Han Bao is stunned

A helpless expression appeared on the small face, "alas."

Soon, Zhan Su and Han Bao came to the door of the old man's villa. The guard at the door quickly reported the good news to the old master, "old master, two young masters of the war family are visiting."

The old man was overjoyed. He quickly put down the tea cup in his hand and walked out in a hurry.

"Ha ha, Su Su, Han Bao, which gust of wind has brought my two little great grandchildren here. Come on, come on in. Grandfather Zeng gave you something delicious. "

Zhan Su and Han Bao came into the room. As soon as they sat down, Master Yu brought out all kinds of delicious cakes he had collected. Soon, the broad mahogany tea table will be placed in dense turns. It's dazzling.

Han Bao was always a polite child. He bowed to his great grandfather and said, "thank you, old man."

The old man was stunned, and then he remembered Zhan hanjue's words: Hanbao's identity is mysterious, and he doesn't want to recognize his relatives. My eyes are full of loss, but still happy.

He liked Hanbao's gentleness very much. "This child is really good. It's warm and sunny. It's not as cold and arrogant as your brother

Zhan Su explained the reason: "grandfather Zeng, he was brought up by my mother. And I was brought up by daddy. "

It suddenly dawned on the old man that the difference in character between the twin brothers was caused by the acquired environment. Zhan hanjue's nature is weak, and the child he raised has always been so far away from others. Yan Zhengling is lively, so her Hanbao is sunny and warm.

The old man said: "cold and proud or warm, anyway, they are all my great grandchildren."

After the old man was happy, he realized later that the two children had nothing to do but go to the three treasures hall.

The old man was born as a bandit. He didn't have those crooked intestines. He asked straight to the point: "by the way, if you come to find grandfather Zeng, do you have something to ask for?"

Zhan Su said, "to tell you the truth, grandfather Zeng, I'm here to ask for soldiers."

The old man was surprised. "What do you want soldiers to do?"

Zhan Su glanced at Han Bao and said, "someone wants to rob my golden pig on New Year's Eve. I'm a brother and I want to protect him. "

Master Yu instantly understood Zhan Su's deep meaning, but he didn't know what to borrow for Han Bao.

After all, he didn't know Han Bao's identity, and he didn't know what Han Bao's accomplice was worth. Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles.

The old man simply pointed out: "Su Su, there are 30000 frigates in our yujiazhai, but most of them are wine bags and rice bags. You have seen their ability. But if the platoon does a good job, they will also play a huge power. "

With that, the old man looked at Zhan Su attentively.

Seeing that Zhan Su didn't nod his head, the old man knew that these frigates couldn't cope with the difficulties of the new year. He added: "if the frigate can't do it, we still have elite guards, all of them have extraordinary skills, but they are all reckless men who will only be ordered to kill."

Zhan Su still has no response.

The old man was impatient and didn't want to introduce them one by one, so he simply moved out of the treasure of the town.

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