Han Bao's voice began to tremble. "Is it sister five?"

Five elder sister is the most ferocious and valiant. She is the only one who is willing to kill her classmates.

But worry free eyes are still half closed.

Hanbao has no idea. In his heart, other sisters are so gentle and kind




"Second sister?"

Han Bao's mood is more and more dignified. What he doesn't want to believe is elder sister, but now only elder sister hasn't verified it.

"Is it... Elder sister?"

Worry free eyes, such as butterflies flapping wings, gently in the palm of Hanbao slip.

The hand that Han Bao covers in her eyes gently moves away, but Hua Wuyou has quietly closed.

Hanbao's pupil became scarlet, and the sense of trust built up over the years collapsed instantly. The whole person staggered to his feet and said: "sister nine, you can rest in peace. I will judge your revenge. If they kill innocent people indiscriminately, I will avenge you. "

That night, with his family and Yan's family, Zhan hanjue witnessed Han Bao bury Wuyou in the geomantic treasure land of Mount Everest.

The stone tablet carved by Zhan hanjue himself: it says that Zhan hanjue, the adopted daughter of Yan Zhengling, is the tomb of Hua Wuyou!

After burying Wuyou, Zheng Ling said to the head of the tomb: "Wuyou, I'm sorry I didn't bury you. One is that you have a special identity, and this is the end of the world where we can't make decisions. We can only give you a ride in such a silent way. I hope you have a good journey. "

Han Bao stood beside him with no expression on his face. All his grief had been extravagant. He couldn't cry or speak at the moment. He could only watch Wu you buried in the loess.

Zhan hanjue's hand gently encircles Hanbao's shoulder. He can only give Hanbao comfort and strength in this silent way.

Back in Qingmei Town, the old master and Yu Sheng were waiting at the door anxiously for Zhan hanjue to come back.

Seeing the old master and Yu Sheng, Zhan hanjue immediately came forward. He asked in a low voice, "grandfather, uncle. How was it last night? "

Yu Sheng solemnly told Zhan hanjue, "our monitoring system shows that 13 agents invaded Mount Everest last night. But only 12 agents went down the mountain. "

Simple Tong Bao blurted out: "Oh, another one is dead. We buried them in the back mountain. "

Tong Bao's explanation didn't make Yu Sheng look relaxed. Because only they know that the 12 agents who went down the mountain contained Zhan su.

So of the 13 agents who invaded Everest, only 11 came out.

So there's another one. Where is it?

Zhan hanjue's wise and deep pupil was full of cold light, and he said: "have you ever conducted a carpet search on Mount Everest?"

Yu Sheng said, "it's not yet time."

The old man interjected, "I just want to tell you that you should not go out in recent years and pay attention to safety. In addition, you are not familiar with the villagers of Yujia village. You must guard against assassins posing as villagers and using you to escape the search of the end of the world. "

The old man's words sounded an alarm for everyone.

"Don't worry, grandfather. I'll be wary of strangers approaching us." Zhan hanjue said flatly.

In fact, the old man was a hundred reassurances to Zhan hanjue. I don't know much about the people around him, such as Yan Zheng and Impatiens, so I deliberately remind them.

The eagle Falcon's sharp eyes swept everyone's face. Yan Zheng said, "don't worry, old man. I live in Qingmei town these days. I won't go out even if I'm killed."

The Impatiens nodded in agreement.

The two goods went to Qingmei town impolitely as they talked.

Zhan hanjue is a little speechless.

In the next few days, his and Zheng Ling's wonderful world seems to be in vain again.

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