Zhan Su squatted down and connected all the dislocated joints.

The remaining money got up and left with a black face.

Han Bao, who had been watching from the wall, came to Su Su and joked: "you were so powerful just now."

Zhan Su flicked Hanbao's masked face and sneered back: "this face under the mask, do you think it will be colder and more heartless than me?"

Hanbao smiles.

The hazy sky is suddenly illuminated by colorful neon fireworks.

Han Bao and Zhan Su went along with the fame and saw the fireworks that had not been noticed for a long time, as if they were arranging troops in the air theater. One after another, they rose and one after another went out. Red, yellow, blue, green... Each color is disorderly, but disorderly and orderly.

Zhan Su's thin and charming lips outline a mocking smile.

The code symbols hidden in the fireworks are derived from the astronomical code of legendary university library. Although not every student in legend university can understand the astronomical code, Zhan Su's IQ is the highest in the history of legend University.

The demon used the astronomical code as the secret code of the military intelligence hall, and probably overestimated his own intelligence.

Han Bao said quietly, "fireworks are beautiful."

Zhan Su looks at Han Bao quietly. He wants to know if Han Bao and he have nothing to talk about.

However, after watching the fireworks, Hanbao looks as usual.

Zhan Su said, "don't you have anything to tell me?"

Han Bao pointed to the hazy sky and said: "although fireworks are beautiful, they are just like a flash in the pan. What a pity. "

Zhan Su said, "why do I think the fireworks are a little strange compared with ordinary fireworks? Especially the blue fireworks, just like the special characters of sorting

Hanbao's eyes are full of deficiency.

Zhan Su's deep eyes penetrated into his eyes, "are you very happy that your women will come to meet you on New Year's Eve?"

Han Bao was stunned.

"How do you know?"

Zhan Su said to himself, "the secret code of the military intelligence Hall created by demons stealing the astronomical code of legend university is simpler than the English alphabet. I just can read it. "

Han Bao

The secret code of the hall of military intelligence is the most difficult code to decipher in the world. Unexpectedly, it was easily deciphered by Zhan su. Didn't all the information contained in the fireworks just now be leaked?

"Su Su, they just don't trust me. So I wanted to come and rescue me. Don't embarrass them. " Han Bao is a little worried that Su Su will use his last strength to embarrass the thirteen challenge masters.

Zhan Su looked at the vast sky and said with emotion: "Han Bao, human wisdom is infinite. Never trust anyone, because we can't control anyone's wisdom."

"What do you mean by such profound words?"

"It's like your leader demon. You think you know him well. So you must have faith in him. And I just want to remind you that you don't know him

Han Bao said with a relaxed smile: "Oh, do you suspect that my adoptive father has gone astray? No way. I've been with him for four years. I know him best. "

Zhan Su looked at Hanbao's smiling face and said with emotion, "it hasn't changed at all."

He was a little worried about Hanbao. Although Hanbao was very clever and superb, he had a fatal shortcoming: he was warm to everyone and didn't guard him.

Probably, it's because Hanbao grew up under mummy's wings and lived in a simple environment. Unlike Zhan Su, who had to face the demons of his family since he was a child, he developed a suspicious temperament.

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