As soon as the voice fell, the door of the office was pushed open by the beautiful secretary.

The little secretary came in with a head and said respectfully, "president, there is a beautiful woman who wants to visit you." There is still a little gossip in the tone.

Guan Xiao yelled, "you don't know that the president's office forbids the opposite sex to enter. Refuse. "

Zhan hanjue was still wondering if it was Luo Shihan, the damned woman, who came here. As soon as he heard the word "big beauty", he immediately gave up his mind.

Luo Shihan's kind of woman with temperament, no temperament, no body and rustic temperament can't match a beautiful woman at all.

Secretary closed the door, back to the service desk, gentle and dignified to wait for Luo Shi Han Road, "Miss, our president temporarily do not see a guest."

Luo Shihan lifted his chestnut curly hair and took a deep breath to suppress his anger. He said, "your chief executive invited me here. When I came, he turned me away. What does he mean? I've given him all the face inside. His face is a face, but ours is not? "

The secretary is stunned. She has been in Huanya for such a long time. Today, for the first time, she meets someone who is not afraid of death and dares to abuse the president?

Zhan hanjue and Guan Xiaogang came out of the office. The two people who were going to the elevator turned to the Secretary Desk because they heard Luo Shihan's voice.

The Secretary saw that the president's face was full of black lines, and his evil eyes looked terrible. He was at a loss and pretended to be busy sorting out her secretary desk.

Zhan hanjue stands behind Luo Shihan, who still continues to complain about the chief executive's crime, "the customer is God. Without our parents, who would he go to?"

"Luoshihan -" behind came the voice of Zhan hanjue gritting his teeth.

Luo Shihan almost fell to the ground in fright. Seeing Zhan hanjue's hands in his trouser pockets, his angry maid glared at her. Luo Shihan gave him an embarrassed smile.

Lying trough, she was full of grievances and nowhere to vent, thinking that the war make complaints about the woman, and caught the little honey book and Tucao him a few words, but he was caught in the shape.

She didn't burn incense when she went out. She was at the end of the day.

"War lord!" Luo Shihan's painting style changes instantly. But the insecure hand touched her bag uncontrollably.

"Come in with me." Zhan hanjue turned and went to the office.

Luo Shihan thinks of the atrocity that happened in the office yesterday and hesitates to follow him“ Zhan ye, let's talk about it here? I'm very busy today. Make a long story short -- "

Zhan hanjue stopped and turned to gaze at her.

"How busy are you?"

Luo Shihan hastened to understand the current situation and said, "no, it's Zhan Ye. You manage everything every day, so I won't take up too much of Zhan Ye's time. Do you have anything to say?"

Zhan hanjue's death gaze suddenly exploded. At last, he just gritted his teeth and asked, "Luo Shihan, do you want to see Zhan Su?"

The next moment, Luo Shihan, like a gust of wind, has stood in front of Zhan hanjue.

Zhan hanjue looked at her contemptuously and turned to enter the office.

This time, without any hesitation, Luo Shihan cooperates with Zhan hanjue and enters the office.

He sat down in his black swivel chair and gazed at the pretentious woman in front of him.

I'm a little surprised. I didn't expect that this woman would look a little human after a little dressing up!

Then he threw the contract in front of him to Luo Shihan and said, "sign it."

Luo Shihan took over the contract suspiciously, quickly scanned the relevant details of the contract, and finally cried out, "this is the overlord clause of capitalists. I don't accept it. " Put the contract back in front of him.

It was a medical exemption contract. Huanya decided to use her mother as the experimenter of new technology. If her mother died, Huanya would only have to pay very little money. Family members are not allowed to appeal for any reason.

Signing this contract is like selling her mother to Huanya hospital.

Luo Shihan is not stupid. She sneered at Zhan hanjue and said, "don't you just want to threaten me with my mother? Zhan ye, I know you want to get back at me. If you have the ability, you come to me! If you take revenge on an old man who is dying, are you not afraid of bad retribution? "

Looking at Luo Shihan, Zhan hanjue said, "you say I'm a capitalist. Do you think it's reasonable to do business with capitalists?"

As long as I don't sign the contract. This contract will not come into effect. I don't want to do business with you! "

Luoshihan looks like you can't help me.

In the next sentence, Zhan hanjue directly sentenced her to death. "Do you think that if your mother died in Huanya, I can't afford to pay for this medical accident?"


Luo Shihan wakes up.

When her mother entered Huanya, she was really the fish of Zhan hanjue.

Whether she signs the contract or not, her mother's fate can't be changed. The only thing that has changed is the amount of compensation paid by the capitalist.

He wants to get rid of the huge compensation.

A worthless guy, an evil capitalist.

Zhan hanjue turned the contract to the last page, which was what Luo Shihan didn't see. Then he handed it to Luo Shihan and said coldly, "after reading this, you can decide whether to sign the contract."

Luo Shihan took over suspiciously, and after seeing clearly the attached page of the contract, his eyes could not be moved any more.

Zhan hanjue wanted to use her mother as a hostage to coerce her into becoming Zhan Su's nanny?

Ha ha, Luo Shihan just wants to laugh!

Even if Zhan didn't use her mother as a threat, she would agree to this opportunity.

She missed Dabao so much!

However, looking at the capitalist face of Zhan hanjue, Luo Shihan was terrified.

This guy won't give him a big advantage for no reason!

Zhan hanjue looked at Luo Shihan's uncertain face, not sure that she could go according to his plan.

"Do you really agree to let me see our son?" Luo Shihan asked uncertainly.

"Losihan, please pay attention to your wording. It's my son, not your son." Zhan hanjue said every word.

"I can take you to him. But I have a condition -- "

"You say it

"Never recognize him without my permission." Zhan hanjue said.

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