Chapter 184: Regrouping

Chapter 184: Regrouping

“”Okay, thank you for your help.”

Li Lu smiled happily.

“Great! Don’t worry, I will definitely take you to see the most beautiful scenery!”

Just like that, the two packed their luggage and set off on a journey of exploration.

Li Lu really knew this place well.

She took Su Ran through the dense forest, climbed the steep cliffs, and came to a hidden valley.

In the valley, a clear stream meandered, with lush trees on both sides.

The sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadows on the ground.

“It’s so beautiful here…”Su Ran sighed sincerely.

Li Lu smiled proudly.

“Right? This is a secret place I discovered by accident, and few people know about it.”

She took out her camera and began to take pictures seriously, while Su Ran sat quietly on a rock, closing her eyes and feeling the breath of nature.

The breeze blew on her face, the stream gurgled, and the birds sang happily on the branches. This tranquility and peace made Su Ran’s mind relax unprecedentedly.

Suddenly, an inspiration flashed through her mind like lightning, and Su Ran suddenly opened her eyes and stood up excitedly.

“I figured it out!”

Li Lu was startled by his sudden action and looked at him in confusion.

“What did you think of?”

Su Ran explained excitedly

“I came up with an idea for a new movie! A story about the harmonious coexistence of man and nature…”

He talked about his ideas non-stop, and Li Lu was also infected by his enthusiasm and listened carefully.

“This idea is great!” Li Lu praised sincerely,”I believe it will be a wonderful movie!”

Su Ran looked at her gratefully.

“Thanks to you for bringing me here. This inspiration is a gift from nature to me.”

Li Lu smiled and shook her head

“Inspiration comes from life, but it is your talent that can transform it into art.”

The two smiled at each other, feeling an inexplicable intimacy.

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded in the sky. The two looked up and saw a helicopter hovering in the sky.

“That is…The helicopter of the search and rescue team?”Li Lu said in surprise.

Su Ran then remembered that when Li Lu was in danger before, it was very likely that someone had called the police.

Sure enough, the helicopter soon found them and slowly landed on a nearby open space.

Several rescuers ran over and asked about the situation with concern. After learning that the two were safe, they breathed a sigh of relief.

“Miss Li, your friends are very worried about you. We are here to take you back.”

Li Lu looked at Su Ran reluctantly.

“That…We should say goodbye.”

Su Ran nodded and said with a smile

“Thank you for your company these two days. I wish you a smooth shooting in the future, and be careful about safety.”

Li Lu hesitated for a moment, but still mustered up the courage to ask

“us…Can we meet again?”

Su Ran was stunned for a moment, then smiled gently.

“Of course, when my new movie is released, I will definitely invite you to the premiere.”

Li Lu nodded happily and boarded the helicopter reluctantly.

Watching the helicopter gradually disappear into the sky, Su Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

This unexpected encounter not only brought him inspiration, but also made him regain his passion for creation.

It’s time to go back.

With a lot of gains and motivation, Su Ran embarked on his journey home.

He knew that greater challenges would be waiting for him, but at this moment, he was ready to face everything.

On the day he returned to the company, Su Ran immediately convened a meeting of all employees.

When he walked into the meeting room, everyone held their breath.

They didn’t know what the boss had gained from this trip, let alone where the company’s future would go.

Su Ran looked around and saw a lot of uneasy faces. He took a deep breath and said

“First of all, I want to apologize to everyone.”

When this sentence came out, everyone opened their eyes wide in surprise.

“During this period, the company encountered unprecedented difficulties. As a leader, I had the responsibility to lead everyone through the difficulties, but I chose to escape and leave alone….”

Su Ran’s voice was choked.

“I have failed everyone’s trust, and I feel very guilty about it.”

The conference room was silent, and everyone was shocked by Su Ran’s honesty.

“But,” Su Ran’s tone suddenly became firm,”This trip has allowed me to rediscover my passion for creation and also made me understand a truth.”

“That is, no matter how great the difficulties are, we must not give up, because as long as we are united, nothing is impossible.”

His eyes swept across everyone’s face.

“I know that everyone has been under a lot of pressure during this period. Some people are confused about the future of the company, and some people have doubts about my decision….”

Request flowers

“But what I want to say is that this is normal. We are a team and everyone has the right to express their own ideas.”

Su Ran paused and continued

“From today on, I hope everyone can speak freely. If you have any ideas, just speak up. Only through full communication can our team become stronger.”

Su Ran’s voice just fell, and the meeting room fell into a brief silence.

Everyone looked at each other, as if they were digesting the boss’s words.

After a moment, the technical director Li Qiang stood up first. He looked at Su Ran with a complex emotion in his eyes.

“Boss, to be honest, your behavior during this period has really disappointed us.”

Li Qiang’s words were straightforward and sharp, which made Su Ran’s heart tighten, but he did not interrupt, but listened quietly.

“We all know that the company has encountered unprecedented difficulties, but it is at this time that we need a strong leader the most.”

Li Qiang took a deep breath and continued

“But you chose to escape. This makes us feel very confused, and some people even begin to doubt the future of the company.”

The atmosphere in the conference room became heavier. Su Ran could feel the reproachful or disappointed eyes of the people around him. But he still kept listening.

“”But,” Li Qiang’s tone suddenly softened,”I admire you for being able to honestly admit your mistakes and for being willing to listen to us.”

As soon as he finished speaking, PR Director Zhang Li also stood up.

“Yes, boss, we all know how much you have been working for. This setback may be an adjustment that you need.

Zhang Li’s gentle voice broke the tense atmosphere.

“The important thing is that you are back now, and it seems that you have new ideas?”

Su Ran nodded and showed a long-lost smile. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Yes, this trip has given me new inspiration for my creation, and I have a brand new idea for a movie.”

His eyes sparkled with excitement.

“But before I say that, I want to hear your thoughts.”

“What has happened in the company during this period? Do you have any concerns or suggestions?”

As soon as Su Ran finished speaking, voices rose one after another in the conference room.

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