Before long, Qiulian came to the clinic.

Doctor Wang asked step by step, "what's the child's name?

"Ah Hu!"

The doctor looked up and asked, "the child's surname?"

Qiulian was slightly surprised, and then explained: "the child has no big name. People in our fishing village used to call them" cat and dog "when they were young, and only when they grow up can they start to have big names."

"What's the father's last name?"

Autumn lotus becomes stammering“ Ah Yue. "

"The father doesn't have a name, either?" The doctor looked at her with questioning eyes.

Autumn lotus ambiguous past, "mmm."

"The baby's birthday?"

Qiulian understood this time and said, "July 26, 2017."

In the compartment, when Yan Zhengling heard the date of the child's birthday, his clenched fists gradually spread out, and his eyes splashed with surprise.

It turns out that Huzi is not brother Jue's child.

Brother Jue and Qiulian have no children. Yan Zhengling feels bright in his heart.

After waiting for her to recover her excitement, she finds that Qiulian doesn't know when she has left.

Yan Zhengling came out of the compartment and gave Doctor Wang a thumbs up“ Well done

In the evening, Huzi's fever faded and he regained consciousness.

Zhan hanjue was relieved.

He said to Qiulian, "I'm here to guard Huzi tonight. Go home and have a good rest."

Qiulian nods and leaves.

When Yan Zhengling came to the Huzi ward, he saw Zhan hanjue sitting beside the bed, reading fairy tales to the children in a voice comparable to that of an announcer.

Yan Zhengling had a bad feeling in his heart.

It can be seen that brother Jue has devoted all his feelings to Huzi.

But brother Jue didn't know that Huzi was not his son at all.

She has to find a chance to remind him that he can't be confused to raise a son for a bad woman like Qiulian.

"Brother a Yue."

Yan Zhengling goes in.

Zhan hanjue looked at her and waited for her quietly.

Yan Zhengling's lips were lifted, and she wanted to let him go home to have a rest, but when she saw the helpless expression of the child in the hospital bed, she wanted to say nothing.

She admitted that she was selfish. She was only concerned that it would hurt him to stay up late to take care of the patient. Without the slightest experience, children's young heart will be sad and afraid because of the absence of their parents' company.

"It's OK. I'll see the baby." In the end, she refrained from offering her own selfish and narrow-minded advice.

"Thank you." Zhan hanjue said“ We can't repay your kindness to Huzi. "

Yan Zhengling repeatedly helped him out, but Zhan hanjue's heart was also moved.

Yan Zhengling didn't get serious. "If you don't think you can repay me, you can promise me by yourself."

Zhan hanjue stared at her helplessly.

"You are always so heartless and provocative, don't you know --" he said angrily, but suddenly stopped.

Yan Zhengling looked at his old cadre's serious face and restrained his unruly smile, "don't know what?"

Zhan hanjue's deep eyes were full of dark cold light.

She had no skin and no face to tease him. At the beginning, he only thought that she was a vulgar woman with a few stinky money and no integrity. I despised her to the extreme.

But after getting along for a long time, he realized that she was only teasing him.

What's more, she just teased him with her mouth and never did anything out of the ordinary. And she respects him more than anyone else.

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