The shareholders who attended the meeting were Bai Shuwu and Bai Shutang, the former leaders, and Bai Suyuan, Bai Nanning and Yan Xiaoru, the new heirs.

Tian's shareholders at the meeting include Tian Yuanhao, the former chairman, Tian tanong, the new person in charge, and Tian maize, the shareholder representative.

The person in charge of Huan Ya Zhan's participation is Zhan hanxuan, but today, the big shareholders of Zhan's company, Zhan Taiye and Zhan tingye, are all present.

There are also many representative shareholders of unknown enterprises.

It can only be said that the number of participants this year is the largest ever.

When all the shareholders were seated on time, someone began to deliberately stir up the situation“ It's been five minutes. Why hasn't president Yan come yet? Isn't president Yan well yet? "

Guan Xiao stood solemnly on the platform, with ghost members in suits and weapons standing on both sides of the platform.

Although Huanya in accordance with the equipment of previous years, well prepared for the general meeting of shareholders. But Guan Xiao didn't have the bottom of his mind. Whether President Yan would come to the meeting is unknown.

In order to delay time, Guan Xiao still presided over the shareholders' meeting as usual.

His speech changed the traditional concise style, summarized the development history of Huanya and the performance indicators of various departments of Huanya, and looked forward to the future of Huanya

It covers everything.

When the speech was nearly half finished, someone stood up and made a sincere suggestion: "assistant official, your speech is well written and well narrated, but I don't think it will be too long? You have been speaking for more than an hour. How much time can you leave for president Yan? "

Although Guan Xiao keeps a polite smile, he knows that the strategy of procrastination can no longer be used.

Then, sharp questions emerge one after another.

Bai Nanning directly questioned Guan Xiao: "assistant official, there is internal information that President Yan is suffering from severe mental illness. General paralysis, facial dysfunction. Is she any better? Can she still attend the shareholders' meeting today?

Guan Xiao said angrily, "Miss Bai, are you too anxious? How do you know president Yan can't attend today's shareholders' meeting? "

Bai Nanning said: "as we all know, Huanya can't be without a president for a day. If the president is ill and is not competent for the duties of the president, he should take the initiative to give up his position."

Guan Xiao clenched his fist in anger.

But he was too angry to speak.

After all, President Yan's recent illness is just like this. And every word he says today must be true and reliable.

"Which murderer is accusing my president of blindness?"

Suddenly, Yan Zheng's voice rang in the hall.

People go by reputation.

See Yan Zheng push Yan Zheng Ling appear at the door of the meeting room.

Yan Zheng pushes Zheng Ling to the platform. All the shareholders are used to seeing president Yan, who has pulled away 2560 yuan. Suddenly, they see Yan Zheng Ling, who has taken off his heavy makeup and dressed up fresh and fresh. They feel amazing, just like an immortal.

They can't connect this beautiful girl with the rubbish of paralysis and facial dysfunction.

Bai Nanning seemed to be slapped heavily, his face was burning with pain, and he sat down in ashes.

Guan Xiao was overjoyed. He went to Yan Zhengling and said respectfully, "president, it's your turn to speak."

Yan Zhengling took the microphone, calm as a waterway, "the development of anything is in the rough and bumpy forward. I believe that the same is true of Huanya. If we don't go through wind and rain, how can we have rough skin and thick flesh? "

"All shareholders here, if you still trust Huanya, please move forward with Huanya. If you are not willing to bear the burden with Huanya, we Huanya will return your shares. "

As soon as Yan Zhengling's words came out, Guan Xiao was stunned.

President Yan's decision is nothing more than preparing to kick out all the shareholders who have different intentions towards Huanya. If he does so, Huanya will surely suffer heavy losses.

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