when one drinks water , one must not forget where it comes from.

Zheng Ling was eating delicious food, feeling the hard work of the chef. Suddenly he took the wine cup in front of him and said, "elder sister, you've worked hard today. Here's to you, sister. "

Zheng Yu lifted the glass with a smile, and said with emotion: "I used to be carefree, but my heart was empty. Now that I have my family to care about and to pay for my family, I really feel happy. Sister Zhengling, I should respect you. You make me feel the warmth of the world. "

Zheng Ling drank it with his head up.

Zheng Yu is not good at drinking. As soon as she sips, she feels nausea and vomiting at the bottom of her stomach. Zheng Yu put down her wine cup and ran to the bathroom.

Zheng Ling worried about the elder sister and said anxiously, "brother Jue, help me to have a look."

Zhan hanjue helped Zheng Ling to the door of the bathroom. He took into account the difference between men and women and retreated to the outside.

Zheng Ling felt into the bathroom alone.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Zheng Ling asked with concern.

Zhengyu vomited like mountains and rivers, and the whole bathroom was filled with the smell of fishy smell.

"Sister... Get out of here." Zheng Yu is a little embarrassed.

Zheng Ling touched the tissue and came to her, patted her on the back and said anxiously, "elder sister, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have pulled you to drink if I knew you had such a strong reaction to alcohol. "

Zheng Yutu said weakly, "sister, it's none of your business. It's not about drinking. These days, every morning and noon, I have a strong sense of nausea

Zheng jade body is not good, nausea and vomiting symptoms, Zheng jade only as her old disease recurrence.

Zheng Ling was stunned.

After a long time, Zheng Ling asked nervously, "elder sister, do you have any other symptoms besides nausea and vomiting?"

"That's not true." Zhengyu road.

"What's the change in taste?"

"Strange to say, I didn't like spicy food before, but now I want to eat spicy food."

"Is there sleepiness?"

"It's sleepier than before."

Zheng Ling holds Zheng Yu's hand and suddenly becomes very strong“ Elder sister, when did you begin to have this kind of reaction? "

Zheng Yu feels Zheng Ling's excitement. Although she is a woman with simple experience, she has some experience after all, and immediately guesses Zheng Ling's mind.

"Sister, do you doubt that I have..." Zheng Yu couldn't go on.

Zheng Ling hugged elder sister tightly, "elder sister, don't worry, maybe I think too much. Later, we'll go to the pharmacy to buy early pregnancy test paper. How about that? "

Zheng Yu nodded solemnly.

When Zheng Ling and Zheng Yu returned to the dining table, they found that everyone looked at Zheng Yu with a dignified expression.

Zheng Zheng said: "elder sister, you are weak. This icy north is not suitable for you to recuperate. Otherwise, I will send you back to the imperial capital after the new year, and you can receive treatment earlier... "

This is clearly a misunderstanding that Zheng Yu's old illness has recurred.

Zheng Ling said: "it's too early to make a decision now. I'll talk about it later. "

After the meal, Zheng Ling took Zheng Yu by the hand and said, "I'll go out for a walk with my elder sister. Don't follow any of you. "

Zhan hanjue vehemently opposed: "Zheng Ling, you and elder sister are weak women. How can I rest assured if you two go out?"

Zheng Ling thought and said, "let Su Su go with me."

As a little boy, Su Su should be ignorant of women's common sense. This will not embarrass the shy elder sister.

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