Chapter 44 What kind of person is this! He writes songs without any sense of importance!

Netizens in the live broadcast room stared with their eyes wide open, Su Ran’s silky high notes echoed in their minds, and their hands kept typing to praise Su Shen.

Yes, now he is no longer called Su Ran, but Su Shen.

Back to the competition scene.

There are many Dragon people in the audience, they are even more exaggerated, directly clenched their fists and shouted”Wow”.

Foreigners don’t understand the meaning of”Wow”, but they feel it is very powerful inexplicably =, so they use the stilted Chinese to shout with the Dragon people!

To be honest.

If Su Ran hadn’t been so profound and immersed in this song, he would have laughed easily, right?!

Can you imagine!

There were nearly a thousand foreigners at the scene, shouting”Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” at the same time?

Su Ran could only close his eyes, choose to ignore the noise at the scene, and start the next part of the song.


“Always put the truth in your place”

“Dessinés bands”

“Confusing Fairy Tale Wonderland”


“Makes me want to have the ability to transform”


“”Feel some kind of power.”

Su Ran opened his eyes, feeling the darkness around him. He looked around blankly, his face full of helplessness.

He wanted to find a trace of salvation.

But here, there was nothing, only endless darkness and endless pain.

At this moment,

Su Ran was no longer a simple singer, but more like a drama actor. He was singing, acting, searching, and feeling sad on the stage.

At this time,

Su Ran suddenly raised his head, looked at the beam of light above his head, and began to sing!


“Lead me”


“Lead me”


“Lead me”

He seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, begging, to be able to pull himself out of the quagmire, three identical lyrics, but each one stronger than the last, just for the super high note of the next line!!!


“Lead me to higher places!”

The high notes climbed!

Just like before, in the blink of an eye, the high notes soared into the sky and reached the amazing C6!

Yes, it reached the sixth group again!

This range is enough to daunt 99.99% of male singers!

Even female singers find it difficult to complete this range.

The most exaggerated thing is that Su Ran’s high notes have been continuous!

One beat!

Two beats!

One second!

Three seconds!

Eight seconds!

Eleven seconds!

Su Ran stayed on the super high note of C6 for a full eleven seconds. You can imagine what kind of shock it will bring to people!


The atmosphere on the scene completely exploded!

The foreigners were no longer shouting, but roaring”Fuck!”

The three judges stood up in unison and applauded Su Ran from the bottom of their hearts!

The contestants backstage were dumbfounded. They looked at Su Ran on the stage, and finally thought of the same word – perverted


On the stage.

Su Ran put the microphone back on the microphone stand.

He lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes. In great despair, he hoped that someone could save him!

His voice was sometimes low and sometimes high.

It was like he was praying.

He was telling God about his pain.

It was also like he was questioning fate, why did it always treat me like this!


“The world is like a giant casino”

“Jaipastirél bonne nuevo”

“I don’t have the winning chips”


“Unable to escape the pain in my heart”

“Jaipas envied etre unrobot”

“Maybe it’s even more beautiful”


“”Let me look down, let me look down.”

At the end, he opened his eyes angrily and let go of his hands.

He picked up the microphone, squatted slightly, and a tearing whistle sounded throughout the scene.

But this is not Su Ran’s limit!

He took a few steps forward and began to show his true voice completely!


“Be sure to touch”

“Venues in Nautremonde”

“Message from another world”


“From the bottom of my heart that has never touched comfort”

“Jaimraismeux unoiseau”

“I imagine turning into a flying bird”


“But I can’t get rid of the pain in my heart”

“Jaimraismeux unoiseau”

“I imagine turning into a flying bird”


“”Sleep peacefully like a child”

At the end of the song, Su Ran’s voice returned to normal, and he continued to sing the last two lines of lyrics in a weak voice.

And when this part came out, all the suspense of the game was killed!

Sean, who was standing on the side of the stage, couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

He had seen Su Ran’s performance before he came to the competition. He knew that Su Ran was a strong opponent, but Sean didn’t think he would lose 100%!

Sean knew himself very well!

Before he came, he knew that he should be slightly inferior in singing skills.

But he has been in the industry for a long time, he is more popular, and has more fans, which is conducive to his victory!


When Su Ran sang this song, he completely understood one thing.

The gap between him and Su Ran is not a little bit, but a natural chasm, separated by mountains and across the sea, which can’t be crossed at all, and can’t even be compared.

Sean shook his head. He had no hope for the”Grammy 2024″ trophy. He just hoped that Su Ran would not continue to compete next year, otherwise he would never get the Grand Slam in his life.


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