"Grandfather Zeng, you don't know Hanbao at all. Han Bao is so kind. At most, he can do things that are unjust and have a debt. He can never do things that harm the nine ethnic groups. "

The old man's eyes grew cold.

Zhan Su's words are like telling him that looking for nine pictures is not Hanbao's original intention. So, is the mysterious organization behind Hanbao the enemy of the last?

The old man looked up at the hazy sky and said with deep emotion: "the sky of Mount Everest, there is never a gorgeous blue sky. Long ago, great grandfather had expected that there would be retribution in our last life. I'm not afraid of retribution. I just don't want to implicate the innocent women and children of yujiazhai village 108. "

Zhan Su has an indescribable feeling towards the end of the world. He should have hated evil like hatred, and hated the end of the world, but because of his great grandfather's love for him, the hatred became a little weak.

"Grandfather Zeng, the state-owned Legalists have family rules. It's not up to evil organizations to decide what kind of punishment they should be punished in the end. It should be given to the state. "

The old man looked at Zhan Su in amazement

Over the years, as he grew older, he became more and more reluctant to let go of the future of the last days. Yu Sheng is a reckless man. He only wants to guard the end of the world with force, but he never wants to be flexible and confine the innocent posterity to this mountain. Old Master Yu feels that he has delayed the children's future.

This is his heart knot.

But Zhan Su's few words showed him the way.

Surrender to the state?

He waved to Zhan Su and said, "Su Su, take the token of lieutenant general and go to Yu's village to lead the troops. When it gets dark, I'm afraid the enemy will go up the mountain in the dark. You have to do a good job of defense. "

Zhan Su took a good token and said goodbye to the old man.

"Goodbye, great grandfather."

Mr. Yu went back to his mid level villa with a lot of worries.

At the door of the villa, a tall and thin old man lingered at the door for a long time. I saw the old man coming up with a smile.

"Brother Yu." The thin old man called kindly www.qbxs.me ]Naturally.

The old man saw the thin old man with a dignified face. Some exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, brother Zhan Shan, how can it be you? You haven't come to play chess with me for a long time. I heard that you have made a fortune by selling raw stones recently, but really? "

"Thanks to brother Yu, I saved some money. I'm going to buy a decent dowry for my little girl. " The thin old man said with a smile.

They talked and laughed and walked to the broad and bright living room.

The servant hastened to add tea for them. The old man took a sip of tea, put down the cup and said, "I know you have to go to the three treasures hall for everything. Come on, what on earth did you come to me for? "

The thin old man was a little embarrassed. In order to hide his embarrassment, he took off his hat and rubbed his rough palms back and forth on his smooth head.

"Oh, brother Yu, I really have something to ask you, but I'm sorry to say it..."

Master Yu said angrily, "what can I say? You are the patron saint of our last life. In order to protect the end of the world, your husband and wife worked together to block the pass of heaven. In the end, you lost your wife, and the end of the world army could be successfully transferred. I will always remember this kindness for many years. "

The thin old man chuckled, "that's what I said. Elder brother, you know, I never ask for help. This time I ask for help from you. It's also for my family, Zhuma. "

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