In some random kingdom in the Grand Line. There is a marine base led by three women. They were beautiful, young, and strong.

The three girls were known by their martial art, that allows them to control water and their extreme fast footwork which is perfect of assassination and fighting.

Those three, despite having average-sized bodies, they had a great physical strength that surpasses every other officer's strength in this base.

There was a rumor that says they are eating some kind of secret food. It allows their body to go stronger with each meal, and hasten the results of their growth. Many have tried to get their secret recipes but they ended up getting kicked.

The three also were kindhearted marine girls who always protected the innocents from the pirates.

First, Kaya, the blonde one, was the one with the kindest heart, and she hated to use violence. In fights, she would stay behind and only strike when it is necessary.

The second was the orange-haired, Nami. Despite being good in heart and a girl with conscious, she was the scariest one in the bass, all of the officers here fear her as their boss. If anyone made a mistake or got late, then they will pay a huge bill.

The third one was Nojiko with short blue hair. She was the most carefree and courageous one. In fights against pirates, she has no problem using violence to solve problems.

Nami, Nojiko and Kaya, because of their good performance over the last weeks, there was a chance for them to promote into captains. However, they had refused because that may get them away from following Lucas.


In the base they are leading, something unexpected had happened. Next to the entrance, there was a huge mountain made of pirates. This pile of bodies is worth more than 200 million berries. The one who delivered those didn't ask for money. Instead, he made a request to become a warlord, and those pirates are his tribute to the world government.

The three, as commanders on this base, heard this, and their duty was to deliver the message to the HQ. But as it was known, Warlords are previous pirates. After getting their position, doing crimes and piracy would become legal.

Kaya didn't want to involve and get in troubles, even though she hated the idea, she didn't want to involve, since she, once had a close friend who became a wanted pirate, and a butler who was a pirate.

But Nami and Nojiko were different. They hated pirates and despite them. They couldn't imagine if what the fishmen did to their home would become legal one day. The people would suffer and the people would be powerless against those legal criminals.

They didn't want to allow someone to become like this, not under their watch. Nami took the lead and decided to deal with who wants to become a legal pirate.

Nami saw that this guy doesn't have a bounty, yet, he could take all of the pirates to give them as a tribute, so he must have done and collected a larger wealth. So, she decided to milk him out of his money before kicking him out and telling him to find another job.


Lucas found himself in an awkward situation.

As he was trying to become a warlord, he met the three girls he left in east blue. It was a shocking and pleasant surprise to see that they came all the way for him. All of them has grown more feminine. They were still the same with more charm, more centimetres in their heights, chests, and butts.

The atmosphere was intense as Nami approached him with a scary cold look. She destroyed the stone table that was between them with one kick. Just to show how scary she can be.

Kaya had asked her to go easy on him, while Nojiko covered her face with her palm.

"Oy, masked blondie, are you the one who wants to become a warlord"

"Yes, I am"

Lucas played with his voice as much as he can. Those girls had spent a lot of time with him and they know even the most little details about him. Changing his voice a bit won't do the trick.

"Why are talking like this, Do you have Cancer, or is there something in your throat"

Kaya asked in a professional concern as she was a great doctor.

After Lucas unlocked her deep potentials, She had read almost every medical book in her village and the navy's library. With her photographic memory, she remembers each word that she read.

Lucas lowered his head and smiled. Even after joining the marine, Kaya is still the same person with the same old personality.

Nami frowned seeing Nojiko trying to hold her laugh. She lifted her leg and kicked the ground again, making some cracks appears. She wanted to scare him by showing strength.

"Oy blondie, If you know what is good for you, leave the money you have, then get out of my sight before I kick you out"

Lucas chuckled making Nami angrier as he wasn't taking her seriously.


Using [Stealth footwork] level 9, Nami vanished in thin air. In instant, she appeared behind Lucas. "Don't make me angry big boy, Or you will have to pay the price"


Lucas let a long sigh and gave her a bored look. From all of the bases he could choose to do his job, and he came to this one. "hehe.." Lucas chuckled.

"Close the Door, Nojiko, "Nami asked her sister.

Nojiko relaxed her shoulder and did as her little sister asked. If this blondie knows what good for him, then he would start taking things seriously. Warlord or not, with three of them having developed freshman karate and their physical strength, he has no chance.

"How much money do you have to make before you ever stop, " Lucas asked as he took his hat off.

"hahaha. Only if you know how much "

Hearing him, Kaya and Nojiko suddenly laughed. They spent a long time with Nami and knew her personality well. Despite her having more than a billion berries for herself, she never stopped gaining money.

When they ask her why she would say it is a matter of a principal.

"Shut up, taking money from a future legal pirate is legal as well "Nami was ready to fight, but then, Zorro took his mask off.

"Can't you just do your job" Lucas took his mask off revealing his face. Only because Nojiko closed the doors and no one was nearby, he did this.

"Lu... "The girls seemed to be surprised. It has been almost 2 months they didn't see him and he already changed this much. They wondered if they were dreaming since they missed him too much, and their application to join his crew are on hold.

Nami, Kaya and Nojiko suddenly had a tear dropped from their eyes. Each one of those had a story with him where their lives changed to better after meeting him. This was more than true the first two, their eyes were streaming by tears. All of them felt true love for him.

"Lucas… I've missed you " Nami suddenly jumped on him and gave him a warm strong hug that can kill a bear easily. Lucas smiled back and pat her head. Nami looked to his eyes then she kissed him on the mouth.

The other girls couldn't wait as well. They vanished from their places and appeared next to him.

"Lucas, you have grown up, I wonder what else did" Nojiko started by teasing. Her slender hand moved quickly and stopped on his crotch.

"I see, you too, Nojiko" Lucas saw that all of them had their b.r.e.a.s.ts got bigger, due to the kind of food he left for them to eat.

"I've grown too, Lucas "Kaya stood on the side. She held pale b.r.e.a.s.ts which grew up to E-Cup sized, just to show him.

"Hahaha, silly girls "Lucas laughed a bit.

"Hey Nami, let him, I want to hug him too "Kaya pulled Nami back from her collar since she is taking her favourite place. Since she started training first, she was the stronger of the three, so Nami was pulled up easily.

"Hey, I haven't got enough from him" Nami replied angrily as she was forced out of her claimed territory.

"Do you want to fight"

Soon, a battle between the tigresses was going to happen, if not for Lucas middling in. "Calm down girls, I've come here because of you, so there is no need to fight. Each one will get her chance "

Soon, the atmosphere calmed.

The girls brought some chairs and sat down next to Lucas.

They started to tell him about their journey, and how they came from East Blue to the Grand Line, and how they requested to join his ship, yet no answer.

Relying on that, Lucas said he was injured and only recovered lately, but as soon as he knew about them, he came to visit them personally. Otherwise, he could choose another base to achieve his goal. (An: Lucas is a dishonest man)

After talking for a bit, they asked him about his identity as a masked one, and why does he want to become a warlord. Lucas replied that, sometimes, the law doesn't allow him to do things, so he needed another identity. And becoming a warlord would mean avoiding future troubles.

Then without hesitation, Nami went to her office and passed his request to the HQ along with what he offered. After the small chat they had, Lucas promised the three to transfer them to his crew later, but that after he comes back from Impel Down since he has a duty to do.

Nami, Nojiko and Kaya could understand that he had a job too. things became full of silence, and what follows the silence can never be quiet.

"even if you have to go back tonight, you still have to do your duty as our man "Kaya claimed her right as she threw her body on Lucas.

"She is right, we still have time "Both of Nami and Nojiko nodded in acceptances.

After closing the doors firmly, so no sound can leave this room, the three of them approached him from different directions. They started to undress him and lick Lucas in different places. Kaya took the mouth to kiss, Nami unzipped his pants, she knelt and took his semi-hard d.i.c.k to her throat. As for Nojiko, she took his hands and placed them on her G-cup sized tits so he can play with the soft melon twins (grew because of the system chef's recipes).

Lucas felt some blood rushing to his crotch after being touched and kissed by them. That made him take his time to enjoy the moment where he had s.e.x with each one. It was no easy task to satisfy three girls at once, but luckily, he had hands, mouth, and the D to work at the same time.

After some hours, Lucas has satisfied the needs of his girls, and his needs were beyond satisfied. After ejaculating too much, Lucas felt both of his heart and mind are calm as the lake.

[Ding. The D level 7 ---> the D level 9]

"Alright girl, I have a work to do for now "

"We will wait for you "

"s.e.x with you feel better at each time, please don't let us frustrated"

"Don't worry, I've just to hand that Croco before I come back" Then Lucas left this island.

He called Lucci and hurried her to take him in his base's direction. As a commodore, not only he has two warsh.i.p.s, but a base for him as well.

As soon as Lucas found his ship, it was the late night. He took some wine out of his storage and drunk a bit before going to his cabin.

As soon as he entered, he was caught off guard. Another three curvy hot pretty women were waiting for him. As soon as they saw him, Lilia, Calorina and Alvida started to strip while approaching him. Lucas found himself sinking in their bodies, and his D was getting hard again. He should be thankful that he strengthened his body and not relying on devil fruit, and pray that his D would still healthy after the night.

And so, the Trip to Impel down was going to start soon. And during this trip, the responsible commodore is going to train each muscle of his body, even the softest one, a lot.


Two days later.

The news in the newspapers has picked up the interest of the people around the world. Even those big shots in the new world shown some interest.

Today, a new warlord has joined the lines of the world government. His name started with the Z.

Also, it was announced that Crocodile had lost his position, and was arrested the marine who had saved Alabasta, and that was under the leadership of Commodore Lucas.


In Alabasta. The palace of the royal family.

The light blue-haired princess, Vivi, was running toward one room, where she was hiding some girls. In her hands, there was a newspaper that had some news, that she wanted to share with those three girls.

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