Although the fried dish looks dark, it's a painstaking dish. Both Impatiens and Yan Zheng hope to be recognized by others.

But Zhan hanjue's chopsticks refused to appreciate their dishes. The Impatiens had to beg Zheng Ling, who was beautiful and kind-hearted, "Zheng Ling elder sister, try our Fried Cauliflower."

But the Impatiens just picked up the cauliflower. Zhan hanjue avoided it. Take up his bowl of noodles, and Impatiens' cauliflower falls on the table.

"Big brother, I've worked very hard." Impatiens is very aggrieved.

Zhan hanjue was not moved. He rolled up the noodles and fed them into Zheng Ling's mouth.

Zheng Ling was very surprised, "brother Jue, I want to taste the skill of Impatiens."

The Impatiens looked at Zhan hanjue very much, but he politely refused: "Zheng Ling, their food is mixed rice, their food is fried with detergent. You can't eat it. "

Yan Zhengling is a fool.

The Impatiens didn't know where the problem was, so they protested with a strong voice, "what's wrong with the detergent? Can't you eat detergent? I can't eat it. Why did you buy it and put it in the kitchen? "

Yan Zhengling guessed that Han Han Jue didn't understand the meaning of Impatiens, and explained to her seriously, "Impatiens, cooking should use oil, not detergent. Detergent is used to wash dishes. "

Impatiens are stupid.

Yan Zheng pulled out all the dishes in his mouth and ran into the kitchen to gargle.

When Yan Zheng came out, Zhan hanjue said sarcastically, "is it OK? Why don't you go to the hospital and wash your stomach

But Yan Zheng deliberately pretended to be fearless and said, "I read the instructions of detergent. It can't kill people. Don't worry!"

The Impatiens looked at the dishes on the table with a look of regret, "what about these dishes?"

"Down. I'll go down and give it to you. "

Yan Zheng enters the kitchen again to challenge the spring and snow.

Although the noodles are too soft to cook, they are delicious with the condiment of Han Han Jue.

The Impatiens ate the lunch with satisfaction.

After dinner, Zhan hanjue said: "you two make the kitchen like that. Remember to clean up the kitchen before you leave."

"And you?" Yan Zheng is dissatisfied.

Zhan hanjue picked up Zhengling and said, "I'll take Zhengling to lunch break."

Yan Zheng flatted his mouth and said, "OK."

In the afternoon, Impatiens came to Huanya hospital with a feeling of awe.

At the door of Tan Xiaoyu's ward, she lingered.

She doesn't know whether her arrival will add trouble to tan Xiaoyu.

Finally, he summoned up the courage to knock on the door of the sick room.

Tan Xiaoyu was stunned when she saw the impatiens. Then he gave her a friendly smile.

"Thank you for coming to see me, impatiens."

The tension of Impatiens was completely dissipated by her friendliness and enthusiasm.

"Sister Xiaoyu." As soon as the Impatiens came out, her eyes became moist and her voice choked.

She went to the bedside, tightly holding Xiaoyu's hand, some incoherent way: "you must be good, I and Zhengling sister are waiting for you to come back."

Tan Xiaoyu said, "do you know all about it?"

Impatiens nodded with her eyes“ Xiaoyu, thank you for saving Yan Zheng. Thank you for giving me a chance to make up for him in my lifetime. "

Tan Xiaoyu put out her hand to wipe away the tears of Impatiens and said, "Impatiens, there is something I want to tell you. At the beginning, after Yan Zheng and I had a kidney transplant, his body had a great exclusive reaction. The doctor announced that he might not live long, so he decided to give up your life. "

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