Zhan hanjue and Yan Xiaoru both looked at the boy. Yan Xiaoru sneered, "isn't it a zircon necklace? If you like it, I'll give you a bunch later. "

The young man ignored her. He polished the necklace as if it were new.

When Yan Xiaoru saw the shining chain, she was surprised to see that she had lost her sight. The necklace, which was buried in the earth three years ago, can still have such fineness. It can be seen that it is of great value.

The young man held the necklace in his palm. Suddenly he took the hand of Zhan hanjue, put the necklace in his palm and said, "keep it for me."

Zhan hanjue was stunned.

Yan Xiaoru looked at the strange boy suspiciously, "Hey, where are you from? What's your name? "

The boy ignored her and closed his eyes again.

Zhan hanjue looked at the Skull Necklace in his hand. His eyes turned from doubt to surprise, because there was a strange voice in his mind: "Zheng Ling, you can't die, I don't want you to die. You said you would accompany me all my life... "

Zhan hanjue's pupils began to spread

This is clearly his voice.

With the shrill despair, the roar of the verge of collapse.

It's as if it happened yesterday.

He closed his eyes and all the hallucinations disappeared.

He felt extremely surprised that Yan Zhengling was living well. Why did he have those strange pictures in his mind?

Did Yan Zhengling die?

The car was parked in front of an old one family villa.

Yan Xiaoru said, "here we are."

Zhan hanjue got out of the car in a daze. The young master looked at him with some worry. "Put away the necklace first." Juvenile road.

Zhan hanjue thought that the necklace was a young man's thing. Since he entrusted it to him, he would collect it for him.

He put the necklace into his pocket. The boy was relieved to see that he looked a little calm.

Yan Xiaoru stepped on high-heeled shoes and swayed to the villa door and rang the doorbell.

Before long, Luo Shiyu came out. See Zhan hanjue, Luo Shiyu micro Leng, "brother-in-law?"

He invited them in. In the living room, Luo Fu and Luo Mu sat on chairs. Seeing from a distance that Zhan hanjue came in, they looked at each other with ulterior motives.

Luo Mu said in a low voice: "master, Shiyu can say that as long as we cooperate with Bai Shi, Bai Shi can help us make a comeback."

"I know." Father law.

As soon as Zhan hanjue entered the living room, Luo Fu stood up excitedly, pointed at him and scolded: "you... You still have face. I ask you, "where have you got my daughter?"

With some helplessness, Luo Shiyu said: "Dad, my brother-in-law has also lost his memory. You ask him where he wants his sister and where he can get her back. He can't even find himself. "

"Tell me, why do I want to marry your daughter?" he said

Luo Fu said angrily, "who knows. You are the supreme prince. If you want to marry my daughter, my daughter will be very happy. How did she know that it would be so short-lived to marry you? "

"Before I married her, I didn't know her," he said suspiciously

Luo's father was a little tongue tied. Luo's mother glared at him and pulled him back to the chair. He stood up and said, "Zhan Shao, when my daughter married you, Huanhuan told me that you fell in love with her at first sight and decided to marry her after seeing her. I didn't believe that my daughter has such charm. After all, my family is stupid and not very beautiful. I don't know where you like her, Prince

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