The young man was shocked by this sentence, as if he was stunned.

After a long time, he pushed the bowl to the table and said, "boring."

Then I got up and went back to my room.

The other girls looked at each other and finally burst out laughing.

"Does the child have a sweetheart?"

The elder sister said, "apart from you, he has never met any other girls. If he has a sweetheart, he must be one of you. I can bring the scandal to the front. If you don't have nine lives, don't challenge the military regulations of the military intelligence hall. "

"Sister, we know."

"The child is in a mood. Which one of you is going to tease him?" Big sister's eyes are full of worries.

Most of the children in the hall of military intelligence are in trouble, and the elder sister is always indifferent to other children. But she carefully guarded the innocence of the young.

No one knows why elder sister is so special to teenagers.

The eyes of all glanced at the elder sister.

"He listens to you most. Go ahead, sister

The elder sister shakes her head, and the shadow of her eyelashes projects on her lower eyelids.

"I'm not going."

Small nine flower worry free hand quietly pressed the things in the pocket, suddenly stood up, volunteered: "that I go."

"Go ahead." She said.

Xiao Jiu came to the boy's room and knocked on the door.

Lying on the bed, the young man had no choice but to pull the quilt over his head.

"I'm dead and have something to burn!" The sound of the urn.

Small nine "poof" a smile, push open the door, go in.

Sitting on the stool at the head of the bed, he said teasingly, "it's strange that before spring comes, cats begin to miss spring."

The boy sat up and said, "I don't miss spring. I just -- "the tone of the young man weakened.

"You just don't want to stay in the dark hall of military intelligence. You want to go home. Is that right? " Little nine.


These two words hurt the young man's heart.

The young man's hands pressed tightly on the bedding, and his face showed a complicated expression, just like the justice and evil in his body were fighting.

After a long time, the dust settled.

The boy said, "forget it. I'll stay in the hall of military intelligence all my life. Anyway, it's not lonely to have you with me. "

Xiaojiuhua looks at the pain in the bottom of her eyes. She knew that it was the helplessness of the youth who was looking forward to going home, but was succumbed by the reality.

He must have thought that he was abandoned by his parents.

Small nine eyebrows eye dye smile, suddenly bend over, will mouth close to youth, gently called a voice: "Han Bao!"

Young handsome face petrified.

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