Guan Xiao after some eloquent brilliant analysis, is very proud of looking at the president.

Just when he thought that he wanted to praise his wisdom, he did not want to see his eyes flying towards him like countless knives.

"Obsessive compulsive disorder? Cleanliness? And autism? " Zhan hanjue's voice is very light, but it is mixed with breathtaking anger.

There was a cold sweat on Guan Xiao's forehead.

Even if the young master is really a devil with three diseases in one, he is the only darling of the president, and only the big president can criticize the young master in the world.

If other people dare to criticize, it's a suicide.

Not surprisingly, Zhan's next sentence is:

"Guan Xiao, it seems that you know Zhan Su very well. Otherwise, it will be up to you to pick up Zhan Su from school every morning and evening. "

As soon as Zhan hanjue's words came to an end, Guan Xiao frowned with a bitter melon face and begged for mercy

"Mr. President, I'm old and young. Would you let me go? You don't know. Only 17 days after this month, the young master has changed 11 drivers. Three of them suffered from recurrent hypertension, two suffered from coronary heart disease, five were fooled by the young master and couldn't find their way home, and the last one was schizophrenic. "

Zhan hanjue justifies for his son, "people who have basic health problems are not suitable for the high-risk occupation of being a driver."

Guan Xiao was silent and ashamed.

President, do you know that being a driver for Zhan Su is a high-risk occupation?

Guan Xiao summoned up the courage to exonerate the almost "heroic" drivers, "president, actually driving is not dangerous, it's the young master's tongue."

"Tell me?"

For his son's behavior, Zhan is very happy to understand.

"Take Uncle Zhang, who is suffering from high blood pressure, for example. Uncle Zhang praised the young master for his intelligence, but the young master replied coldly that he was not as smart as you! Uncle Zhang was bald. He was so angry that he made a mistake on the spot. "

"And Xiao Li, who is suffering from anxiety disorder, whose eyelids are jumping. The young master turned him into a muscle disease. He was scared into a panic attack and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment."

Zhan hanjue's forehead flicked.

Zhan Su's tongue is really invincible.

Zhan hanjue will calm down and analyze the reason why Zhan Su did so.

The child is very resistant to strangers from the bottom of his heart, and his dependence on him is very obvious.

I don't know what touched the heartstrings of Zhan hanjue. He felt it necessary to make some exceptional arrangements for Zhan Su's unchanging thinking pattern.

"Guan Xiao, do as you say. Try to coerce Luo Shihan to be Zhan Su's nanny. " Zhan hanjue said.

Guan Xiao was embarrassed. "But Miss Luo ran away. If you want to catch her again, I'm afraid it will be as difficult for you to go to heaven as it was five years ago. "

Zhan Han Jue sneered coldly, "Oh, can she run?"

Guan Xiao's eyes brighten. Yes, Miss Luo has submitted her mother's application for hospitalization. In this way, she will appear obediently.

Sure enough, the president has the means.


Jinxiu city.

As soon as Luo Shihan got home, he rushed to the bathroom to clean his body of abuse marks. Then he changed his trousers and came out.

See two children hiding in the study brush drama, she did not think much, then went to the kitchen to cook for the children.

In the study, two small heads are lying on the computer desk, secretly squinting to see that after Mommy left, Hanbao immediately assigned his sister, "close the door quickly. I have something good to show you

Tong ran to the door quickly and locked it from inside.

After all this, he ran to his brother quickly.

"Show me what's good?" Tong Bao looks at Han Bao excitedly.

Han Baobao reaches out his hand and tugs his right hand tightly into a fist. His fist was stretched out, and a tie clip was in his palm.

Tong Baodu said with disgust, "isn't it just a tie clip?"

"This is no ordinary tie clip."

"It's an expensive tie clip at most." Tong Bao pouted his little pink mouth and said with disdain.

Han Bao said mysteriously, "what do you know? I took this from the tie that the gangster kidnapped Mommy. This is evidence. We can use this tie clip to find the criminal who kidnapped Mommy. "

Tong Bao looked at his brother admiringly, "after we find that villain, we can take revenge on mommy. Is that right? "

There was an angry light in Hanbao's eyes, "of course. I've grown up. I'm a little man. I'll protect you and mommy from now on. "

Tong Bao took the tie clip and observed it carefully. "How can I find the owner of a tie clip?"

Han Bao showed a mysterious smile: "look, there are words in the tie clip."

Tong Bao turned over, and sure enough, he saw a few Sunken Words in his tie clip.

"Zhan hanjue!" Tong Tong said.

Hanbao turns up the sound of the TV play, but the play window is small to the lower right corner.

Then open the browser and enter the word "Zhan hanjue".

"This asshole lives in the president's lounge of Huanya, so I guess he is a local tyrant. You see, Tong Tong, it turns out that he is the president of Huanya... Wow, this guy is worth a lot of money. "

Han Han browsed Han Han Jue's Baidu Encyclopedia website, but he said, "it's a pity that there is no picture of him on it."

Tong Tong Dao, "this kind of villain is afraid to publish the photos."

Cold cold suddenly evil smile, "hum, dare to bully my little master's Mommy.". I'll show you what I'm good at. "

Soon, Hanhan's prank was over.

He intruded into Huanya's network as a hacker, tampered with its network security key, and altered its high-end network home page into a dead letter of challenge

"Zhan hanjue, what is the ability to bully beautiful girls? Have the ability to compete with me as a man. You're good at unlocking my key. By the way, I'm five years old

After the success, Hanhan turns off the computer, and the two Mengbao go out to eat as if nothing had happened.

Almost for the first time, people from Huanya discovered the abnormality of the network. And told Zhan hanjue at the first time.

"President, no, our network has been hacked!"

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