Zhan hanjue looked at his wife's pink face, and suddenly his mood became a little gray.

Where did he pick up a glib cabbage? Moreover, the cabbage has a big temper and bullies him thoroughly.

Zhan hanjue had a sense of inferiority and asked awkwardly, "what did you see in me then?"

Yan Zhengling said with a smile: "I grew up, no boy likes me. It's rare that you like me, so I'll rely on you not to let go."

Zhan hanjue

Looking at Yan Zhengling suspiciously, the girl clearly has a criminal face for men. How can no man like it?

Zhan hanjue said against his heart, "although you are very beautiful, you have a rough personality. It's normal that no boy likes you. But don't worry. If you marry me, I will love you well. "


Although Yan Zhengling also felt that her character was always unpopular with boys, this remark came out of Zhan hanjue's mouth, and her value was as if she had fallen into cabbage all over the street.

Suddenly indignant way: "who says I have no one to like? When Tian tannong confessed to me, he said that he had liked me since he was wearing open crotch pants. "

Zhan hanjue was shocked by her thick skin.

"Is he secreting sex hormones too early?"

Yan Zhengling laughed.

Zhan stood up and went to the kitchen.

"What are you going to do?" Yan Zhengling asked.

"I want to sharpen my knife." Zhan hanjue gritted his teeth.

"If the Tian dares to come back, I'll castrate him."

Yan Zhengling laughs and pulls back Zhan hanjue.

He said with a smile, "why can't you change your jealous habit? I was abducted by you when I was 10 years old. You always keep male animals away from me. Don't say boys, even a male fly can't get close to me. You have no rival. I was just teasing you. "

Zhan hanjue

Looking at Yan Zhengling with half faith and half doubt, he really can't believe that he will provoke a little fan Tuan Zi when he is just an adult?

Yan Zhengling moved and said, "the luckiest place in my life is to meet you, brother Jue. Because of you, I haven't tasted the pain of love like other girls. "

In her eyes, all the harm he brought her was not enough to fear, because it was all because of love.

Zhan hanjue smiles!

Fortunately, he was the only man Yan Zhengling had ever loved!

He held her carved face in his hand. "Ten years old brought you to me. I think it must be the most correct decision I've made in my life."

make love!

Tong Bao sat on the steps and clapped.

Tong Bao said: "Daddy, Mommy, I finally understand, who does my puppy love character look like?"

"Who is it?" Yan Zhengling and Zhan hanjue look at Tong Bao.

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