Chapter 102: A single spark can start a prairie fire!

Under Su Ran’s leadership, the band was also boiling with excitement.

The drummer listened to Su Ran’s singing, felt every word of the lyrics, and was like being ignited.

He beat the jazz drums vigorously!

The drums burst out strong and continuous sound waves, each time stronger and louder than the last.

The drummer shouted in the channel:”Fuck, this is so fucking cool. In New York, Magnesium, singing this kind of song, I am ignited, brothers, come on!””


“No problem!”

“”Down with imperialism!!!”

Everyone roared in the band’s channel.

Then, the guitarist bent down slightly, and his fingers danced on the strings. Because the speed was too fast, there was even an afterimage.

The keyboard player slammed his hands heavily on the keyboard, determined to make the keyboard make a louder sound.”923″


The whole band was completely crazy!

Their blood was boiling!

As if it was burning.

Their music steadily followed Su Ran’s singing, reaching the peak again and again, and setting off the scene again and again.

After the interlude,

Su Ran spoke again.

But this time, it was in English!


(”The”Asia Threat Theory” is so rampant)

“Here they come a point n fingers at me”

(Here they come a point n fingers at me)


(preying on public sentiment)


(stirring up chaos in the world)

“Trying to assign responsibilities”

Gonna stop this negativity”

Turn it into positivity with integrity

“Giving all of me for all to see”

(Showing all my martial arts to the world)

This fight for equality

“But even if they blame us”

(Even if they slander us)


(to slander someone as much as possible)


(We have a clear conscience and are not afraid of evil spirits)

Su Ran sang more and more devotedly!

Every word and every sentence pierced the heart!

At this moment, every word of his lyrics turned into a sharp blade, directly inserted into the enemy’s vital points!

Such straightforward lyrics made the audience admire it!

Especially the Asian threat theory in the song, it is invincible!

In the past few years.

The Asian threat theory has become more and more intense, and to be more precise, it has gradually evolved into the Tokyo University threat theory!

Western monkeys keep clamoring! It turns out that the Tokyo University is getting stronger and stronger, and the world will become more and more unstable.

This is a purely nonsense point of view!

It is because of the Tokyo University that the world can maintain most of its current stability.

Su Ran sang this part in English. To put it bluntly, he wanted to sing it for everyone to hear!


Su Ran held the microphone, his eyes full of brilliance!

He looked at the audience!

He looked at the camera!

He sang the last verse of the song with unrivaled momentum.

The audience thought that there would be an interlude after the English verse!

But this time, there was no melody!

No interlude! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

No waiting!

After stabbing the opponent directly with English, the climax followed!!!!

“Suddenly the whole world began to shake!”

“Rhythm and music invade the blood!”

“The strategy this time is to go all out!”[]

“Full fire!!”

“Full fire! Full fire!”

“Full fire!!!!”


Singing to the end.

Su Ran was completely devoted.

His body was covered with sweat, and under the light, it was shining brightly!

He lowered his head slightly.

Breathing deeply.

In the final analysis!

This song is different for him.

This song carries too much anger in his heart!

He couldn’t understand why a few years ago, Longguo worshipped the so-called Korean wave and the so-called feelings!

And ignored the importance of the singer’s singing skills!

If it weren’t for”Singer 2024!

If it weren’t for Vanxia and Shantimo, perhaps people would still be immersed in fantasy now….0He wants to use this song to wake up those who deceive themselves!

He wants to use this song to make those weak people, those who once knelt on the ground, stand up again and raise their heads again.

Therefore, it is 100% committed!

He wants everyone to know!

Only with cultural revival can the nation awaken!

Only with absolute self-confidence can we fight back against the colonial invasion of Western culture! Only then can the east wind overwhelm the west wind again!


The scene was completely shaken!

More than 50,000 spectators all stood up at this time, shouting at the same time, shouting Su Ran’s name over and over again!

Even the security guards who were in charge of the scene didn’t care about the audience standing up.

The security guards stood at the highest place and took the lead in shouting the word Su Ran!

“Su Ran!”

“Su Ran!”

“Su Ran!”

“Su Shen!!!”

“”Su God!!!!”

The shouts gathered together, shaking the earth.

At this moment, no matter it was Zhang Jingying’s fans or Su Ran’s fans, they were all infected by this song.

Even Zhang Jingying, who was standing in the backstage, was full of admiration at this time.

She has been in the industry for so many years! She has met countless singers!

She also knows countless musicians who compose and write lyrics!

However, only Su Ran can write such a song.

Similarly, only Su Ran can sing with such passion!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most enthusiastic live performance she has ever seen!!! She has toured the world for 31 times, participated in more than a dozen large and small variety shows, and had hundreds of live performances.

But there has never been a time that can make the entire audience so excited.

Looking around, every audience is screaming! Every audience is cheering!

Every audience is boiling for this music!

Zhang Jingying looked at the tall shadow on the stage, and suddenly felt in her heart that Longguo music is lucky to have Su Ran in the music scene.


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