Lucas successfully became a part of the Dojo that was located between a small village and a large forest.

The building of this Dojo was large enough to host more than a hundred students, as for the teacher, he was a previous sword master who roomed the sea, but since he became old, he came to this island and opened this Dojo for the young people to train in the sword way.

Lucas paid the learning fees, but since he was young and new to the sword way, he was sent to the apprentice class where most of the students in this class are 10-13 years old.

Lucas didn't reject this as he knew that with enough XP he would promote to a higher class, so he decided to focus on his training and listening to the courses of his teacher.

Now Lucas was sitting on a wooden plate with some kids and wearing a black training outfit as everyone else who's eyes were focusing on a man that was standing in front of everyone.

That man was the teacher, he had a long black hair, strong building, on his right hand, he was holding a long silver sword that was used to demonstrate his swordsmanship.

"a strong physical body and clear soul are the very basis for the swordsmanship path, the sword, and the wielder must be one....."

[+ Speciality : swordmanship level 1 (0/100)].

Lucas started gaining XP as he was listening to the boring lecture and watching that man demonstrating sword moves.

[swordmanship +80 Xp]

[swormandship +80 Xp]

[swordmanship up to level 2].

[Swordmanship +80 Xp]

Since the teacher was a true master, Lucas gained a lot of XP from hearing him alone, but unfortunately, this was an only apprentice class, otherwise, the XP amount would be even more than this.

Next everyone started the basic exercises like swinging the sword and the footwork.

As for Lucas, he found it very easy to swing the wooden sword since his swordsmanship is level 2 and near to 3, but his moves attracted the teacher's attention.

Next, was the sparring time, where every two students would fight in friendly combat with the wooden swords.

the teacher assigned for Lucas to spare with a 14 years old youth who was close to his age and height, but this youth have been training here for a year and a half and his skill is the best in this class.

the true reason for why the newbie is sparring with a senior here was because Lucas's movements from earlier attracted the teacher's eyes since it contained his very lecture's essence. 

And he, as a master, he had sharp eyes and by a single glance to Lucas, he could tell that he didn't start training from a long time ago, So he must have a natural talent with swords.

But in order to find out, he should fight against a worthy opponent and not a kid.

"Start" as soon the teacher said, the other teen lifted his sword fast and swung it down toward Lucas's head. 

However, Lucas didn't want to waste time here, so he activated his adrenaline boost lvl 5 making everything from his speed, strength,  senses brain speed and reaction speed increase by 110%, the other youth's sword becomes slower in Lucas's eyes.

Lucas quickly waved his sword and hit the other sword making it change its direction, then he took a quick step to the side and waved his sword to the other youth's neck.

"Stop," The teacher said stopping Lucas from taking a killer blow that may end that kid's career.


the other teen's sword hit the ground while Lucas's sword was on the other person's neck as he wasn't intending to kill him anyway.

Every one of the students who came to see this newbie against their senior fight was amazed to see how quick this fight ended with a result against their expectations. 

Lucas withdrew his wooden sword and put it on his shoulder, while the other kid was still in a shocked state.

[Swordmanship +30 Xp]

[Ding, defeating apprentice sword user.

+15 acc.u.mulated Xp]

The master of this Dojo came to Lucas"Your name is Lucas, right".


"Have you take any swordsmanship training before? " the teacher asked, he knew that Lucas should be one of the habitats of this Kingdom and this Dojo was the only one around, so it was weird that Lucas knew how to use a sword.

"You can say that I trained a bit " Lucas replied, he can't just say that he has a system that helps him achieving faster results.

"Can I know who taught you? " asked the teacher back.

"I trained using a stick and imaginary enemy, So I can say that I'm self-taught " Lucas replied with his poker face that can trick even the most experienced doctors, let alone this swordmaster.

The teacher smiled, if this true, then Lucas, must be a self-taught sword user which can show that he has a high natural talent "Your level and talent are both high for this Class, From tomorrow, You would start training with the a.d.u.l.ts, as for the rest of the day you can take as a rest.".

" then I would leave for now master Sai. "Lucas just nodded and got out while taking admiring looks from the other kids.

The next day, Lucas simply woke up at the Dawn time, he checked his state to see his adrenaline boost upgraded to level 6 which made the effects of this skill increase to 120%.

His break days would end soon, but he won't go back to the Navy headquarter since his job is to clean, and his pride didn't allow him to do so.

As for his hot cousin Calorina, he would visit her later.

"Now, as always " as usual, Lucas started to do his usual physical training which didn't exhaust him like the first day, then after doing some basic exercises, he started hitting some tree with his wooden sword to gain XP.

even though it was a little exp, he did it many times until his swordsmanship just broke through the third level.

[Swordmanship lvl 3 (1/400)]. 

And then Lucas went running to the Dojo, and today he would train in advanced class so he would gain more XP which means his swordsmanship would level up faster, and let's not forget that sword training will strength the body.

Lucas is only planning to stay here until his swordsmanship would reach the max level, then he would roam the world and continue until he will be in a level that would allow him to cut mountains.

After running some miles, he reached the Dojo then he entered the Advanced class, but this time, when Lucas looked around, he saw only the a.d.u.l.ts who were more than 17 years old.

After some time,  the Teacher came and stood as always, but this time he gave a more advanced lecture about the cutting skills, the movement, and sword techniques, and he demonstrated them all.

[Swordmanship + 50 Xp ]

[Swormaship +70 Xp ]

Lucas found himself gaining more XP than before, but still, as he advances in any skill he would need more experience to level up, which means he would need a longer time to level up or some big challenge.

Next, Was the training time, As usual, the Blond youth stood in a separated space, then he was just repeating the exercises, Like everyone else.

Even though that those movements are mastered by him rapidly, it still benefiting his body to repeat them. 

Next, he tried to spare with someone who was 20 years old, and he found it hard to fight against him without adrenaline boost, as this guy had been training for years while Lucas was training for a week.

But he still took the challenge and didn't use his boost so he can get more experience,

As the swords were hitting each other, Lucas was gaining more experience on his sword mastery, with each dodge, hit, and block, the XP was increasing.

[ Swordsmanship XP +5]

[ Swordsmanship Xp + 20 ]

[ Swordsmanship Xp + 17]


The fight between the two attracted the Other people's eyes, this newbie is keeping up despite his physical body is lacking, and it seems that his stamina is going to run out very soon.

As they were exchanging the Hits, Lucas heard the Notification.

[Swormanship up to level 4 (itoryu: can be used to multiply the XP for other sword styles)].

His training partner waved his sword to his shoulder,

' opening ' Lucas saw and opening and he bent down in the boxer style, then his hand clenched on his sword and he stabbed directly to his stomach.


Both of them stopped, Lucas sword was next to that guy's stomach while the other man had his sword far a bit from his neck which means that if this was a real battle, Lucas may win with some injuries.

[Ding, Defeating amateur swordsman.

+ 50 acc.u.mulated Xp]

With this, he should have 75 acc.u.mulated XP.

"Thanks for the sparring, if you had more stamina you would have the absolute advantage, " The other man said with a smile.

"Ah, " Lucas just nodded as he was sweating all around, he didn't expect that this combat would drain him this much. 


Lucas heard a yell and turned around to see someone fall to the ground, on the other side, there was a blonde woman who was wearing black robes.

She stood at 165 cm meter with a slender body and curvaceous waist, the belt that was tied around her waist showed how big is her butt, and her chest area was quite full.

As for her face, it was very pretty,  she had long golden hair with green eyes, with an elegant nose, her cheeks were quite full while her left cheek had a shallow dimple.

"Her name is Lilia, I heard that she had been training here for some years, but I advise you not to spare against her, I heard she had quite a bad mood," The Man next Lucas said as he saw him checking her from head to toe.

"Ah, Thanks for the warning"

And so the training was continued.

Lilia saw the handsome new guy looking at her from time to time, at first it was normal as every newbie would do the same, but after quite some time, his gazes became a bit hard to ignore.

Her eyes crossed with his eyes, but it didn't seem that he will take his eyes back, but actually, he left a small smile that formed slowly. However, she took her eyes back went back to her training.

By the sunset time, everyone was preparing to head back to their homes.

Lucas as he was leaving, found the blonde girl cutting his way out.

"Do you know me?" She asked a question while her face showed a need for that answer.

"No, I don't actually, but I think it's not too late to get to know each other " Lucas replied while looking to the sun that has yet to set.

'Good then ' She let a sigh in relief, then she looked at Lucas who has been staring at her for the last two hours " You have been staring at me earlier"

"Yes" Lucas didn't deny

"Are you pervert? " Lilia lifted her eyebrow and asked directly as most of the sword users have a quite straightforward character.

"Not really, I saw your sword skills and got amazed by them " Lucas replied with his poker face.

"I don't believe you, Do you think that smile had escaped from my eyes." Lilia was an attractive girl and she had quite experience with the gazes, even when her eyes crossed with his, he even gave a small smile, this isn't the reaction of who admires your skills.

"I just have an eye that admires the art, and if I looked to a girl who I admired her skills and pretty face it shouldn't make me pervert," Lucas said showing a bit disappointment in his face.

" Hmph, I can't disagree with one part," Lilia said leaving a small chuckle, this boy has a quite good tongue despite him being a little younger than her.

"Lucas Fernando by the way, " Lucas said, but he didn't extend his hand.

"Lilia, Just Lilia" Lilia replied not wanting to introduce her last name, and Lucas didn't push it further as she may have her own reasons.

"Anyway, as you can see, I'm a newbie in this Dojo" Lucas replied as he was going to some point but she cut his words.

"I know, you are quite famous" Lilia replied, as Lucas repetition as the young guy who skipped a class in one day reached everyone.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I was wondering if we can exchange some pointers," Lucas said.

"Some pointers, there are a lot of other seniors here that can help you," Lilia said with suspicion. 

"Well, it just that when I saw you sparing, I liked your style so I can't help but ask for your time" Lucas replied with a smile.

"You are looking down at me because I'm a woman who plays with the sword, aren't you " Lilia replied as her eyes got tight, she still remembers that when she started training everyone was looking down at her, and she didn't believe that this teen is different.

"And you think that I have this view because I'm a man, you are looking down at me, if you don't want then tell me and I wouldn't bother you again," Lucas said showing a bit sadness on his face as she wronged him, surely, this girl is a feminist.

".." Lilia was shocked by his words and how did be reversed the situation, after a brief, she let a small laugh:" hahaha, fine, I may give you some pointers from time to time"

"Oh Thank you, but May I know where do you live" Lucas sad expression slowly changed to a better expression as he is slowly getting close to her.

"I can't tell you about that, but we'll meet at the Dojo and we can discuss that later. " Lilia replied as she turned to leave, after all, she is sweaty and need to take a shower.

"Well, Hope that you would take care of me " Lucas after this, went back to his home running again.

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