Tong Tong doesn't have a separate bedroom, so he can only squeeze into the same room with mommy.

When Tong Tong saw Hanbao's big and beautiful room, she couldn't hide her sadness and asked mummy quietly, "why didn't Daddy give me such a beautiful house?"

Luo Shihan was speechless.

That night, Tong Tong was in a low mood.

Luo Shihan had to hold Tong Tong and coax her with patience, "Tong Tong, you are a girl. You can live with mommy until you grow up. But Han Bao is a boy. He has grown up. Men and women are different, so he has to live apart from us. You know what? "

Tong Tong was relieved.

Although the new room is the most humble one in the villa, it is still luxurious and elegant for luoshihan's mother and daughter.

Such a room, but a full 30 square meters, if the only drawback is that the decoration color is too simple and elegant, silver gray vertical line wall cloth, not suitable for children such a dreamy girl.

So Luo Shihan re purchased the pink wall cloth on the Internet and decided to re dress the room.

After six years, Luo Shihan once thought that her fate with Zhan hanjue was over.

I didn't think that they were living under the same roof again.

Before, they were a couple in name only. Zhan hanjue went in and out every day, ignoring her existence, as if she were the air in the room.

At that time, she thought that if they were married, as long as she tried to play the role of a good wife and mother, she would certainly move him.

Who ever wanted to go to the end is his expulsion.

That time, she was deeply hurt by him.

Because of love, and because she has nothing, she is as humble as a weed.

This time, Luo Shihan didn't want to hurt himself.

Although love is still there, but if so hard, so humble also can't change his deep feeling, then she won't live for him, but for herself.

When Luo Shihan was thinking about it, he saw Tong Bao running pitifully, holding her knees and acting like a coquettish, "Mommy, I'm hungry."

Losihan got up and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Mr. Zhan is preparing spaghetti for the children.

Seeing Luo Shi Han coming in, Zhan hanjue could hardly hide the taste of schadenfreude.

Losihan goes through all the ingredients. Only then discovered this guy intentionally only prepared the western food material.

"Sorry, if you want to have Chinese food, you have to go out and buy your own materials. The shop is just across the street. It's about 15 minutes' walk Zhan hanjue's deliberate and attentive attitude made luoshihan have an impulse to call him.

He always thought that she was an illegitimate daughter from the countryside, so he expected that she would not make western food?

Losihan was depressed to find out the ingredients for pizza, flour, butter, cheese, and minced meat

After preparing the spaghetti, Zhan hanjue went out with his favorite works. Losihan looked at his spaghetti with all kinds of color and fragrance, but he showed a mysterious smile.

"Han Bao, Su Su, eat noodles." The joyful voice of Zhan hanjue began to ring.

Hanbao and Zhan Su run down the stairs quickly. When they see the tomato sauce floating on the spaghetti, Hanbao's face shows resistance.

"Han Bao, don't you like noodles?"

Zhan hanjue rolled up a handful of noodles and handed it to Hanbao. Hanbao couldn't control himself and suddenly ran to the garbage can to feel sick and vomit.

Zhan hanjue suddenly lost his chopsticks. It turns out that Han Bao doesn't like ketchup?

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