Yan Zheng was so scared that he hugged the Impatiens and cried, "Mom, I fell from here, but I'm broken to pieces. When the time comes, you will have no choice but to be a ghost. "

Zhan hanjue looked at Yan Zheng in disgust and said, "if we didn't bring the words to master Yu, they couldn't let us die."

Zheng Ling imagined that he was about to see Han Bao. He was happy in his heart and had hope in his eyes.

"Husband, don't forget to ask about Hanbao later." Zheng Ling gently reminds him.

"I know." When Zhan hanjue saw Zheng Ling's expectant eyes, he became uneasy.

Zheng Ling put all his hopes on Han Bao in the end.

He was worried that the result would disappoint Zheng Ling.

At the beginning, Zeng Rong's information exposed in s country could not stand repeated scrutiny.

There are two doubtful points

Is the person who takes Hanbao really a demon?

What's more, are demons really the last people?

They don't have any credible evidence at all. But it's urgent to find Hanbao, so even if it's a distant hope, you have to ride the wind and waves to touch it.

This is the heart of parents in the world!

As Zhan hanjue expected, the cable car swayed in the air for a while and then reached the top of the mountain smoothly.

The staff in charge of the cable car sat lazily in the compartment, looking at them with narrow eyes.

Guan Xiao asked, "how can I get to yujiazhai?"

"Yujiazhai is on the hillside, not on the top of the mountain." The attitude of the staff was indifferent.

Guan Xiao had the feeling of being played by monkeys, "then why did you bring us to the top of the mountain?"

"The cable car didn't reach the hillside."

"The tourist guide of the scenic spot, give us a copy."


Guan Xiao is angry.

Guan Xiao, a man of gentle culture, met an unreasonable man. All of a sudden, there is a sense of helplessness.

Zhan hanjue pushed Yan Zheng out, "it's more appropriate for you to deal with this kind of rascal."

Obviously derogatory words, but Yan Zheng feel very proud, he this kind of ignorant learning slag was finally put to use.

Yan Zheng sees that people here don't welcome tourists at all.

He simply took out his mobile phone and casually took photos while leisurely saying: "the scenery here is really beautiful. The snowflakes are bigger than pigeon eggs and the snow is deeper than people. I have to take more photos and send them to my circle of friends so that all my friends can come here to see the snow scenery. Oh, no, no, I should send it to the global forum and let the people of the earth come here to see the scenery... "

The staff seized his mobile phone and said, "if you want to go to yujiazhai, you should go there for a body search."

This request is particularly rude, Yan Zheng immediately protested: "I do not accept body search?"

"Then you can go all over the mountain to find Yu's village. I promise you won't see the memorial archway of yujiazhai. You go to the palace of hell to report first. "

Zhan hanjue pondered for a moment. If this yujiazhai is really the home of the end of the world, the civilization of yujiazhai far away from this highland can't be underestimated by the weapon power of yuchengqian's birth.

If the people of yujiazhai want to do something on the mountain, they can only be at their disposal.

What's more, the snow mountain alone can trap him for several days.

Zhan hanjue takes the initiative to go to the inspection window.

There is a man and a woman sitting in the inspection window. The man searches for Han Jue. The woman searched Zheng Ling.

The woman's hands touched Zheng Ling symbolically. At last, he stayed in front of Zheng Ling.

Zheng Ling didn't want to be outdone. He quickly grabbed her.

The woman said with a sly smile, "what are you doing? I'm searching."

Zheng Ling said with a smile, "sorry, I'm blind. It's in the wrong place. I'll search my little sister again. Don't do it foolishly. Otherwise, I don't know where I will touch my sister next time. "

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