Don't knit in front of these two men in the future.

At the gate of Qingmei Town, there was an earth shaking clap.

In the living room, everyone's heart suddenly shrunk and looked in a hurry.

"What happened?" Yan Zheng asked nervously.

"I'll see." Hanbao is still calm.

Hanbao trotted all the way to the front, opened the door, and saw Zhuma standing at the door in a panic, breathless: "I want to see brother Zhan."

Then he went into the gate.

Hanbao is quick eyed and quick to handle. The back board is on the doorframe, and the long leg is on the opposite doorframe, blocking Zhuma out.

"What happened?" Han Bao's behavior is uninhibited, but his smile is warm.

Zhuma had to tell the truth and said anxiously: "my father is poisoned. This poison is not the last poison. I've come to ask brother Zhan for help. Maybe he has a lot of knowledge and can understand this poison... "

Han Bao knew the seriousness of the matter, straightened up and said to Zhu Ma, "come in."

Juma almost ran into the living room, "brother Zhan, please help my dad."

Seeing Juma, Zhan hanjue instinctively stood up and walked to the inner room to avoid it.

Just after hearing Juma's words of "save her father", big long leg was still in the same place. He turned his head and said, "what's the matter with your father?"

Zhu Ma was so anxious that she burst into tears. "I don't know. When I came home from Qingmei Town, I found something wrong with my father. He couldn't speak. I thought he was ill. I cooked medicine for him... But my father's face was getting darker and darker, so I knew he was poisoned."

Zhan hanjue's heart sank as he thought of the assassin hiding in the end.

He went out without saying a word.

Only when I got to the door did I think of Zheng Ling and stop to look back at him. Zheng Ling waved to him. At the moment, he was jealous and said, "brother Jue, go quickly."

Zhan hanjue nodded.

When he came to the gate, he saw Hanbao and said, "go with Daddy."

Hanbao's face was gloomy and he nodded.

Zhuma didn't understand why hanjue had made such an arrangement. She glanced at Hanbao.

Seeing that he was wearing a black windbreaker, a white scarf, soft and elegant hair, and his expression was harmless, he was clearly a soft and cute child.

What can he do to help?

Three people came to Zhuma's house in a hurry. Old man Zhan Shan sat on the ground, trying to use his power to force poison. Maybe it was because of the ascending blood. His face looked blue and black, which was different from the normal color of his neck.

Han Bao saw Zhan Shan's appearance and cried out, "ah!"

Zhan hanjue turned his head and looked at Hanbao. Hanbao's puzzled expression could not escape his eyes.

"Have you ever seen this poison?" Asked Zhan hanjue.

Han Bao said: "I've heard of this poison. I've never seen it. "

"Tell me."

"This poison is called face poison. The poisoned person's face changed from cyan to black. If he turns black, he will not be able to return to heaven

Han Bao looked at the old man, "the time from poisoning to death is only eight hours. It is one of the most effective ways for many villains in the world to bully and torture their enemies. Because after poisoning, the body slowly paralyzed, consciousness first out of control, language ability and then slowly lost, and this period is the best time to torture

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