Guan Xiao returns to the company, deliberates, and finally tells Yan Zhengling about Zhan hanjue's situation.

Guan Xiao choked: "president, he has a very bad life. The dishes on the table are yellow and inferior vegetables, and the taste is slightly spicy, which is not suitable for his stomach at all."

Yan Zhengling was stunned for a long time.

"Didn't I just give him the money?"

"Qiulian accidentally lost her bank card. All the money in the card has been transferred."

Yan Zhengling's eyes sparked with anger“ Go and find out who stole the bank card? After finding out, we should punish them well. "

Guan Xiao clenched his fist, "yes."

"Go ahead."

When Guan Xiao left, he went to the door and suddenly remembered another thing. His face suddenly became obscure and he turned to look at Yan Zhengling.

Yan Zhengling is immersed in reviewing the documents.

Guan Xiao had a bad feeling in his heart.

In recent years, President Yan used her soft shoulder to support the backbone of Huanya for president Zhan. And the belief that supports her to persevere is probably the faint hope in her heart -- the return of President Zhan.

If this hope finally disillusioned, her fragile heart will certainly not be able to withstand this huge blow. It's better to give her a reminder in advance, so that she can be on guard.

"Anything else?" Yan Zhengling looked up at Guan Xiao.

Guan Xiao blurted out, "president. I found Durex in his bathroom today

Then dare not to see her expression, Guan Xiao quickly left.

Yan Zhengling is as petrified as a carving.


It's evidence that he and Qiulian are happy!

Although it is inevitable to know that they are husband and wife, why would she feel so sad after knowing.

Yan Zhengling's mood suddenly became so bad that he shut down the document with a bang.

Then find out the paper and pen, and write the personal assistant's work agenda angrily on the paper.

24 hours a day, she gives his work full shot, in addition to dealing with the company's various things, but also for her to eat, drink, play——

Yan Zhengling said angrily, "I'll let you go to the brain. This is your punishment. "

The next day.

Golden morning light is scattered on Huanya, the landmark building of the imperial capital. It is broken down by the black glass into bits and pieces of fire, just like a sea of fire.

An endless stream of employees swept the dawn. Let the scale of the magnificent cold building a little more smoke and fire in an instant.

President's office.

Yan Zhengling, with a mirror in her hand, carefully examined her makeup. Today's make-up not only retains the cold charm of smoky make-up, but also removes the greasy feeling brought by honey oil.

Of course, the one who forced her to make a sacrifice was Zhan hanjue.

Yan Zhengling does not want him to see her after induced cleanliness addiction, so compromise for a new look.

No honey oil, just a light layer of cream, although the color number is the blackest, but compared with honey oil, still a lot of white.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhan hanjue came to the president's office with a lazy step.

She glanced at Yan Zhengling lightly and didn't care about her new make-up. Yan Zhengling was staring at him with a paralyzed face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Yan Zhengling printed out the work content and schedule of his new assistant and handed it to Zhan hanjue.

When Zhan hanjue saw the worksheet, his eyes began to sneer.

"Eat with me, drink with me, play with me, and I'm going to sleep with you?"

Yan Zhengling said, "you can do it if you want to."

Zhan hanjue threw his personal assistant's work list to Yan Zhengling angrily, "personal assistant, I won't do it."

Yan Zhengling gritted his teeth and said, "don't forget, I'm the president of Huanya. You have to do what I ask you to do?"

Damn, including eating, drinking and sleeping with me!

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