"You look handsome," The Pirate said with a malicious smile while playing with his dagger.

"Thanks for the complimenting" Lucas walked a bit to the side and put the sack that contained the fruits on the ground.

"I'm not complimenting you," the pirate said as he pointed his dagger at Lucas.

"then what do you want," Lucas asked, if this pirate had a gun he may feel something, but a knife, hell no.

"Just last week I sank the cleaning boy of my ship and I need someone to replace him, hmm, if you don't resist and come obediently with me, I'll be gentle enough when I train you," the Pirate said words with a meaning behind it.

"Sorry, Not interested in Bdsm with guys" Lucas felt insulted, how he fell to a cleaning boy in one day, even a shitty pirate wants to make him clean his ship.

And after giving a look to this pirate, his look isn't mighty like those people he had read on the manga, but he is more like the ordinary people from the streets. he was confident that this person isn't strong like the marines he saw training or even like his cousin who he saw her making a man-crush three walls with a punch.

"I'll do you anyway," The pirate said licking his knife.

"Oh really, then how about you come to me, master. " Lucas said devising the man with a small smile.

In his previous life, as a person who worked in the underground world, he had to face many dangers even if he was the delivery man, so, it made him learn how to fight.

One day, he met a boxing coach in an illegal boxing ring, after he gave the coach a discount on his expensive services, he managed to train in that ring with underground boxers.

"I'll make you scream like a bitch, tche tche the" the short pirate left his tche the laugh then he moved toward Lucas.

But as soon he got close enough, Lucas suddenly changed his pose as his left hand moved very fast and punched that pirate on his face, "Jab" and Lucas gave another two fast left punches on that shorty's nose.

[Boxing +30 xp]

The Pirate was taken by surprise and waved his dagger in an expected way toward Lucas's head.

However, the Dagger wasn't moving that fast.

'this feeling, just like That time' Lucas had found his current feeling familiar,

He felt it only a few times in a lifetime which made it hard to remember, however in one day, Luas experienced it three times, first when he had jumped through that high building, when James shot two bullets to his heart, and when he was falling down.

It was like the time was getting slower and slower. And now, he felt like he can recall that feeling whenever he wanted.

[Ding, New Skill add]

[Adrenaline boost lvl 1 exp (0/100)]

[adrenaline boost: improve the speed, brain speed, senses, strength and reaction speed by 70%]

Unbothered by the notification, Lucas bent his back down allowing that knife to cut a little bit of his hair, then he focused his force on his legs as he closed his right fist, he twisted his body up in a way that shifts his mass and energy from the lower part to his right hand.

"Uppercut" Lucas's fist moved fast and hit that pirate's chin sending him flying up a bit before he fell down on his back.

the strike on the Chin caused his mind to enter a state of dizziness.

Lucas knows that this is his chance, once this man gets up things would get hard, so he used his leg to kick the dagger away, then he jumped on him before using his fists to punch him many times on the face breaking a nose and few teeth.

[Ding, defeating ordinary pirate]

[+5 acc.u.mulated exp]

[acc.u.milated XP, can be used to level up skills, specialties, and other hidden functions]

[adrealing boost +20 exp (20/100)]

[boxing up to level 4]

After beating the pirate to an unconscious state, Lucas looked to the Notifications from the System, his Boxing has been upgraded from level 3 to level four, he didn't feel that his strength had increased, but more likely his prowess did.

He woke up and stood next to that Pirate body and started doing some punches while doing some basic footwork.

The notable thing was that his Jabs got faster while his footwork had become better than it used to be.

"what should I do with this pirate" Lucas looked at the Pirate thought of something,

He opened the system's storage, then he touched the Pirate and tried to move him to an empty slot.

[Ding, Storing conscious beings' action isn't available yet]

'conscious beings, I see' Lucas thought as he looked to the pirate who was pretending to be knocked out.

On the ground, That pirate was thinking of a way to catch Lucas off the guard after he knew that this teen knows how to fight, so he pretended to be unconscious until his mind would regain its balance, then he would use his other knife to catch with surprise.

but then, Lucas' foot hit his forehead and this time, he lost his consciousness for real.

"Okay, Let's repeat it" Lucas again, opened the system's storage, then he moved the pirate to an empty slot.


the pirate suddenly vanished from the sight. he appeared in a slot inside the System's storage, Lucas gave it a look and seems that he can see the statue of this pirate.

[object: pirate.

State :unconsious.

Attached stuff: Clothes-1900 berry- small map-Metal knife.]

[do you wish to take money y/n]


And next to the pirate in the storage, appeared around 1900 berries in an isolated slot.

With this, this Pirate can be turned to an exp cow, and with this cow, his boxing exp would raise a lot.

Lucas closed the system and looked down to see how things are going to continue.

He saw a small group of pirates running toward his direction, behind them there were young marine soldiers using the sword to chase after them.

It seems that when he was fighting that short pirate, the navy already took care of the pirates and their ship.

As for this group which was running toward Lucas's direction, they were the small group that escaped from the marines, and now they are trying to escape.

"Can't a man have some sleep?" Lucas said with a face that showed his urge to cry. Why can't those things happen on another day?

"Bastards" a feminine yell filled the air as a huge rock that was a house-sized flew and fell on the pirates.

*BaM* the rock crushed on the last group of Pirates and crushed them just like that.

'why I'm not surprised' Lucas thought to see what happened, it didn't take a brilliant mind to figure out that it was resulted by a human force.

"Too much to handle in one day" Lucas took a cigarette that he bought earlier and lit it up, after making a small smoke could he let a long sigh.

"and I was planning to stop smoking".

After a few moments, the Marines had come here.

"it had been a long time since I threw a rock with this size, Clean the mess" Calorina who is supposed to be was in the middle of the marines gave orders.

"Yes Captain"  The soldiers nodded and went to take the bodies that were under the rock.

Calorina walked jumped over the rock and walked a bit.

'Lucas' She saw Lucas picking up a food sack, then he walked while having a cigarette in his mouth.

'thank god nothing happened to him.. Wait... He is smoking'

"Calorina" Lucas noticed her coming to him so he greeted with a genuine smile.

*Slap* the cigarette left Lucas's left hand as it got a strong slap.

"Hey, that's hurt" Lucas looked to his hand that got a hard slap. He felt that it almost broke.

"So you are spending my money on cigarettes," Calorina said while giving him an angry glare.

"it fell from one of those pirates and I couldn't help but to be curious" Lucas understood her reason, after all, he was 15 years old and smoking is a bad habit that may ruin his life.

"Hmph, Like I would believe you" Calorina hand went inside his pockets and clothes as she was scanning for the cigarettes, but she couldn't find them since they were hidden in the storage.

"don't you smoke too" Lucas replied while he was enjoying her smooth hands scanning his body.

"my body is trained well so it doesn't harm me to smoke, on the other hand, you still in your growth period and your physique still weak " Calorina sighed after not finding anything, then she patted his arms : "anyway, are you okay, have you met with those pirates, and did you get hurt anywhere "

"Thanks for concerning, but I'm fine" Lucas replied, seeing such concern made him feel a bit warmer.

"you made me quite worry"

"I can help to relieve some stress if you come to my house" Lucas invited her in to continue the massage service.

"mmm, I'm busy so I can't come in" Calorina replied, even if she wanted him to massage her, she still has a lot of work to do, like sending the Pirates to jail and report to the main headquarter.

"too bad, and I thought that I can take my time with you" Lucas sighed.

"Any way would you consider moving out of your place," Calorina said, Lucas' house is located in a dangerous spot, if any pirate wave came or if any army decided to attack this kingdom, they would always pass by Lucas' house first.

But because it was the house that was left by his parents, he refused to leave it no matter how many times She tried to convince him to live with her parent, and his running thing made it hard to talk to him. And eventually, she forced him to have a job as a cleaner in the navy's place so he would stay away from this place.

"I will consider that later," Lucas said after a brief of thinking, he wanted to accept her offer and move away from here, but it wasn't a wise choice since that would go against his privacy to live with his uncle and aunt.

"well, that's a quite improvement here" Calorina got surprised after he said he would consider it, after all, he was stubborn when it comes to this topic.

"Anyway, I'm sleepy see you later," Lucas said.

"let me send someone with you" Calorina suggested as she sent another marine to guard him until he reaches his house, after all, who knows if there is a pirate hiding around.

Lucas didn't refuse and a bodyguard followed him until he reached his house.

Then Lucas entered his room, ate some food and prepared a bed for himself.

Later that night he opened the system and looked for auto cultivation function.

But because this wasn't a cultivation world, this function only worked on some skills that don't require actions or fights to get exp.

[adrenalin boost +5 exp]

[adrenalin boost +5exp]

And so, he went to his bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

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