(Just note for anime followers.)

Zala's waist isn't that thin as they made it in the beginning of Alabasta's arc. In the manga, it's in logical size.when the animation budget increased, you can notice they fixed her body to fit the manga version.

But you know, lazy animation as TA trying to save both time and money in everyway (just like some websites).


Not so far from the royal palace of Alabasta, Mister Two was standing on the sands, 15 meters above him; Miss Valentine was floating using her umbrella and devil fruit's abilities. From her point of view, she could see the entire palace. According to Crocodile's plan, she would stay with mister Two and wait until both of Mister One and Miss Doublefinger finish kidnapping the King. Both of them would make a signal, and then Mikita would tell Mister 2 to move ahead.

"They took a quite long time "Mister 2 murmured.

Mikita smiled upon seeing Lucas appear on the roof while holding the sleeping Miss Doublefinger in his arm. Mikita saw Zorro looking to her direction waving at her. She nodded as she understood.

When seeing her comrade in his arms, she didn't feel jealous or any anger since Lucas had trained her not to be very jealous. She feels that being too possessive would make him slip away from her, which she didn't want to. Mikita didn't care, as long as he pleases her, she would be happy with whatever he asks. And she saw Lucas put her on the cold roof.

"Time to move" Mikita increased her weight a bit to land like a feather with the help of her umbrella.

"Did they send the signal?" When his feet touched the ground, Mister Two asked without looking at her.

"Kyahaha, I'm just taking a break "

"a break at this time? Go back to your place already "

Miss Valentine took a few steps to stand 10 meters away from him. She looked to his back and smirked. For her whole life, she never thought that she may have a chance against someone such as Mister Two. But now, after meeting her daddy, she felt like she can defeat the boss in a battle.

What gave her such confidence, was that after she started training with Lucas last 2 weeks, her battle prowess had increased dramatically. She mastered something called Haki, Iron mass, Shave, and Moonwalk. After Lucas used his teacher skill on her, he unlocked her deep potential and increased them, which not only increased her training speed, but her devil fruit's limits had increased. Now, she can increase her mass to 17.000 Kilos (17 tons). Just in two weeks of training, her limits increased from 10.000 kilos to 17.000 kilos, and she became the gym Lucas need.

"Oh, mister two" she called mister two with a playful tone. She always had a sadistic part within her and liked to play with her victims, even after Lucas warned not to act too c.o.c.ky that unless she has the absolute confidence in her victory.

"What is it "Mister Two felt some cold sweat upon down his butt when he heard her tone. You can't expect something good to come from her

"Kyahaha" She made a large grin when she reduced her weight to one kilo. She threw her umbrella and put her hand on her mouth to cover her large smile:" You don't need to worry yourself, you can retire now "

"Huh? " Mister Two's face made a questioning mark not understanding what she is saying.

Mikita covered her body with Iron mass which was now at the 10th level, then she used Shave level 7 while reducing her weight to the one kilo.


Mikita vanished from her place. She flew with her head like a spear toward Mister Two. When she got close, she increased her weight to the max amount.

Mister Two didn't even have the time for his brain to react to her speed. Before he could even know it, 17 tons already hit his chest with a super speed that surpasses the usual Shave user's speed by folds.


Mister 2's body couldn't handle the impact despite having a very strong physique. The impact broke the bones Mister 2 and shattered his flesh to an imaginable degree. His squeezed body reacted like the ant that was stepped on by some passing lady.

Mister Two's body flew back hundreds of meters and passing by the palace, landing somewhere far in the sands.

His body was in a state that would ruin the mood if one saw him. It was like he won't survive. The good thing is that he doesn't know what happened.

Mikita took her hat that fell and put it on her head.

"Opsi… I may have overdone it". She didn't feel sorry for Mister Two, as both of them were assassins.

"Now what excuse should I use" the thing was that Lucas asked her to leave some life in him. But she was just too excited for her first real fight and went all out.


Crocodile, with a black outfit, was in the capital inside a hotel.

Inside one luxurious room that was on the top of this building, he stood with Nico Robin, wearing a white full outfit with her hat. The atmosphere was full of silence. The two would rarely talk until there is something to talk about.

Robin was still. She kenned that the critical moment is coming. Crocodile, without a doubt, would kill her after she read the information that leads to the ancient weapon, and that information was written by an ancient language.

In this world, there is one person that can read the ancient language and undercover history, and that person was Robin, and that's why the World Government made her want from the time she was a child.

Crocodile was standing in front of the opened large window as his eyes were fixed on the far palace.

"some time has passed; prepare," Crocodile said to Robin.

"Shall we move, mister Crocodile?" said Robin who was standing to the corner of the chamber.

"We will wait for the signal" Crocodile replied.

"Waiting for that signal is useless, I advise you not to waste your time."

Answering Crocodile was a voice that came from the other corner of the room. Robin opened her jaw a bit. As for Crocodile, his face froze suddenly.

The voice was of a man, but it didn't belong to crocodile, and obviously, Robin was a woman.

Robin turned first to see a masked man wearing a black hat. He stood in the corner looking to the ground while holding a rapier. She immediately knew that he was the one who saved the princess, Vivi.

Her face froze as she took two steps back.

'wait, Miss Valentine was the one who distributes the information outside and the one who gave false reports. She must be working with Lucas who uses his tongue and this one. Also, he had appeared by the same time that shameless Lucas came at Alabasta. Is this a coincidence 'Robin looked at the masked guy and took two steps far while thinking about some possibilities, such if this guy is working with the marines? No, marines wouldn't bother themselves with a warlord like Crocodile.

"Who…"Crocodile was about to turn his head to see the voice's source. But then, on his body, a Z wound appeared on his chest and back, and he knew who, since this was the mark of the person who made his first plans fail.

Crocodile looked to his chest with a carefree expression as no blood got out. His wound morphed into sands before closing.

"I've been waiting to see you, Z mark" He turned his head to the new visitor. As Logia devil fruit user, Crocodile can turn his body into sands and control it, no kind of physical attacks can harm him. Little did he know that the guy didn't use Haki when he waved his sword?

"It's Zorro, and sorry about making you wait" Lucas replied with a smirk while supporting his back on the wall

"You will be sorry with your life"

Sands flew around Crocodile and filled the room. Since this guy appeared, he would kill him quickly.

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