02:00 in the morning.

In some corner in one of Alabasta's streets. Robin was facing Lucas, without a mask.

"Or should I call you by your name. Commodore Lucas" Robin had a teasing smile on her face.

Lucas smirked, it's not like there would be anything to gain after exposing his identity. If she is here to blackmail him, then she would learn her lesson even if she was his Waifu in the manga he read (2 years later version).

Zorro had already suppressed Crocodile and recorded the evidence on him. He did his purpose, and nothing would change if anyone knew about that identity. Zorro would rest in slumber until the world needs a hero to go against the World Government's laws, or when Lucas needs that.

Lucas smiled looking at her dark blue eyes "How is your ear, is it fine" His words had a hidden meaning behind them, only Lucas and Robin know it.

Robin felt blood rushes to her cheeks and her heartbeat was accelerating. For her luck, her skin was tanned so it could hide her blush. She forced a laugh and replied:" It's fine, but from your question, I can tell that you knew about my ability from the start and decided to exploit it for some sort of fantasy"

She remembered the day when she had an orgasm during the baroque works' meeting and how she masturbated while imagining his tongue licking her in different places. From that day, which was yesterday, Robin started to develop some kinky fantasies about Lucas's licking her. This was caused by the desires that came after tasting the pleasure life can offer.

Robin doesn't know if she would regret sending her ear or not.

"Hey, you were the one who decided to spy on me" Lucas rolled his eyes on her not believing how shameless she was. Even though he was the first one to spy on her group, he did it for living, not for spying.

"I didn't say I would mind though, but you have to take the responsibility "Robin decided to tease him more. He teased her and she is doing the same. She saw that he was quite young so she thought of no harm would follow that She knows that If he intended to do something to her, then he would already do what he did to the other agents of the baroque, and they wouldn't be talking here.

"you wouldn't mind… then tell me, what else you wouldn't mind me to do" Lucas asked back. Even if physically he is both younger and smaller a bit, he still has his experience from the earth as 29 years old youth from the underworld, and counting the year he lived in this world, he is 30 years old mentally, and she can't think she is the a.d.u.l.t one here.

"fufu… you are a naughty commodore. But, Alas, I can't tell you what else you can do "Robin giggled as she put her slender hand on her lips. She decided to stop as she doesn't want to enter teasing competition with him since his replies are getting more shameless with each reply.

"Mm, then what are you doing here," Lucas asked, he may flirt and mess around, but he knew that she wasn't here because she is interested in dating him or carrying his baby. Lucas thought a bit, she wasn't only beautiful and s.e.xy, but also, she has the ability to read the ancient language may come handy to Lucas one day. He may get some ancient weapon or may know some dark secrets about the World Government, which may help him in his path. But for that to happen, there should be some sort of trust.

"I would like to ask you for some help"

Robin's facial expression turned serious. She usually would avoid the marine and the world government. Those two symbols of supremacy and justice were the reason for her losing her homeland, killing her mother and everyone she loved.

Since she was the only survivor of the island that World Government destroyed, they had put 79 million berries as a bounty on her head, and she was just a child.

From then, a life full of fear and suffering started. She feared and hated both of the World Government and those who are absolute justice believers. However, she felt that Lucas was different, he was someone who doesn't follow the laws, neither someone who talks about justice with pride like the other marines.

Despite knowing that Crocodile is a Warlord and the law forbade him to interfere in the politics of the kingdoms, He wore a mask, protected Vivi and helped her to stop the rebels. That was a complete law-breaking action. this why he seemed to be a good last choice.

Robin needed protection. And after Crocodile's fall, she will be hunted again. She was tired of running away since she was a child. Her plan all along was to die with Crocodile, but things changed after Lucas/Zorro appeared in Alabasta, and she lived.

She felt that she has a chance with Lucas who would do what he likes.

He even used the help of Mikita who was a wanted as well. And Robin can't believe that Lucas knew Mikita from the start. Mikita was 22 years old, and Lucas is most likely to 16 this year. and by logic, If Lucas knew Mikita from a long time ago before she joins the Baroque works, then he would be at least 10 years old kid.

So he, as a marine, had a relation with a wanted like Mikita, which is the reason Robin decided to give him a try.

"Mm... Let me hear it at first "

"Since Crocodile is going to lose his warlord seat. I would like to request from you to let the marines stay away from me until I hide. And if possible, I want you to help me to stay somewhere hidden where no one can know about my existence."

"What makes you think I won't arrest you as well"

"Well, you could do already but you didn't"

"and why should I help you," Lucas asked. Her answer may decide if he will or not.

"Ahem… you have to take responsibility for what you have done to me" Robin coughed as she looked to the ground. She lifted her head a bit and looked to his eyed. "And I would be obedient and do what you will ask me. I may be very useful despite being wanted"

'Responsibility? Why is she talking like I made her pregnant?... Wait for a second, She is v.i.r.g.i.n, right' Lucas lifted his eyebrow. She didn't need to give such a difficult answer. If she said they may have a date then he wouldn't mind really.

Robin saw him checking her full thighs, then her curvy waist, then her big b.r.e.a.s.ts and finally her pretty face. She turned her face to the other side while pretending to be shy " what have you decided"

"Mm…thing like this would take time to decide, find Miss Valentine and stay with, the marine would come here in a few hours "

"thank you"

"I didn't say I've accepted "

"fufufu… I'm your responsibility, you have to do that " Robin would take advantage of whatever she has. She turned her body and said" see you later" before she walks and vanishes between the building.

Lucas followed her rounded big ass with his eyes to appreciate the motion her curvy hourglass body. Then Lucas turned and went back to his Villa.


6:00 in the morning.

The world government has officially announced that Crocodile is not a warlord any more. Now he became just a pirate with a bounty of 120 million berries.

Next to the seaport of Alabasta's capital, There are two navy warsh.i.p.s. One was with tag 'Hina', the other was without a tag since its owner thought it's a waste of time to write his name on a sail of a ship he won't stay in it for a long.


Men with guns started to land on the beach ready to receive the pirates at any moment. Both of those sh.i.p.s were full of elite units.

Usually, there would only be one woman within those units, who was the beauty known as Hina. But today was different. In this operation of arresting the members of the Baroque works. There are 4 women.

One was the pink-haired captain, Hina with her beautiful face and rich colours, and her big b.r.e.a.s.ts. She was walking with a cigarette in her mouth.

"one unit split and guard the seaports"

Next, was a beautiful black-haired woman who had a blonde beautiful swordswoman walking next to her. The two were the girls that Lucas met at the start of his journey, one was his cousin and the other was the girl he learned swordsmanship with.

"I wonder if Lucas is here," Lilia said as she was hugging her sword to her chest.

"Don't worry, we will find him" Calorina patted her shoulder.

"But you said he is relaxing here and pretending to be sick"

"We just have to find him before he makes love with more women and forgets about us "

Both of Calorina and Lilia looked to the woman above them, despite them having a great beauty that won't fall against anyone, even her. They couldn't but help but to feel jealous seeing how much smooth this woman's skin was, it made her prettier than she may even charm women as well.

She was two meters tall, holding an iron stick with spikes in her hand, she was beautiful to a degree to charm both of the genders.

Alvida graduated from the elites camp with Captain rank and came to work here.

She was floating in the sky as the air was sliding around her, while the marine didn't look at her out of fear losing their job.

Alvida, after awakening her devil fruit, had gained many new abilities about sliding, one of them was the ability to slide on the air and some few forces in nature such as air resistance and electricity. There are more powers that can be shown in the battle, after awakening, her devil fruit can change her environment and not only her body.

(Her devil fruit Japanese name mean both, Slide and Smooth, Also devil fruits that had awakened can affect the environment around the users)

(Paramecia type fruits after getting trained would give abilities beyond the logic, as long as those abilities are related to the devil fruit.

one of the Examples from the show is that magician who had Straw-Straw fruit, with his straw-staw fruit he could do bizarre things related to straw. such as making voodoo dolls and use voodoo magic).

Alvida was in the air flying and blushing while thinking about Lucas. She looked down to the two girls, then to the city in front.

"Since you did that, I will tease you until I'm dead bored, just wait "

Alvida made an evil smile thinking about Lucas. Lucas did not tell her about those two lovers. She can't live without him out of the love she has for him, and because of the D skill, massage skill, and kissing skill, which made her addicted to him.

But she can't allow this to pass without punishment, which would be some teasing and so.


Lucas, while relaxing in his villa with a cigarette in his hand, has got a call from the HQ, from the fleet admiral personally.

The fleet admiral asked him to start the operation of arresting Crocodile, where Lucas is supposed to sneak into the Rain Dinner, fight with Crocodile, and if there is no need to kill him then he can arrest him.

"Just 5 minutes "Lucas hanged the DenDenMushi (communication snail) after asking for time.

He lit up another cigarette and drunk some coffee he made.

After five minutes.

He called Sengoku again.

"Done already? "Sengoku didn't expect Lucas would really call after five minutes.

"Yep, It was a hard battle, but he was no match for me, you can now send the other marine units safely."

"Why do I feel that you arrested him a long time ago, but you moved just now" Sengoku frowned thinking that this kid is just like Garp and would play with orders.

"If you don't believe me, you can call the hotel in Alabasta's capital, they would tell you that Crocodile was just there a few hours ago," Lucas said.

"How did you know "

"I was resting in that hotel"

Lucas answer made Sengoku feel shocked. What a stroke of epic luck, Crocodile was staying where Lucas is staying; It was funny, if you looked from a different perspective, then Crocodile has delivered himself to the Navy. And that in just five minutes.

"Good Job, later there would be some reward for you "

"I'm always happy to serve the justice"

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