Sins Paradise: Domination System

347 Chapter 347 – Overreacting

Nina guided us to a room behind the receptionist so we could get some privacy. The costume and sex toys the horny rabbit created were put behind the closet that filled the wall in this room.

When we just entered, Tristan's face flushed red because she wasn't used to a place like this. The light was pink, giving a sexy atmosphere. The long chair in the middle of the room looked soft and shaped like a bed.

Not only that, the incense burned in the corner made this room smelt strange. It was a familiar smell that filled my room every time I was done having sex with my room.

Tristan seemed to know this smell as her face flushed red, and she hadn't spoken a word since we entered the hotel. She just sat silently beside me on the long chair, not even minding me hugging her shoulder close.

'How cute.' I thought.

Watching her getting embarrassed after being motivated was truly cute. I hoped she would stay this way even after tomorrow.

"I quite like this smell. I made it with what happened that day as inspiration, Master." Nina said as she opened a closet filled with a normal bunny costume with various colors. "What color do you like, Master?"

"What do you think, Tristan? Do you want green or yellow?"

"Huh? Eh?" Tristan's body jolted as she let out a surprised voice. "W-White is good." She continued, fidgeting nervously.

"White? That certainly will look good on you." Nina hummed as she moved the costume inside around.

Even if I called it a bunny costume, there were actually a few designs inside the closet. I managed to take a peek at it and was quite surprised by them.

There was a costume that only covered the private part. Or the costume that only covered the lower area.

And the lewdest one amongst them was the reverse bunny costume, where the area hidden by the clothes was that reserve of the normal bunny costume! Of course, all of them came with either high socks or fishnets to make the wearer look sexier.

Tristan seemed to notice what kind of costume was inside the closet. She probably never thought the bunny costume would look that erotic and not similar to the one Nina wore.

"W-Wait! Please choose the one that hides most of my skin!" She hurriedly added in panic as she stood from the chair.

Nina stopped and looked at Tristan. She tilted her head in confusion.

"Huh? But that won't be sexy. Master loves it when you show a lot of skin."

"Just ignore Arthur for now and give me what I want. If not…" Tristan paused for a second.

"If not, what?" Nina asked curiously. Her playful behavior kicked in, and she probably wanted to tease the cute Tristan.

I could understand her feelings, but…

"If you choose something revealing, I will destroy this building!"

… Nina didn't realize that Tristan got embarrassed easily and was a strong girl.

A bloodlust seeped out from my cute girlfriend's body, causing the room to even shake slightly. The other closets suddenly opened as a gust of wind also hit me, making the clothes in the closet flutter. She unconsciously activated <Gust>, an Lv 1 <Wind Magic>, out of embarrassment.

Truly, no one beat a tsundere when they got mad. Thankfully, the target this time wasn't me but Nina. The horny rabbit suddenly went quiet as her face turned pale. She looked pitiful, but among the leaders of the Border City, only Nina showed loyalty out of fear and not respect.

So I used this chance to tell her that my girl was also strong. In case she wanted to betray me when I wasn't in place, even Beatrice or Tristan alone could handle her single-handedly.

I knew that Nina would want to tease Tristan. Who wouldn't? She was so cute, after all. And her embarrassed face was a feast to be seen.

'I think it's enough.'

If I let it continue longer, the guests outside and the ones staying above would also be affected. Not to mention, Nina was on her limit and was about to fall to her knees and piss herself.

"Tristan, calm down. You make Nina tremble in fear."

I patted Tristan's head, and the bloodlust suddenly calmed down. Nina leaned against the closet, closing one of the open doors with a thud as she breathed heavily.

"Ah…" She let out a soft gasp as she realized what she had done out of her embarrassment. "Sorry. I was too much and too immature."

"N-No problem. T-That was just a bit surprising, hahaha…" Nina laughed dryly as she tried to stand up straight.

Her body was still a little weak from the fear, and I noticed her crotch was slightly wet.

'Ah, I am too late. She pissed herself first.' I thought as I stood up slowly.

"That was indeed a bit too much, Tristan," I said, pushing her shoulder slightly to sit her down. "But I understand your feelings. Nina will choose a modest costume for you, okay? I won't force someone I love to wear something they hate."

"Arthur… Sorry… I overreacted to something like that."

"No, it's no problem." I patted her head once again and walked toward Nina.

The horny rabbit managed to stabilize her breathing, but it couldn't erase the fact she felt terror earlier. I knew how it felt standing in front of an existence far stronger than yourself and felt a bloodlust that close.

'It must be scary.'

"Are you okay?" I asked in a soft tone as I extended my hand forward, activating two skills. "<Heal>, <Purification>."

Nina's body was instantly covered in soft light, including her pink bunny ears and tail. Her wet crotch instantly dried.

"Y-Yes. I was just surprised." The pink-haired bunny girl replied, holding her left chest with her hand.

'Lies.' I thought as I looked at her.

There was no way she was fine after that. No one in this world would be fine after experiencing what 'death' was. Tristan's bloodlust was pretty serious earlier.

However, I didn't need to say anything about it.

"That's good." I smiled at Nina and nodded slightly. "You heard the princess. Can you pick a white bunny costume that looks good and luxurious and doesn't show much skin? Thighs and cleavage are okay, but something like a reverse bunny costume isn't okay."

"I can… There are some costumes that fit the description in the fourth closet."

"Great. Do show it to us so Tristan can judge whether it's okay or not."

Nina moved toward the fourth closets to the left of the entrance and took out a white bunny costume. Just like I told her earlier, it was more similar to a bodysuit with a white bunny ear and bunny tail accessories.

To be honest, I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't see Tristan wearing a proper bunny costume, but it couldn't be helped, considering the situation.

"How about this?"

The horny rabbit raised the costume in her hand and showed it to Tristan. The area around the waist and cleavage was open, but the costume indeed fully covered the private area and chest with black clothes. It was connected to detached sleeves that went over the white collar through a gold-plated metal.

Overall, it was a modest bunny costume that still maintained its sexy design but appeared modest to be worn. Still, that design allowed me to do something quite exciting. If I guessed correctly, then that black clothes could be detached from the sleeves and turn the white clothes into a sexy bunny leotard.

'I am not wrong to get the costume from Nina. Even the most modest bunny costume she has is designed to be used for sex. This will be quite a surprise for Tristan for tomorrow.'

"It's the most modest costume we have here. If it hides more skin than this, then it can't even be called a bunny costume." Nina said, trying to convince Tristan.

Tristan looked at the costume and glanced at me for a second. She was still a bit embarrassed but seemed to be relieved that the costume wasn't as erotic as she thought.

"Fine. That works."

Hearing Tristan's words, Nina smiled widely in relief. I also smiled and walked toward my girlfriend.

"I am looking forward to tomorrow," I whispered softly.

I was expecting to hear the words she always said whenever I implied something erotic. But, this time… she answered differently.

"Un… M-Me too."

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