"Please wait. When the chief is done from recycling, he will see you "

"Wait... I see" Lucas went to a near wall to support his back. Waiting just like this, wasn't Lucas's thing. He glanced at this woman, which he saw her draw in the Manga. "Do you mind if I asked about your name"

"I am Vice Head Jailer, Domino "The woman was very professional and strict, but she didn't mind to introduce herself to college marines.

Since Lucas had to wait for Magellan to come here, he didn't mind having a quick chat to pass time. "Nice to meet, I am Fernando Lucas." Lucas introduced himself.

"No need for you to introduce yourself, Commodore Lucas" Domino said respectfully.

The people of Impel Down were interested in The Golden Hunter's stories. There was a story that says; that the Golden Hunter has taken a vacation because he got shot when he was trying to protect his men. And this gave the people a respectful impression on Lucas.

"Am I this famous" Lucas lifted his left eyebrow. He thought that he is famous in his territory, and for some higher-ups in the HQ since the marines know about each other, but he didn't expect to be known here, in the jail.

"No commodore, people here know you here because the number of prisoners you sent"

"Ah, I see, were the number of the prisoners this much" Lucas shook his head 'thinking about it, every marine with Captain Rank and above has a title for themselves. Hina is the black cage, Smoker is the white hunter, and even Calorina has one. But I never got one, it's not like I care, this is just for anime and comics characters. Even though it would be nice to have one'

"Yes, the number wasn't that big compared to our total receiving rate, but it increased the percentage which is rarely done by one crew," Domino said.

Lucas yawned, he looked at her and his eyes were to her whip, and he couldn't help but be curious "Would you mind if I asked you something"

"As long it's not personal or asking for a date, then I'm okay"

"No, not that, I was wondering what a beautiful woman like you is doing in this prison," Lucas said. Everyone has a story, even if she is a woman.

"I don't share my personal life, Commodore"


Domino, with her sunglasses, kept standing on the corner like a robotic guard; this woman was professional and won't speak unless it is necessary.

Lucas didn't talk either. He closed his eyes while thinking, how he is going to steal the fruits, without getting noticed. And how should he convince Magellan to stay here?

Lucas Haki's alerted him of someone coming.

This office didn't have only one door.

One door was opened. Lucas saw a relatively giant human man (there is a difference between the human race and giant race) who was 5 meters tall. He has a face that resembles a mandrill, with very sharp teeth and a thick beard. His fingers closely resemble those of the Blue Gorillas. He wears bat wings and horn-like ornaments on his head. His look resembled the devil.

'So this is Magellan, looking like a devil' Lucas thought.

Seeing her boss, Domino stood straight and did the military salute "Chief, you are late by 3 minutes and 16 seconds"

Magellan frowned showing how sad he was " Domino, aren't you too professional"

"I'm doing my job, sir"

" are you commodore Lucas, sorry for keeping you waiting" Magellan put his coat bottom while walking toward Lucas. Then Magellan extended his hand for handshaking.

Lucas jumped and flipped back 3 meters avoiding Magellan. This guy has just finished recycling what was in his stomach, and now he wants to touch him, hell no

"I don't like handshaking"

"I see, too bad "

Magellan's face made a relaxed bored expression as he went to his desk and offered Lucas to seat down on the opposite chair. Lucas didn't refuse to take a seat; however, he pulled his chair back a bit. Magellan's seat was a toilet. Lucas may understand that this was the price that Magellan paid to get his power, but he can't allow himself to be close to a farting/pooping machine.

Magellan didn't take Lucas's action to the heart and started to talk with him, who didn't show his trust to hand Crocodile to the commoner's guards and insisted on giving him to Magellan personally.

Since Crocodile was a warlord and top tier criminal, Magellan could understand Lucas's worries, then started to assure to Lucas that his guards are capable of carrying any task.

Lucas didn't believe any of this, but he kept nodding. If the guards were this capable, then the only one who would be able to escape from this prison would be Luffy himself, since he has divine plot armour. Lucas thought that Impel down's guards are just some people with a sadistic side. Here the males are looking like devils, then looking to Domino with her whip, he assumed females look like a dominatrix.

But that wasn't Lucas's business to bother himself with.

After Magellan explained everything to Lucas, Crocodile got out one of the doors, with two guards under Domino, wearing a prisoner's outfit. Crocodile didn't forget to give Lucas's one last hate glance.


"Warden chief Magellan, I heard there are hells here, the atmosphere isn't comfortable for the prisoners, even those who were known as devils are crying there, " Lucas said.

"So..." Magellan was waiting for Lucas to get straight to the point.

"If possible, I want to go to that hell and spend few days" Lucas let a smirk.

"You know that those are prepared for prisoners "Magellan opened his eyes widely, he didn't believe his ears. How someone can have a desire to go the jail that any pirate fear. The extreme torture of the weather and the guards would make those who were known as demons shit in their pants from fear.

"I just wanted to have a little time to train my body. Since, I, unlike most of the officers, don't depend on Devil Fruit powers."

"Those are meant for torture, and having a marine down there, is just a stupid decision for your good," Magellan said as he waved his hand.

"I insist unless the weather of Impel Down is meant for weak pirates, then I'm not interested in low-level torture" Lucas replied.

Hearing Lucas's words, Magellan was provoked. He may handle words directed at him, but not to his prison, which is his life and pride.

"If you insist, there is nothing I can do to stop you, just don't regret it later. But to let you know, I'll ask the HQ. If they accepted your request, Impel Down's management won't take responsibility for anything that happens to you"

Lucas let a large grin "I will have to thank you in this case"

Magellan sighed, even after all what he said, Lucas is still insisting on going to train in the hells of this prison.

Maybe, he is Masochist.

"Little Sadi would love you for sure," Magellan said.

"Who…" Lucas tried to remember. Suddenly his memory got refreshed and remembered many details he wasn't aware of. Not the girl, but some fighting scenes that lead to important strings.

Sadi, Or mistress Sadi, was a sadistic woman who was one of the strongest fighters in Impel down, and stronger than the 4 Jailer beasts combined. (Japanese version: Sadi-chan which means little Sadi, but in the dubbed version, she liked to be referred to as Mistress Sadi)

"Nothing," Magellan said. Sadi was someone who loves to torture; Lucas is someone who wants to be tortured, so he couldn't help but think they fit each other.

Next, Magellan has called the HQ, sending Lucas's request. Suddenly, Sengoku called asking Lucas why is he wasting time while he should be in the HQ. Lucas replied that he wants to train for a few days and familiarize his body to get stronger.

"After two days, there would be a reward ceremony for you. You are only granted two days in your hand" Sengoku said to Lucas.

"Two days. Hmmm," Lucas started to think. So he has to take what he can in those two days before going to the HQ, starting from today.

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