In some land where the small water lakes were everywhere, Lucas was standing in front of four fishmen. The four fishmen looked down at Lucas who was almost as tall as their legs. They gave him killing gaze as all of them had a personal grudge with him, after all, he was the one who killed two of their friends with a spoon.

The one with light pink skin, six arms octopus features, and six swords hanging on his back, the total weight of his swords was about 2 tons, yet it didn't affect his speed and didn't seem to bother him. He stepped forward and said with an angry face:" Human, we shall make you pay for what you did to our friends "

"Oh really, You and what army" Lucas looked to the octopus man with a smug face, earlier, when he followed the fishmen from behind, he knocked them off silently and stored them inside his system's storage.

As for these four who left, Lucas felt that they aren't simply just simple to be just 10 times stronger than a human and they need extra force to knock them which would expose him. But doesn't matter, he can fight with more ease now.

Arlong turned his head along with his officers. Their face's expressions changed to shock. Earlier, they came with 30 Fishman pirate, yet, now, all of them had vanished like that. It can't be that they escaped from the battle, this makes no sense.

"Huh, where did they go," The octopus-like asked as he didn't saw his friends.

Arlong turned his head, unlike his octopus friend, he can use his brain "Wait for Hachi, we were together just 15 minutes ago, there is no way they would sneak under our eyes"

The other fishmen seemed to understand what arlong is trying to say except for the octopus Hachi

"Oh Oh. Then how they did vanish" Hachi asked curiously.

"It must be this blondie... " The other one with white shark features and black karate belt said.

'they think I would wait' Lucas frowned, does this fish have the confidence to talk over while he is standing in front of them.

Lucas lifted his sword and waved in the air casually, small sword energy made an arc shape and flew toward the fishmen center.

The fishmen had very good senses. Hachi reacted quickly. He jumped to face the compressed air blade, he quickly took his six swords and countered the energy sword. Even though he wasn't a sword master, his swordsmanship wasn't that bad, combined with his physical strength, he can be considered very good.

He used two swords to block the compressed air blade. he got pushed back a step so he used four swords and cut the compressed air blade making a metal clash, however, there was a scratch on the swords.

Lucas waved his sword multiple times and some wind blades flew toward the octopus. Hachi after tasting the strength of the first blade used six swords to block the energy blades.

"Seems that human is hasty to die" The Fishman with smooth blond hair, muscled body and thick lips. He put his thick lips on some water lake and sucked it with monstrous speed. He stood up and aimed at Lucas.


From the mouth, like a garlic gun, water balls flew like bullets toward Lucas, those water bullets were strong as the real bullets and even faster.

Lucas quickly reacted and used Stealth footwork. He vanished to the thin air and appeared at another point.

Arlong as a shark who has super speed under the water and a fighter from the grand line found this speed surprising, but his senes should be able to keep with it since he is super fast under the water. It seems that this Lucas isn't just a pretty face after all. But so what, he is a mere human. The other fishmen had the same reaction as well.

"Chew, shoot at a large scale, even if he didn't stop keep shooting, "Arlong said as he looked to Lucas with a sharp gaze.

[Stealth footwork + 150 XP (19950/25,000)]

Lucas noticed the notification. Usually, when using this footwork he would gain 5-15 XP, but it seems that when he dodged those water bullets.

*Pff Pff * Lucas again saw tens of water bullets flying toward him, and again he dodged, but this time he didn't appear far and allowed Chew to aim at him properly and shoot faster. Lucas would use this as an opportunity to level up his skill. And So chew kept shooting for a few minutes and Lucas was gaining XP.

"Hachi, shoot your ink in the corners. " arlong said.

Hachi nodded and opened his mouth widely, like an octopus, he has the ability to release a huge amount of ink. Hatchi opened his mouth and shoot a black ink that covered the surrounding. If Lucas walked on the ink, then he would fall miserably.

Lucas appeared in the air above the ink as he jumped and landed near a group of rocks. He was 20 meters away from them.

[Stealth footwork +200 XP (25.000/25.000]

[Stealth footwork up to level 10 (0/30.000)]

[Stealth footwork level 10

+ The ability to run above the water

+ 20% speed]

Lucas didn't bother with the notification now. He saw chew absorbing a huge amount of water, it seems that he is going to shoot a huge bullet. But would Lucas allow the fishmen to control the battle? Hell no.

Lucas picked up a rock from the ground, then the rock was big as his fist "Rock bullets are more potent than the water".

Lucas aimed well at chew he still absorbing the water, he threw it at Chew. The rock flew very fast and the moment chew lifted his head, Chew's face got broken and he fell to the ground.

[Defeating Chew +2000 acc.u.mulated XP]

"CHEEW" Hachi yelled.

"Hahaha " Lucas laughed as the thought of something. CHEWW. This yell made him remember the fist of the north star, good reference:" It made me look I'm Souther "

The fishmen looked at chew with shock, he was now at a state between life and death and it was caused by a human.

Lucas threw another rock, it was aimed at the one who had huge elbows, light white skin and shark eyes, he was wearing kimono and black belt, he was known.

"Kuroobi, be careful "

Kuroobi made a fist and punched that rock turned it to dust. He looked to Lucas with his shark eyes and jumped a big jump. He landed in front of Lucas and took a karate pose.

"Kuroobi, let him alive, I have things to do with him " Arlong crossed his arms.

"Don't worry Arlong, I'll kick him using Fishman karate? " Kuroobi said as he glared at Lucas.

"Fishman Karate... Mm," Lucas made a face that day he heard of it somewhere.

Kuroobi pointed to himself proudly "I have the black belt, the 40th level, are you afraid"

"Mmm. I heard of it. I heard that a human girl is using it, Did a mermaid invent this art" Lucas put his sword back in his belt, then he took a boxing pose.

Kuroobi got provoked, Lucas words are clear, your Fishman karate isn't manly at all. It was a racist insult. Ant martial artists can handle an insult direct to oneself but not to his art.

Kuroobi squatted and took his pose, he put his fist close to his waist while he put his other hand next to his eyes aiming at Lucas.

"Float like a butterfly" the usual pose where his left foot was in lead along with his left fist. Lucas stood straight and let his fists fall down, if anyone saw this they would think it a defenseless stand. But in the earth, it is quite famous. Lucas started jumping slightly.

Kuroobi suddenly dashed with amazing speed and appeared in instant next Lucas. Kuroobi sent his fist toward Lucas's head, but Lucas jumped back slightly and bent his back avoiding that punch, then using some ring footwork, he was able to turn around Kuroobi.

Kuroobi felt frustrated, he yelled 'fishmen karate' and kicked again, but Lucas kept bending his back and moving his head while floating back. Kuroobi couldn't touch him at all, be it kick or a punch. Even Lucas was taking a defenseless pose, his footwork helped him to avoid all the attacks.

Kuroobi got more close to Lucas and punched, but this time, Lucas was able to dodge it without moving back. Before Kuroobi could take his fist back.

Lucas got closer to him and punched with his left arm using «Bullet jab». His fist vanished and his hand hit Kuroobi stomach. "Sting like a bee "

Since Bullet Jab was a technique that concert all of Lucas's mass and strength in one point which was his hand, his jab was heavier than a cannonball and faster than a bullet.

Kuroobi despite having a strong body, when he got that punch on his stomach, he felt all of his internal organs and bones being broken. Kuroobi vomited and knelt down on his knee. His body was itching in pain. If it wasn't for the fact that he is a strong Fishman, he would've been already dead.

When Kuroobi who was 2,5 meters tall knelt down, Lucas used this as a chance to knock him off with his right hand, Kuroobi face got broke and he fell down.

[Defeating Kuroobi +7000 acc.u.mulated XP]

[Boxing +5000 XP (9000/25000)]

[Ding, Dripping Manual of Karate fishmen: Part one of four]

Lucas saw the notification. But he didn't really care about Fishman karate. His boxing is at a high level and he would prefer to level it up since it seems at a higher level than Kuroobi's

He doesn't want to waste time and XP to lean a new martial art from the start while he has already a strong fighting style.

Maybe he would learn a few useful techniques and try to fuse it with boxing. As for the rest of the manual, maybe he would give it to his girls after unlocking some potential.

Arlong, after seeing Kuroobi fall, got angry, yet he was very calm, he analyzed Lucas's strength and fighting style so he should be able to deal with him easily.

"KUROOBI " Hachi on the other side couldn't keep calm when he saw his friend like this. He held his six swords and dashed toward Lucas.

Lucas saw him and quickly withdrew his sword.

Even though Hachi was slightly stronger when it comes to the physical body he wasn't a master. Lucas was in the realm of master and had all of his techniques taught with the system, so he was in advantage.

Hachi jumped in high in the air and lifted his six swords, then he headed toward Lucas. Lucas put his left hand behind his back and lifted his sword with right pointing to heaven.

When Hachi got close enough to Lucas. Lucas's face suddenly showed a stunned expression as he saw something scary, he slowly turned his head to the right.

Seeing this Look on Lucas, Hachi couldn't hold his curiously and turned his face as well to see what stunned Lucas, at the moment he turned his face, Lucas jumped in the air and appeared a half meter next Hachi. Lucas rapier moved and stabbed him in the chest.


Hachi didn't see anything as he turned his head, but he felt huge pain coming from his chest. As his feet touched the ground, he saw Lucas rapier inside his chest and blood was flowing out of it. In the next second. Lucas took his rapier and stabbed him more five times.

"and this why men surpass fishes," Lucas said before Hachi fall to the ground. He could defeat him in some moves if he wanted, but why would he bother to lose energy when he simply could end it in one move.

[Ding defeating Hachan +10.000 acc.u.mulated XP

Swordsmanship +300 Xp (24.999/25.000)]

Arlong started walking toward Lucas Calmly, his shark teeth shone as he revealed his killing intent. He wasn't worried about Hachi since he had three hearts as any octopus.

"The fool Octopus fell down, the fish with thick lips that only know to sit fell as well. the same for that karate kid "as well Lucas lifted his head and smirked, then he looked to Arlong:" You are next, Arlong "

"Bastard Lowly human " Arlong said as his eyes turned red.

Lucas chuckled "Heh, apparently there is a heaven, then earth, then sea down, Logically you are only a Lowly fish that grew some legs and came to east blue because she was scared from humans there"

Arlong rage reached a whole another level:" I will beat you, No, I will cook you alive than I will throw you to the dogs to eat"

Hearing the insults from Arlong, Lucas didn't react and just shook his head:" I seem that only your race has this low level of insults. Huh. guess it is pointless to argue with a fish"

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