The night passed smoothly and Lucas was able to bring peace between the two sisters again.

At night, Lucas managed to convince the two to have a threesome. After that, Lucas got a new skill.

[Skill: The D.

The ability so simulates various parts of the body bringing joy and increase the orgasm to both parties, The doer and the receiver. The higher the level, the better.

once the partner gets stimulated by the skill, she would be attached to that D alone and won't think about others.

This skill isn't bound by s.e.x (An: lame joke ) .]

"Oh. seems that if I had one more nightstand with a married woman, then she won't give her husband any action" Lucas was talking with the good part inside him, and the good part inside him said it is okay if she was happy with her husband she wouldn't cheat anyway so you are helping her.

In the morning, Lucas decided to sail back to his home, his cousin has a good gym so he would stay there. Since he isn't going on an adventure or a fight, he didn't mind if any girl decided to come with him or not.

Nami decided to follow him, she wanted to experience the life of the sea without being a thief. And to follow her childhood dream which was to draw a map for the world. She may as well join the navy since her adoptive mother was a soldier. As for Nojiko, she decided to stay since the fishmen public trial is soon and she has to witness it.

Lucas didn't care that much. And decided that he would unlock Nami's potential and teach her something after checking her potential. Lucas doubted that there are some skills that can't be used by others even if he taught them. He needs to meet Kaya to make sure.

As for Nojiko, he decided to see that later if he has the time. After all, he knew her for one day and they slept only twice. Lucas would be lying if he said that she is the same as the other women. Long term relationsh.i.p.s must be built slowly.

"Are you leaving now "

Nojiko was standing on the door looking to Lucas and Nami who won't attend the trial. She wanted to come along, but her hatred for the fishmen is just too strong and she won't waste the chance to see them executed or she will regret her whole life.

"Yes... I have some people that are waiting for my home" Lucas said while looking to the sky.

Nojiko and Nami looked to each other eyes and nodded behind Lucas's back. Who knows what this pair of sisters is thinking of. Maybe, Lucas is just a teen so it should be easy to keep him on aside. Besides he has a good temper as it seems.

Before Lucas leaves, Nojiko took five minutes of his time to kiss him passionately.

"Lucas let's go" Nami lifted a small sack of money that holds 20 million, as for the rest it was buried under her house. She was ready to leave wondering who is that rich girl and the other girls that Lucas is with. Maybe he would leave her after having a billion now, right. Lucas then took a hidden route since he wanted to avoid the villagers, Then he took his way to the sea.

"Aren't we going to take a ship?" Nami asked as they were alone on the beach.

Lucas just nodded, in his last battle against the fishmen, his stealth footwork has been upgraded, his speed increased by 20% and he gained the ability to run above the water. and Lucas is confident about his stamina that he should be able to reach the other village. So this is the fastest way to travel for him. Kuro was already able to cross 50-100 meters in one second using the flawed version of Stealth footwork, maybe more in his peak. But to Lucas who is in level 10 and already had a strong physique. He can cross 350-450 meters in one second and without making a sound. And his speed will increase when he increases his legs' strength, or if he used adrenaline boost.

"Then how are we going" Nami couldn't help but to ask.

"I'll hold you and run, this way we will not take a long time"

"You are kidding? Right" she looked at him in the face waiting to say 'I'm joking'

"no, Anyway, how is the weather today"

Said as he lifted her between his arms.

Nami blushed a bit and said, "Actually, it is good and the sea is calm".

"Okay, hold on" Lucas took a deep breath. Then he activated the Stealth footwork and vanished in the thin air. Above the water, from a brief to a brief, a foot mark would appear and vanish. A faint screaming sound could be heard. To Lucas, he could see well as his senses already got used to this footwork. But to Nami it was different case everything was blurry and the winds were strong. She could only see Lucas but not other things. And after a few minutes, she put her head on Lucas's chest.

" I wonder what will happens if I used Adrenaline boost," Lucas thought in himself and activated adrenalin boost and eventually Nami lost consciousness and slept. Whenever Lucas finds an island, he would take a small break and eat something sweet before continuing his journey.

Finally, after some hours. Lucas reached his first destination. He stood on the beach, climbed the cliff then he crossed a small forest, and eventually he reached a village that was built on a hill. " Okay Nami, you can open your eyes". Nami who is still hugging Lucas with her head buried in his chest finally opened her eyes and woke up, she took some deep breaths, then she stood on her feet that felt somehow weak.

Nami saw the Village that had a big sign in the entrance "Syrup village". Above the hill, there was a luxurious and big Mansion. So there where that girl is living. 'humph, she must be a spoiled brat'.

Lucas was a bit tired from traveling, so he took Nami to some tavern and ordered some sugary drinks to recover his energy. After that, he got out and walked to that mansion and Nami followed from behind.

Lucas reached the gates and some guards saw him and exchanged few words with him. After all, all of them drunk once in the bar so their relationship is good. They noticed Nami behind him but didn't say much as they thought that she is just a friend.

"Shall I inform young mistress?" a guard said.

"No need" Lucas walked forward two steps, took a deep breath and yelled. "KAYA"

One minute later.

From the gates of the mansion. A slender girl with a height of 169 cm could be seen running out. She had pale white jade flawless skin, brown big eyes. She was wearing some light blue Rob that covered her legs, however, her running speed was quite fast.

"Lucas". Kaya reached Lucas and jumped on Him. Lucas opened his arms and hugged her:" Kaya, I missed you".

"I missed you more" Kaya buried her head on his chest. Lucas pats the back of her head and kissed her forehead.

Nami on the side, after seeing Kaya felt some jealousy rising inside her head. It was her possessive instinct that is telling her that. But she kept calm. ' Lucas wouldn't forget me because of her right'.

While having her hands holding Lucas's. Kaya turned her head and saw Nami. She looked at her with her big eyes, smiled and didn't have many ideas:" Lucas, who is your guest".

Lucas smiled: "Let's say another girlfriend, you can call it sister".

Kaya, hearing his answer, looked to his face with an opened jaw, some feelings roused in her heart, she felt her legs were shaking. "you don't love me do you". Tears were about to fall

Lucas saw her reaction. Unlike the other girls, she is more sensitive and kindhearted. Lucas has a soft spot for her so he couldn't handle seeing her act like that. He put his hand on the back of her head and tried to calm her emotions with his skill. He didn't want to use l.u.s.t on her yet

"Of course I love you, but In nature…." And so, Lucas kept bullshiting here and used the nature excuse. Besides, she has to focus on her relationship with him and not them. And since the natural thing is true, it was very convincing.

Kaya looked at him trying to progress his words, luckily, being calm helped her to understand and listen. And his that his hands are keeping her from exploding emotionally. Lucas let his mouth go near her ear:" I love you most. Just don't think about the other girls. You are the queen" then Lucas let his hand back.

After taking his hands back, Kaya clenched her little fists and took a deep breath. It took her some minutes to keep calm. Fine, he is dumb but I still love him, he is two years younger so I can blame who raised him. Kaya remembered the days they spent together and the pleasure from the touches and s.e.x.u.a.l techniques, and of course, his cooking is enough to keep shut. I will just ignore. I'm with him not them. Besides, in her life, other than the Village kids, Kuro, Usopp, she didn't have another friend so it doesn't sound bad.

Kaya closed her eyes and smiled at Lucas:" Fine. But if you are thinking you will get easy

"I can massage you, my touches can make you relax "

"my meals too "

"haha, fine. Whatever you like me to do. I will dot you " Lucas put his hand on her hair and kept patting her which made Kaya close her eyes to enjoy the petting.

Nami rolled her eyed seeing all that drama "Spare me please ".

Lucas put his hands on her waist and grabbed her closer: "Anyway, tell me how was your training."

"It's…my fault "Hearing him Kaya looked to him: "I could do that footwork with hard to second, but that boost thing I couldn't do it. However, I can manage my papers now"

From the day Lucas left, Kaya kept training on what he taught her, and she couldn't master that one skill. But for that footwork, she could do it with hard. It was really exhausting at first. But using the recipes Lucas left, she was able to recover faster and her physique could improve very much in a short time. But too bad, even those meals were tasty. They weren't at the same level that Lucas's cooking.

when he unlocked her potential. She could understand things faster. Her management improved at a good rate since Lucas taught her that. As for medicine, her original field, she found that she started to understand everything she read and remember it after once from reading it.

'As I expected 'Lucas thought. In order to use adrenaline boost, Lucas would have to remember the feeling he got the day he died at. Apparently, there are skills that can only be used by himself and some can be shared. Also, what he can teach is limited, guess that he should give his wives things that work with them better" it's okay, you are made me proud "

"Someone shoot me please" Nami commented as her lips twisted. But other than the guards, no one paid attention.

"Lucas, you have massage my legs, they are numb from running " Kaya tried to act spoiled while giving him a hidden letter.

"Sure " Lucas smiled and pat her head.

Kaya went to Nami, she forced a smile and tried to act friendly " You could come in, I hope we can get along "

"Just do your business and I'll do mine, spoiled brat that "Nami's eyes were bit sleepy, she didn't shake her hands and walked few steps forward. She didn't want to be friendly with a competitor that has wealth, beauty, and even get dot by her man. She felt more jealous of her.

"Kaya... " Lucas knows that Kaya is a bit too kindhearted, and her feelings are bit soft.

Kaya just smiled and turned to Lucas after hearing his concerning tone, she forced a laugh " hahaha, it's okay, I love jokes " Kaya kept laughing weirdly. "She said I'm a spoiled brat. hahaha," and tears began to flow. For years she has been sick om the bed, lost her parents, her BFF sailed to the sea. and even someone who she considered a family was a pirate after her wealth. Now, when everything started to become better, she is being treated this way.

"I just tried to act friendly. Sniff " Kaya was trying to hold her tears, but she couldn't keep her self calm started to cry with tears streaming down.

"Don't take her words seriously, it's just she is not in good mood" Lucas went to Kaya and held her in his embrace, he was a bit pissed at Nami and glared at her, maybe brining you was a mistake. Nami was fazed by the glare, this is the first time she sees him angry. Even after Arlong events, she didn't see such a look. She thought that he is the careless type that doesn't take things to the heart.

She lowered her head as she realized that she may really piss him off. Okay, she isn't the only one so she may do something that harms her relation. And who knows what her life would be after that. Damn that girl and her crocodile tears: "Lucas, wait. It's my fault I'm… "

"It's not me who you should apologize for to.. "Lucas kept keeping massaging the back Kaya's neck. She slowly calmed her self down as she felt the negative emotions leave.

Nami opened her eyes widely. No way, but Lucas's glare didn't change which made her heart accelerating. ' Damn it ', she closed her eyes and took a deep breath "I'm. S... Ss. Ssss. Ssssso" the word simply couldn't leave her mouth

"It's only four letters," Lucas said, he doesn't like it when someone acts this way.

"Sorry. I was just in a bad mood"

Lucas then nodded whish made Nami sigh in relief.

Hearing the apology. Kaya cleared her eyes, but she still sad, and she has a bad impression on Nami. : "Humph. Let's go inside " She turned to Lucas and grabbed his hand.

"Same room, "Lucas said.

"Yes, hun" Kaya replied.

"where am I staying " Nami was walking on Lucas's other side. Kaya is still sad how she was treated and said with a calm tone: "the mansion if full, there is only one room in the bas.e.m.e.nt. And no I won't share my room "

It's obviously a lie. She is rich, has many properties and lives alone with some butlers and guards insides. Anyone can tell that the mansion is very vast and has enough space...

"See Lucas, she is bullying me" Nami turned to Lucas.

But Lucas started to frown. Things aren't going to end.

"I'm not bullying you, there is a very big room in the bas.e.m.e.nt and I'm gentle enough to offer it to you. if you don't like it, sleep outside, if not for Lucas, I would ask the guards to throw you out" Kaya said as she turned her head holding Lucas' arm.

the guards didn't know what to do, obviously, their young mistress doesn't want them to do their job because of that lucky bastard.

" You what! " Nami and Kaya kept glaring at each other...


" I'm going to take a shower, Inform me when you are done, and please, no violence " Lucas frowned, even after taming the kitties, the kitties fight won't stop, even after massaging them they would fight again.

Lucas couldn't help but massage his own forehead.

'Calm down. It's better to the middle between them later. ', and eventually Lucas calmed down and almost slept in heaven from massaging his own head.

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