Chapter 221: Moving Forward Fearlessly

Chapter 208: Moving Forward Fearlessly

“I have already thought about this issue.”

His voice was steady and powerful, and his eyes swept across everyone firmly.

“I decided to invest all my personal savings into this project.”

This sentence exploded in the conference room like a heavy bomb.

Everyone looked at Su Ran in surprise, and for a moment they were speechless.

“Not only that,” Su Ran continued, his voice full of determination.”I am also prepared to mortgage all my properties to fully support this project.”

There was an uproar in the conference room. The employees couldn’t believe their ears. They knew that Su Ran had accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, and now he was going to invest all of it in this project.

“Director Su, this is too risky!” Financial Director Zhang Li couldn’t help but stand up to dissuade him.”If the project fails, you may lose everything!”

Su Ran smiled slightly and looked at Zhang Li firmly.

“Without risk, how can there be any gain? If I don’t even dare to go all out, how can I convince others of our determination?”

His voice was not loud, but full of power.

“I believe that as long as we stick to our original aspirations and work hard, we will succeed. I am willing to prove this with everything I have.”

Su Ran’s words completely ignited the enthusiasm of everyone.

The conference room burst into warm applause and cheers again.

“Director Su, we’re going to fight you!”

“For the future of music, we are willing to give everything!”

“Let’s create a miracle together!”

Employees expressed their opinions one after another, with a determined light in their eyes.

They were infected by Su Ran’s determination and were willing to fight for this dream to the end.

Su Ran looked around and saw these passionate faces, and a warm current surged in his heart.

With these excellent partners, nothing is impossible.

“Well, let’s work together to open up a new path for the future of music!”

Su Ran announced loudly, his voice full of determination and expectation.

After the meeting, Su Ran stood alone in front of the window, looking at the night view outside.

The lights of the city twinkled like stars, as if telling of infinite possibilities.

He took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with determination.

He knew that the road ahead was still long, and there were countless difficulties waiting for them.

However, as long as they stick to their original intentions and maintain their enthusiasm, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

“The future of music is in our hands.”Su Ran said softly, with a confident smile on his face.

At this moment, the office door was gently pushed open. Su Ran turned around and saw Wu Keyue walking in with two cups of coffee.

“Director Su, your coffee is 527.”Wu Keyue handed one of the cups to Su Ran with a gentle smile on his face.

Su Ran took the coffee and took a sip.

The aroma of the steaming coffee spread in his mouth, making him feel warm.

“”Keyue, why don’t you go back and rest?” Su Ran asked with concern.

Wu Keyue shook her head, with a determined light in her eyes.

“Director Su, I want to work with you. Your plan is so exciting, and I want to do my part.”

Su Ran looked at Wu Keyue’s determined eyes, and a warm current surged in his heart.

He knew that it was this kind of enthusiasm and persistence that was the driving force behind the entire team.

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