Lucas was one of the few that took fighting beasts as a graduation test.

And he proved his strength by clearing the test in a time that will become a historical record. He also got a perfect score on the written test, which is something amazing.

Lucas is considered a rare genius, He is fruitless, too young, and already has Haki. He would be nos considered as an elite among elites.

To get his rank, he has to go to the headquarter. Only those with vice admiral rank and above has the authority to give him a proper rank.

When Lucas arrived at the HQ, he found himself guided to a room with some chairs and tables. On one of the sides of the table, there is one chair, while the opposite side had more chairs.

Lucas thought that someone would question him, otherwise, there would be no need for him to come here personally. He assumed that he should sit in the side with one chair and those who will question would seat on the opposite side.

After waiting for an hour, a full hour, three persons with doctor's outfit, two old men and one granny came inside the chamber with the purpose of finding Lucas's mental state.

The mental test was necessary after finding out that he was a bounty hunter.

Nowadays, there are a lot of strong people who join the marines, but from those strong people, there are some lunatics who enjoy killing for sake of killing, the marine doesn't want to nurture someone who may be a serial killer that will kill his mates one day.

Outside the doors. Stood a man with the coat of vice admiral, as anyone from the grand line, he was too tall, 251 cm, well built, with a flashy purple and white suit,

Hanging on his waist, there is a long sword, his gaze was sharp as any swords grandmaster, He had a thick black mustache and a shaved head with a ponytail.

*footsteps *

Another person was walking and passed by that chamber, seeing a vice-admiral standing, he stopped to see what happened.

The new man was 303 cm tall, with black hair that was covered by admiral's cape, he wore a red shirt that was full of flowers. his face was tanned, the special thing about his it, was the facial expression, it can ever rival James brown's facial expressions.

"Admiral Akainu" the man stood strafing looking to who came here.

"Momonga, what is going, " Akainu asked with a frown (best frown).

"We have an elite graduate recently, because the exceptional results he got, he already has high Swordsmanship and mastered the Haki at the age of 15, so I was informed to observe him carefully," Momonga said. Something like this rarely happened. Most of the recruits get their ranks directly after graduation, only a few were an exception, such as the current admirals and some vice admirals.

"Hmmm" Akainu made the second frown on his frowning face "Seems he is ready to fight out there, and here you are making some mental test "

"He is a previous bounty hunter with some pirate kills records, who joined recently, I have to make sure he isn't lunatic," Momonga said.

Akainu felt interesting after hearing pirates kill "bounty hunter, let's see him".


Back to Lucas.

The doctors sat down. All of them held some pens with some notebook to mark notes.

"I see you familiarized your self here, mister Lucas," the one in the middle said after seeing Lucas already sat down and took a relaxing sit.

Lucas nodded and didn't reply since it wasn't necessary.

"I'll be asking some questions, I hope you cooperate with us," the oldest one of them said.

"Then, please, go ahead," Lucas replied.

"During your childhood, you lost your parent in pirates attack, how did you feel then"

"is this relative to what we are doing now," Lucas asked back while looking to their faces with a crown, even though he doesn't know his biological parent, in this world, neither it affects him. He wondered what kind of person that ask such personal questions in an interview.

The doctors wrote some notes "The next one, how do you feel when you see a pirate flag or hear the word, pirate"

"Why would I bother to feel something about mentioning lowly" Lucas replied with a relaxed face.

He could feel someone outside the door, and he was pretty much strong, at least, Vice-admiral, or admiral.

Lucas closed his eyes, used future observation.

In Lucas's future vision, he stood up from his chair, then used Shave to appear in front of those standing out.

Future observation is over. Lucas opened his eyes, his body didn't move an inch either he walked to the door. He knew who are these people from their unique features, one with special hair cut, and one with the deepest frown in history.

"Good... Now, I heard you were a pirate hunter"


"according to our reports, you have killed a quite number of pirates, even some of them were killed by…" the one reading the papers made a questioning face " a spoon? Do you confirm that "

"those were fishes"

"after killing, would you feel some s.e.x.u.a.l pleasure or any kind of tickling feeling "

"hell No. Do I look like a serial killer to you " Lucas said. Even though he killed, tortured what he think a sc.u.m among sc.u.m for XP without blinking, he still has consciousness.

"Hmm. You killed only pirates, do you see nightmares about those who you killed"

"No," Lucas thought and honestly, he doesn't

"Do you remember how much you killed"

"no," Lucas said.

The answer was a bit shocking, even the old people in the navy would remember their first kills, even if it was a lowly pirate.

Also, their reports showed that Lucas killed less than 7, 3 of them were fish-men, how much weak is his memory to forget those.

"Why don't you remember "

Lucas replied with a relaxed tone " why would I remember hyperbolic garbage that does all the kind of crimes under the name of the self-claimed-freedom, honestly, If I killed only a one I wouldn't bother to remember him " believing Piracy is freedom, it's the same as a serial killer who believes that killing everyone he feels like to kill is okay since it is a form of freedom.

"Can't disagree with that" the two outside nodded.

And so the interrogation continued, Lucas kept getting more personal questions. Lucas answered them showing that he is like anyone with experience in this field.

After everything was done, Momonoga was hesitating about Lucas's case, but Akainu approved, he eas stamped the paper that contains Lucas's approval of joining the navy.

After some hour, Lucas got a contact to sign. The contact contained terms and laws that he must follow, and the duties he has to do.

Once he signs he would officially get his rank as a commodore which is 5th highest rank.

Lucas observed the contract carefully, it wasn't bad, he has to do his job, leading, capturing pirates and obeying the public rules such as avoiding killing the innocents and affecting the public order.

Lucas signed the contract, and from that moment he became commodore_Lucas.

Lucas got a group of a new set of clothes, a cap of the navy and a white long cape that has justice word on it. Other than the cape, Lucas was free to wear as he wants.

In the marine, anyone with the rank of officer and above isn't required to wear the formal. Lucas put the coat as a cape and nodded, it looked good on him, as for the cap, he put it in his storage since he didn't want it to cover his hair, maybe save it for a sunny day.

After that, Lucas was taken back to the camp so he can pick up his stuff and wait before he gets his official duties. As Lucas was going back on the ship, he looked to the mirror while thinking of someone

'I wonder what Calorina's reaction would be when she finds out that I'm one rank above her'.

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