlong, are you really going to allow her to leave, " Someone asked.

Arlong made a large smiled that showed his shark teeth "Fool, She would be our slave until the day she dies. Now, Call captain Nezumi"

"Ah, I see. HAHAHA," The fish-men understood and started laughing. Before Nami would have even a chance to cash her money she would lose it and would have to restart over.

Captain Nezumi was a corrupted marine captain that was working with Arlong for money, he was the one who kept the navy away from chasing Arlong and did his dirty work.

Arlong took the den Mushi "Captain Nezumi, this is Arlong, I need you to do something for me… "

(in one piece there is a difference between the elite marines that trained in the headquarter and the marines in the weak seas, even with the same rank the difference in power is huge. mostly elites such T-bone and Smoker who trained in elites camps have terrifying power. Meanwhile, Mizu is a captain as well, but he trained in east blue and his strength isn't so far from a normal human)

Meanwhile, next to the beach inside the ship. Lucas was standing in front of a mirror and brushing his teeth, he wore his clothes, black pants, and shirt with a golden jacket. Lucas then used his hand to adjust his hair.

"Okay, ready to go" Lucas cracked some bones and left the ship, he has some deals with the fishes. Lucas walked on some road and crossed some farms. In his way, he turned his head and saw a village, the village was just a pile of destruction that was made by Arlong.

' even in the Pirates of the Caribbean part two, the fishmen weren't this bold' Lucas thought. This island is made of 20 villages, yet some fishes pirates slaved the human here.

Lucas continued his way until he reached a lively village where he can see a palace far from it. Lucas wanted to see how the villagers live here. He stopped by a near restaurant and entered, it was empty since no one would spend like to spend money. He went to a table and knocked on the table.

A short old lady came here running with fear:" Mister Fishman, I believe that I still have 10 days to pa... Oh young man don't scare me"

The old lady thought it was the fishmen at first, but it seems that is was just a young man.

"Ah, sorry about that, I want to order some milk with coffee," Lucas said.

"Oh, it will cost you 5000 berries, are you sure" The old lady didn't mind the money, but she didn't want him to lack money as well.

"Yes" Lucas throw her a paper of 5000 berries, then he put his legs on the table. The old lady just sighed and went to the kitchen and prepared what he wants.

After ten minutes Lucas was drinking his coffee while thinking of the plan and what will he do with Arlong. Meanwhile, two fish-men were passing by and saw Lucas, they immediately knew that he isn't a villager.

As Lucas was sitting in peace, he found himself surrounded by two huge humanoids. Since the restaurant door was open, some villagers came to see why the two fishermen are here.

"human, I see that you are new, so here some rules, first you have to pay a fee for coming here, " a fish-man said as he pats Lucas's arm. But Lucas spent the last night hearing his girl crying, so as he is now with the reason, he could feel that he has some personal grudge.

"F.u.c.k off" Lucas slapped the fishman's hand, Lucas can be considered stronger a bit more than three fishmen, so that slap hurt the Fishman's hand.

"Human, You dare" the other Fishman made a fist and hit toward Lucas's head. Lucas as a high-level boxer could feel his fist approaching, Lucas moved his head back a little allowing that fist to pass, then Lucas quickly took a spoon from the table. He used his other hand to hold the Fishman's fist and grabbed him closer to the table.

The Fishman suddenly found his face getting close to the table. As he got close enough, the blond youth grabbed him from the back his head and stabbed his eye with a spoon, and the spoon made its way to the brain.

[Ding killing a fish-man with a spoon +600 acc.u.mulated XP]

Lucas seems to realize that he got more XP, but his consciousness is fine since he didn't kill a human. The people outside held their mouth from the shock, someone killed a Fishman, and with a spoon, it was horrifying but satisfying at the same time.

The Fishman fall to the ground dead, his friend looked at him with a horrified expression. But to Lucas, it is a huge mistake to get distracted in a fight, even for a brief. Without wasting time, Lucas made a fist and punched the Fishman sending him flying to crush two tables.

[Ding defeating Fishman +300 XP,

Boxing +10 XP]

'Seems that the XP would be more if I used a spoon' Lucas took some green papers and put them on the table, then he walked out of the restaurant. The people made him a way to get out.

"wait, you have to hide" after few steps, Lucas was going to head out, but suddenly someone grabbed his colla

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