"Zheng Ling, the child is seriously injured. Let's let her have a good rest."

Zheng Ling reluctantly looked at thirteen younger sister, "I have to stay to take care of her..."

"Ah Zhan hanjue suddenly covered his stomach and frowned.

Zheng Ling's attention to the thirteen younger sisters was immediately transferred to Zhan hanjue. He asked nervously, "brother Jue, are you suffering from stomach trouble again?"

Zhan hanjue nodded, "help me into the room to have a rest."

Zheng Ling then helped Zhan hanjue to leave.

Zhan hanjue took a few steps, suddenly turned back and told Guan Xiao Ye Feng, "by the way, Guan Xiao, Ye Feng, you two will stay from now on. Spring is coming soon. Tong Bao and Su Su have fallen behind too much in their studies. You stay in Qingmei town to help them make up for it. Later, make a schedule for me. "

Ye Feng and Guan Xiao look at each other. When their eyes meet, they understand the meaning of Zhan ye from each other's doubts. Then he respectfully said, "yes. The Lord of war. "

Zheng Ling helped Zhan hanjue into the bedroom.

Zhan hanjue sat on the bed with his back against the bed. Looking at Zheng Ling busy for him leisurely. Handsome face is a happy smile.

Zheng Ling finds the moxibustion box and ignites the moxa column. The smoke made her cry.

"What is this?" Zhan hanjue asked curiously.

Zheng Ling explained with a smile: "this is the moxibustion method I learned from the villagers. Can dispel cold, recuperate the body sub-health condition

She came over holding the moxibustion box. Outside the copper moxibustion box, there was a beautiful purse embroidered with a pair of mandarin ducks.

Zhan hanjue's eyes fell on the mandarin duck with poor embroidery skills and said with a smile, "is this a mandarin duck or a wild duck?"

Zheng Ling blushes with shame. She can't embroider at all. The first time she learns embroidery from others, Yuanyang embroiders like Sixiang.

Zheng Ling said shyly, "it depends on whether you want to be a wild duck or a mandarin duck?"

Zhan hanjue suddenly stretched out his long arm, pulled her into his arms, and said affectionately, "you embroider a mandarin duck lock for me, and I'll hang it on me. How about that? "

Zheng Ling immediately made up a picture of an elegant and noble man waving around with a clumsy lock lock... Blushing and shaking his head, "they will laugh at me."

Zhan hanjue blocked her lips. "I won't show it to others..."

Zheng Ling stared, "don't you have a stomachache?"

Zhan hanjue quickly converged, covered his stomach with his hands, and his eyes fell on the moxibustion box“ How do you use this? "

"You lie down."

Zhan hanjue followed Zheng Ling's instructions and lay on the bed.

Zheng Ling put the moxibustion box on his stomach and covered it with bedding.

The fragrance of moxa from the moxibustion box is elegant.

Zhan hanjue sniffs AI Xiang and looks at the beauty. That cold steel heart was a little sprouted.

Zheng Ling was lying at the head of the bed with her hands and her eyes were full of worry. "Brother Jue, have you had a stomach disease for a long time? Why did it happen all of a sudden? "

Zhan hanjue stretched out his hand and stroked Zheng Ling's carved chin.

"I'm not sick."

Zheng Ling apricot eyes open round, "no disease, why do you cheat me, do you know how worried I am about you?"

"I just want you to care about me," he said

Zheng Ling

Then he took Zhan hanjue's nose and reprimanded him: "Zheng Zheng said you were naive. I don't think it's wrong at all. Brother Jue, you are only three years old. You can't have more

Zhan hanjue's smile is bright, with a bit of obstinacy. He looks very evil.

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