Lucas was in some random house in the Rain Base city. The table in front of him contained 5 different snails, each plays an important role in streaming the meeting of the Baroque works.

Lucas had called the HQ. Utilizing a secret code, Lucas was able to take the time of an admiral, casting his own job and career on the line.

Who picked up his call was the fleet, Admiral, Sengoku, The one in control of the whole marines around this Earth.

Lucas was aiming over his rank by the conclusion of his career as a marine. But now, Lucas has to concentrate to make it into rear-admiral first.

To do that, he has to prove his role of saving Alabasta's people and expose Crocodile's schemes as he abused his position as a Warlord.

"This is the fleet admiral, report your emergency"

In the HQ, Sengoku was in his office trying to appreciate the moment of peace he had while chatting with his friend, Garp. But then, a commodore who is supposed to be recovering, has used a secret code to request meeting a higher up.

Unfortunately for Sengoku, all of the admirals were outside the HQ, and according to the code, the fleet-admiral has to pick up the call.

"Sir. This commodore Lucas. I request to use the Navy's line to stream a sound, and video if possible"

"Video, what do you mean" Sengoku said.

"You would understand as soon as you see"

"Explain" Sen Goku replied, scratching his Afro hair with his nails.

"During my vacation, Ahem, recovery in Alabasta, I did some investigations on the Warlord and leader of the baroque works, Crocodile. What I reached was that he is planning to create a rebellion, and destroy a country, which is illegal to his authority. Now, Crocodile is doing a meeting with his organization to discuss that. Luckily. One of his agents is working for me, and she is streaming the meeting. You can watch it to confirm my claims"

Lucas's hand moved to one of the sails on the table. That snail, which is called DenDenMushi, had multi buttons that held numbers on its back. Lucas started to press those buttons in a specific order.

"Crocodile? And I thought he was a timid one" this was big and shocking matter. Sengoku has no alternative but to work quickly if this was true. Garp, seeing the ugly face of the fleet admiral, smiled and held his laugh so Lucas wouldn't be able to hear. He wanted to keep it as a surprise.

Suddenly. At the desk where Sengoku and Vice-admiral Garp are sitting, another snail started to ring. Sengoku picked up that snail and stood up " I guess I have no choice but to see it." He walked through his office's door and went in the direction of one room.

"Wait for me " Garp stood up and followed behind the fleet admiral.

Both of Sengoku and Garp went into a dark room, with multi chairs and a white wall. Sengoku placed the snail in the back of the room, then taping its head gently, the snail's eyes released a light that hit the wall directly. The end of the room became cinema's screen.

On the screen, appeared a table, some people, and most importantly, they could see the man with a long scar on his face, Crocodile.

Crocodile, not knowing he is being streamed, started to talk about his plans of attacking the royal palace, kidnapping the king, using the green powder publicly to bring rain to this country, which is a crime to use that power, then to cover that crime, Mister 2 will change his look to become of the king and order the soldiers to kill the people who witnessed that publicly. According to Crocodile, this will trigger the rebels and this country would become in chaos.

"Boss. Why the baroque works would care about the rebellion" To add fuel to fire, Mikita started to ask stupid questions to make Crocodile confess.

Crocodile looked at her with chilling eyes, making his face look cleared." What's that stupid question, did you forget what has this organization done all along to trigger this rebellion"

"Sorry boss, I have a weak memory," Mikita said in a tone that has no sorry.

Crocodile called her stupid, then he gave her a quick reminder of what all of the baroque works had done.

'What the...' Both of Sengoku and Garp saw this and started to shake from anger. Both of them were a believer in justice, even if their philosophy is different.

"Oy, Sengoku, the World Government doesn't really need Crocodile" Garp put his finger inside his nose.

"This is a bad thing. I need to call the five elders immediately."

Sengoku had to proceed as fast as possible. In his hands, there is clear evidence on Crocodile, so making him lose his butt as a warlord isn't a problem.

That Crocodile was a Logia devil fruit user and only can be fought by Haki's master, or another Logia devil fruit, there is another solution, which is to prepare soldiers with sea stone bullets. But alas, most of the marines that can use Haki are in the new world.

And those rear admirals and vice admirals in the HQ would need some time to arrive at Alabsata, and by then Crocodile would be done.

What should he do then?

"That smelly Brat has grown up," Garp said playing with his nose. It was quite some time since he saw Lucas.

"Wait. Garp, you stated once you were the one who taught that brat" Sengoku turned to Garp as his eyes lit up.

"Yes. I did "

"Can he use Haki"


"In any case, I didn't thank you for what have you done to Luffy," Garp said as he let a small smile.

"Don't mention that. Straight off, give me a second "

Sengoku went back to his bureau and took another DenDenMushi. The fleet admiral knows that Lucas was currently recovering. Merely it is already more than two weeks since he has been resting, and he should be recovered a bunch. Sengoku knows that Lucas's rank was given to him due to his forcefulness, and not achievements, so he should be able to handle Crocodile.

At first, he called Hina and ordered her to move her ship and Lucas's to Alabasta. Her crew must be ready for the orders at any instant.

Sengoku then called the other guy, who still left his DenDenMushi open.


Lucas was in that room, lying on the chair and setting his legs on the table while listening to the meeting.

He was now sure that Crocodile is f.u.c.k.i.e.d up right away. All Lucas has to do is wait until they announce that Crocodile is an official pirate without the World Government's protection.

"Lucas. Can you hear me? "

"I can hear you, " Lucas still in his place, resting on the chair while his legs on the table.

"How is your injury"

"Let's see, I met some special doctor, and I'm healed 100%"

"Listen, I need you to be ready at any minute for the orders. Do you hear me? Don't move on your own, You can only move when you get the orders"

"May I question why "

"We need to create an urgent meeting where we discuss the evidence you gave"

"Oy, Smelly Brat, You can on your own, you don't ask any permission " Garp yelled. Lucas frowned, hearing Garp's voice, it brought unwanted memories back.

"Hey Garp, are you trying to teach disorder" Sengoku replied to Garp.

" Don't worry, I'll wait for the orders?" Lucas stated. Even without permission, can suppress Crocodile with his second identity. As long as Lucas would get the credit, it doesn't matter to him if Zorro is the one who performed it or Lucas.

"Good" Sengoku cut the call quickly before Garp tries to say something to the kid.

"Hehe, If you think he would wait for the orders to proceed, then you are wrong," Garp said staring at Sengoku. If Lucas was truly the type of persons who would wait for the orders, then he would have asked for permission before starting his secret investigation.

"I don't have time to explain to an old man like you. At present, if you excuse me, there is a ton of work for me to do "Sengoku massaged his head. Right away, he has to call for an urgent meeting as well.


The meeting of Crocodile wasn't over as crocodile was explaining minor details. Lucas was still hearing that because he was bored and called for something to pass his time with.


Mikita was in her place, looking at Miss All Sunday who was smiling at her.

Miss All Sunday, earlier, used her Devil fruit flower-flower ability to check up the members of the Baroque works. Her devil fruit ability allows her to get a copy of any member of her body and make it appear somewhere else. Miss All Sunday noticed the DenDenMushi inside Mikita's pocket, yet she didn't say anything and simply smiled.

Miss All Sunday know about this form of snails and what it does. To stream this, someone must be close to their emplacement. She secretly closed her eyes and crossed her arms, attempting to find out who is spying on them.


Lucas was inside that small house, which was approximate to the Rain Dinners casino.

Suddenly. Lucas's Haki alerted him. He felt like there was something going to appear and spy on him. It was so low that it was hard to notice. If not for the fact that Lucas's observation Haki is at an advanced level, then he may not acknowledge that.

Lucas vanished very quickly.

On the spur of the moment, on his wall, a couple of eyes appeared, blinking. Along another wall, an ear appeared.

Lucas stood in the corner, in a blind spot where he can't be realized. But he experienced that the eye can see the snails on the table. "Hmm, Guess I'll mess with Robin a bit " Crossing his arms and frowning like Admiral Akainu, Lucas decided what will he do.

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