"Mommy, he only took Zhan Su and Han Bao out to play, not me." Tong Tong looks at Mommy with his head sideways, and the loss in his eyes can't be ignored.

"Tong Tong, do you want to go out and play? Mommy's going to take you out? " Luo Shihan goes over and sits next to Tong Tong.

Looking at the beautiful big house, Tong Tong suddenly sighed with sadness, "Mommy, I don't like it here."

Luo Shihan was stunned.

The gap between Tong Tong and Zhan hanjue is increasing at a visible speed. If we allow it to develop naturally, it may one day become a natural chasm and never heal.

"Tong Tong, do you want to recognize daddy?" Luo Shihan asked uneasily.

This question, in fact, she has been secretly pondering recently. She used to be selfish and wanted to hide her two babies. She would never leave them in this life. However, contrary to her wishes, she failed to hide Hanbao and let Hanbao recognize Zhan hanjue.

Then she wanted to keep Tong Bao well. At least she had Tong Bao by her side. She still had the last dependence in her heart. But seeing all kinds of loneliness after Tong Tong was ignored by his father, Luo Shihan began to waver.

She thinks that her selfishness may harm Tong Tong. If Tong Tong is ignored by her father for a long time, her childhood will be very gloomy.

Luo Shihan doesn't want Tong Tong to cure his childhood with his long life.

So she wanted to give up her persistence. Want to find the happiness of children.

However, Luo Shihan did not expect that Tong Tong showed great resistance to the recognition of his father. She immediately cried and begged Luo Shihan, "does mommy not want me? Mommy, please don't leave Tong Tong. Children can have no father, but they can't have no Mommy. "

Luo Shihan holds Tong Tong, especially in his heart.

How dependent Tong Tong is on her, how subconsciously he resists Han Han Jue. That's not a good thing.

Luoshihan is in a state of confusion.

She couldn't make up her mind about where to go for a while. Since Tong Tong didn't want to recognize Zhan hanjue, she had to give up.

In the evening, Zhan hanjue came home with Hanbao and Zhan su. Seeing Zhan hanjue, Tong Tong shouts angrily, turns his head and runs upstairs.

Zhan hanjue is stunned. What's the matter with this steamed stuffed bun?

Hanbao holding toys, see sister unhappy, immediately catch up“ Tong Tong, the toy I bought for you. "

Tong Tong stops and looks at her favorite doll. There is a touch of joy in her big eyes.

Han Bao wanted to make the rigid relationship between his father and sister gentle and said, "Tong Tong, uncle Zhan bought this for you."

But after hearing this, Tong Tong ran to Zhan hanjue with the puppet in his arms and gave him the puppet. He said seriously, "I'm sorry to let you spend so much money. My uncle doesn't have to buy things for me in the future. Thank you

After that, Tong turns around and runs back upstairs. He locks himself in his bedroom and never goes out again.

Luo Shihan looks at Tong Tong who buries his little head in the quilt and sighs.

What can we do?

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