The trains connected to the college use stations with other trams inside. Due to cost considerations, the cross-sea train does not have a separate station, but shares a station with other trams. However, in order to prevent other people from entering the college, the college and Neon officials jointly arranged guards at the entrance and exit of the train. Only students and faculty with IDs can enter the carriage.

To a certain extent, that document, which is no more than half the size of a palm, is a proof of social status. Being able to enter the academy, even if you are just doing odd jobs in the academy, is a superior person to outsiders.

Both of them were wearing casual clothes. After leaving the special platform, they entered another relatively lively platform and easily merged into the flow of people.

It's still a certain distance away from Tokyo, and it's even further away from their goal, Oka Street. After getting off the train, they have to take a train for more than an hour before they can enter the Tokyo area.

The train to Tokyo was not too crowded. This time, Lafla did not continue to sleep, but looked curiously at the scenery outside the window. For her, Neon, located in the Far East, is a very magical country. Although ordinary people living here are often complained about being mediocre and boring, the country as a whole still has some unique characteristics, and these Features are what she wants to experience.

There was no trouble on the road. The two of them arrived in the Tokyo area smoothly. They found a family restaurant to solve the problem of dinner. They took a taxi to Chonghua Street. For this trip, Li Wei made arrangements in advance. Once he is ready, whether it is where he is going to stay or whether there are the medicinal materials he needs in the target store, everything is ready.

When the two of them walked under the archway of Chonghua Street and officially entered the territory of Chonghua Street, Lafla showed a surprised expression, because there was an obvious difference between the environment here and the outside world, although the buildings were all oriental. Classical style, but even a layman like her can tell the difference between the buildings here and neon traditional ancient buildings.

If the neon ancient building gives people a quiet and elegant feeling, it belongs to a dojo in a screw shell. So the various antique buildings built here are connected, and what comes to mind is the pride of a big country and a strong people. A large number of red and cyan glazed decorations, as well as a more stable and majestic architectural system, make this place different from the outside world. Say, like a country within a country.

Li Wei saw Lafla's voice through mind reading. He did not break Lafla's illusions about Eastern civilization. In fact, in Li Wei's view, the architectural style here was compromised. After all, here in Tokyo Land in the core area is at a premium. It is impossible to completely restore the domestic style under such circumstances, so compromise is inevitable.

Although there are various symbolic items of the Chinese civilization here, to be honest, these things exist more as cultural symbols to tell foreigners that this is the territory of overseas Chinese.

This place can indeed be said to be a country, because it has its own unspoken rules, which are different from the Chongguo-style mafia organizations in the outside world, as well as some specialties exported from the country, such as the ubiquitous coconut brand coconut juice, which is still It was a package that was both vulgar and elegant. Even from a long distance away, Levi could still see the familiar and friendly figure among the various drinks that looked like a coquettish bitch.

Although this is another world, the things that are engraved in the bones of the descendants of the dragon will not change due to changes in the external environment. This makes Li Wei quite happy.

Lafla said: "If I had known better, I wouldn't have gone to the family restaurant over there. There are restaurants everywhere here. If we had dinner here, we would be able to taste the authentic Chongguo cuisine."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Isn't there a late-night snack? To a certain extent, Chonghua Street is a city that never sleeps. Businesses generally stay open until ten o'clock in the evening. Those restaurants that specialize in late-night snacks will even stay open all night." It’s open. If you miss it for dinner, you won’t miss it for late-night snacks. Then I’ll let you try barbecue with beer, that’s a big feature.”

Lafla swallowed, and after hearing Levi's words, she felt a little hungry again.

Chapter. People with strong martial virtues

The two left the hotel and went to the street, strolling around casually.

There is no specific goal and no attractions she wants to see. Lafla does not plan to go to Shibuya and Akihabara Electronics Street now. For now, she just wants to experience the exotic customs on the streets of Okihua Street.

"The smell of food is everywhere. There are so many food shops on Chonghua Street." Lafla said with a sigh.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Because Chongguo has a saying since ancient times, food is the first priority for the people. So for Chongguo people, eating is a big deal, and affected by such a habit, Chongguo people take root no matter where they are. , there will be a large number of restaurants and restaurants appearing locally.”

Every ethnic group has its own characteristics. The characteristics of the Okinawa people are that they are very good at eating and are quite group-friendly. At least the Okinawa people in this part of the world are quite martial-minded. Most of the extreme people here in Okinawa Street and in Tokyo are very good at eating. No Taoist organization will come here to cause trouble, because the people on this street are very close to each other, and they are also very good at fighting.

Because of this, the security here is relatively good, at least you rarely see sleazy gangsters and delinquents here.

Because there is a special welcome ceremony for hoodlums and delinquents, a special neighborhood mutual aid association will guard these people. Once they are found, they will be dragged into the alley without anyone noticing and beaten, and the identity of these people will be determined. Catch them and make them afraid to come here again.

This kind of martial arts behavior made Li Wei not know how to complain. He can only say that the people of Chongguo are very skilled in how to take advantage of local legal loopholes, such as professional beatings of bad boys and gangsters, and even beatings of foreign gangsters. Taoist neighborhood mutual aid associations are not counted as "designated violent groups" in Neon's official statistics, because the members of these neighborhood mutual aid associations are not long-term "tourists" who come from Chongguo and stay here in the name of tourism. They are international mercenaries with different nationalities. The only thing they want to do here is to beat people and kill those who may threaten the stability and prosperity of this street.

Even if there is really a problem, he just slaps his ass and leaves. The Chongguo in this world is very gangster in some places. Neon doesn't have the guts to provoke the big brother of the Asian housing division just because of such a trivial matter. . After all, the godfather is too far away, but the biological father is right in front of him.

In this world, if you look at the national world of Amei, the nationals of the country are running sideways in most parts of the world, and the citizens of the country of Chong are not able to do such a thing for the time being, but if it is only in Asia, in fact, the level of hooliganism between the two It's almost the same.

Only with a strong motherland behind you can you experience the life of a human being outside.

Lafla said: "Because I want to study here, I also learned the neon language, and it will come in handy now."

In order to take care of students from all over the world, the college uses English as much as possible during classes. There are students from all over the world in the college, but there are only a few "local" students in Neon, so within the college There are no dedicated neon language courses.

It is precisely because of this that Lafla's learning of neon language is "to the point". She only needs to meet the daily use and has mastered the use of hiragana and katakana, but for the Chinese characters of neon language , she didn’t know much.

Moreover, she just has a curiosity about neon and doesn't pay too much attention to it. She thought, even if she wanted to learn Chinese characters, she was still learning Mandarin, so why bother with all the twists and turns.

Because of Li Wei, she began to systematically learn Mandarin in the past few days. She wanted to communicate with Li Wei in his native language.

Lafla looks down on neon, but now the neon language she has mastered is still put to use. Although this is Chonghua Street, it is in the land of neon after all, so the surrounding languages ​​are all in neon. Hongyu is the main language. Even though she has not studied it in depth, there is no problem in daily communication.

Just as the two of them were moving forward, a sneaky figure followed them, and both of them spotted the person following them.

Lafla said: "Someone is following us, but there is no murderous intention. It seems to be a thief."

Levi said: "I also feel it. I have to say that it is incredible that there are still people doing this kind of retro industry."

Li Wei thought for a while, such retro things as stealing on the street are rare in China, because mobile payment is used these days, and few people carry a large amount of cash with them. Basically, with a mobile phone and a small amount of money, you can solve the payment problem for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Neon is different. Due to various reasons, Neon's mobile payment system has not been able to be stably established. Although there is no mobile payment, there are very few people using it, so it is difficult to support the system. The neon in the real world is like this, and the neon in the world here is also like this.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

It is precisely because of this that most Neon people still like to pay with cash, and there is always a large amount of cash in their wallets. Therefore, here in Neon, the retro profession of street hand still has considerable room for survival.

Following the two of them was an ordinary-looking young man. Levi and Lafla acted like two foreign tourists. They were quite different from the residents here. They were probably not familiar with the local area. , and it is precisely because of this that this young man chose two people as his targets.

Levi and Lafla pretended not to know that they were being followed and continued shopping leisurely. The young man didn't wait too long. After confirming that the two people in front of him didn't notice him, he decisively reached into Levi's trouser pocket. At the same time, he had already clamped a razor blade between his index finger and finger, preparing to cut Levi's penis. Purse pocket.


And just when his hand was about to reach Levi's wallet, Levi turned over and grabbed his hand. With a playful smile on his face, he said in neon language: "Friend, no one teaches you. Don't mess with people who don't know what's wrong with you."

The young man knew that he was in trouble, his face changed, and he kicked Li Wei's waist. Levi dodged easily and let go of the young man's wrist. The young man ran away without hesitation.

Lafla said: "Although that guy didn't succeed, he was still the scum who attacked us. If we want to chase him now, it's still too late."

Levi said: "It's not necessary. There are professionals who can handle this kind of garbage. If you want to watch the fun, you can come with me. Let's see how the people from the neighborhood mutual aid association deal with this guy."

Lafla saw not far away, several sturdy young men in suits and ties suddenly dropped their things and chased the young man who stole the things. Before the young man who stole the things ran a few steps, he The way was blocked by these big men and they were pulled into the alley.

Lafla was stunned for a moment and said: "He is indeed a professional, a bit too professional. No one will die, right?"

Li Wei laughed and said: "It depends on whether the young man who stole things can resist the beating. He dares to cause trouble on the ground of Chonghua Street. It seems that he doesn't know the local rules. Maybe he comes from other places. Let's move people around. Let's go to the alley entrance and have a look." Kui.

Chapter. Revealing Power

Lafla was also quite interested in how the young man who stole would be punished, so she took Levi's hand and quickly came to the entrance of the alleyway.

Neon buildings, when viewed from the front, are more like a long strip. This special format also makes the corridors between the buildings very deep. At the same time, the back-to-back building form also makes the lane system extra special. complex.

Ordinary residential areas no longer have such disadvantages, but Okinawa Street, whose architectural structure is more similar to the "machi" of the Warring States Period, still has such problems, or in other words, this is deliberately left behind by the people who took root here. Loopholes", after all, when dealing with some annoying night hours, such a relatively complex tunnel system can come in handy.

As soon as the two of them reached the entrance of the alleyway, they heard painful screams. The young man who had just stolen was surrounded by several big men in suits. One of the big men in suits locked him from behind, while the other big men in suits locked him from behind. Taking turns hitting his lower abdomen with fists.

In the eyes of Levi, who has a wide range of knowledge, this scene has a bit of the charm of the belly-kick boxing contest in the basement where the Taira boy resisted Van, but the young man's voice was not philosophical enough.

It has to be said that there are too few curse words in Neon language. Words such as "Red Deer" and "Your mother has a protruding belly button" are already very vicious to Neon people, and a few big men in suits He replaced the national curses he was used to with neon language and never left the young man's family.

Lafla pulled Levi and hid behind a bunker. Although Lafla's neon language level was not high, she could still understand these easy-to-understand curse words. For example, in the military, there has always been a lot of research on how to curse people, especially Western armies, which are excellent at verbal violence.

Lafla saw that Li Wei wanted to stand out and quickly held him back. However, when she saw that Li Wei had clearly stood up, but the people in front seemed not to see Li Wei, she realized , Levi is not simple, at least this ability to make others invisible is not something ordinary people can have.

As a member of the Black Rabbit Army, she has used various high-tech products, and she has also seen optical camouflage, but like Levi's current situation, letting others ignore her without using any means has gone beyond the current situation. The scope of technology.

And is this really optical camouflage? Because she has used such technology, Lafla is very clear about the characteristics of optical camouflage technology. Once the optical camouflage is deployed, it will have the effect of indistinguishable between the enemy and ourselves. Not only the enemy cannot see the user, but also friendly forces cannot see it. , so with optical camouflage on, friendly forces can only use communications if they want to find people.

What Levi has shown now goes far beyond the limits of optical camouflage. At least in terms of visibility to friendly forces, it has surpassed Germany's most cutting-edge optical camouflage technology.

Levi said: "Don't worry, come out. They can't see us. Even if we stand in front of them, they can't even think of us. You can even slap them."

Seeing Levi's smile, Lafla sighed softly, no longer covering herself, and walked out from behind the bunker openly.

"Why can't they see us? And the voices we speak are not quiet. As long as you are not deaf, you can hear what we say at this distance." Lafla asked her inner doubts.

Levi said: "Because I am not using optical camouflage technology. If you really want to use a word to define such an ability, then the word magic is more suitable."

Lafla was stunned because the answer Levi gave was beyond her knowledge.

As a European, Lafla is also very familiar with the legends of magic. Legend has it that in ancient times, there were various special beings with extraordinary powers in the world. They were called wizards, druids, and magicians.

But legends are just legends after all. Although the extraordinary power of magic is said to be miraculous, no one knows whether it really has such power. After all, no one has ever seen a real magician.

But now, Lafla kind of believes in those old people's legends about magic. Precisely because she is an elite in the army and has played with all kinds of messy high-tech weapons and equipment, she is very clear about the power Levi is showing now. , it is not something that modern technology can temporarily achieve.

Levi walked up to the man in a suit who was beating up the thief, grabbed the shoulder of the man in a suit and shook him, but the other man seemed not to notice such a thing and continued to beat the thief.

Seeing this scene, Lafla showed a surprised expression. If it were just to make people unable to find themselves, although current technology cannot completely achieve this level, it can still be done to a certain extent to hide themselves. Optical camouflage and local silencing are cutting-edge technologies in this regard.

However, Levi's direct contact with others has already been like this and has not been discovered yet. This is not something that existing technology can do.

Lafla walked over and imitated Levi's example, pushing the big man in a black suit. The man staggered as he was pushed, but he still didn't notice her presence. She couldn't figure out such a thing.

Li Wei said: "Since I agreed to rescue all your companions, I must be completely sure before I agree to you. I am a very cautious person, and I will not do anything easily without being completely sure. I’m going to do something because I want to save face and can’t afford to embarrass such a person.”

Lafla said: "Is mastering extraordinary power your trump card, Levi? But with all due respect, if that's all, it's a bit too much to want to fight against a country."

Levi smiled and said: "Of course my trump card is more than that. After all, I am very clear-headed and know what kind of strength it takes to confront a country. Lafla, I know you still have many doubts in your heart, but these doubts I There is no way to answer it, so I will give you the answer directly. What you have to do is to be prepared. There are still more than ten people in the Black Rabbit Army. You are their captain. You must have an overall plan for their future. yes."

Lafla nodded. If all the members of the Black Rabbit Force are successfully rescued, more than ten people will need to live. If they don't find something to do to make a living, they won't be able to survive no matter where they go.

After all, she can't possibly let her teammates become mercenaries. After finally getting rid of the shadow of the past, if she returns to the battlefield, nothing will change.

Chapter. Episodes of life

Lafla looked at the beating that was still going on and said to Levi: "Don't care? They won't kill people, right?"

Lafla saw that the young man who was beaten had been beaten unconscious, and she sighed in her heart, these professionals are indeed professional enough.

Levi said: "Don't worry about such things, they all know the scale and know how much to hit people. And look at this young man, there are no obvious scars on his body. All the attacks are concentrated on the lower abdomen. In addition, when they attack, they reduce their strength and choose the intestinal position to attack. Even if they knock people out from this position, they won't cause any big problems."

As a Qi practitioner, Levi was very familiar with the structure of the human body, so he could see through the seemingly brutal beatings of the men in black suits, but in fact they didn't even leave any decent scars.

After the young man who committed the theft passed out, the men in black suits dragged him into the deepest part of the alley, wrapped him in a large snakeskin bag, like a pile of pork, and put him on the On top of the trailer, exit through the secret passage at the back of the alley.

Lafla said: "That thief, shouldn't he be dragged out and killed?"

Lafla thought of the movie she once watched, "Hotel Skin". The terrifying beings in it used similar techniques to deal with the corpses of ordinary people.

Levi saw Lafla's heart through mind reading, and realized that after recovering her feelings, this girl was still a brain teaser with a very strong association ability, which was beyond his expectation.

Levi smiled and said: "It's not that dark here. It's just dragging it out and throwing it away. Such things can be said to be routine here."

Lafla said: "Is the security here so chaotic?"

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