Zhan hanjue anxiously grasped Zheng Ling's hand and handed her a soothing look. Then he turned to Juma and said, "Juma, I promised your father to take good care of you, but I didn't promise that he would marry you. I've made a great promise to Han Jue. I'll never break my promise. But in my life, I have also promised my wife, one for two. I will take care of you, but not marry you. "

Juma's smile instantly solidified, and her love turned into hatred. "You don't mean what you say." Then he covered his face and ran away.

The villagers all looked at Zhan hanjue with condemnation: "the corpse of Zhan Shan is not cold, but you have no faith in your words and refuse to marry the saint. We don't welcome you in the end."

Zhan hanjue was isolated for a moment, and Junlian was embarrassed.

Zheng Ling clenched Zhan hanjue's hand and gave him a comforting look.

Zhan hanjue felt the silent comfort from Zhengling, and his cold heart was immediately rejoicing, and his lips were flying.

He doesn't care how others interpret him, he only cares about Zheng Ling.

"You are too overbearing. Brother Jue only promised Mr. Zhan Shan to take care of his daughter, but he didn't promise to marry her. He didn't believe what he said. How can we start? " Zheng Ling's words are solid.

One of the villagers stood up and said indignantly, "if you don't marry her, how can you take care of her“

Zheng Ling sneered: "I ask you, do you have parents?"

"Of course. I didn't jump out of a stone. " The fierce man who fought for Juma said angrily.

"Did they ever take care of you?" Zheng Ling asked.

"It's natural for parents to take care of their children."

"Then I ask you again. Do you have children? "

"Yes." He didn't understand why Zheng Ling asked so many questions that had nothing to do with Zhu Ma, but she told the truth.

"Can you take care of your children?" Zheng Ling said

"Of course."

Zheng Ling said with a smile: "then I ask you again, will you marry your parents and children?"

The man blushed and his neck was thick, as if he had been greatly humiliated. He said angrily, "how can I do such a rebellious thing?"

Zheng Ling took back the net and said his intention, "didn't you say that. If you don't marry Juma, you can't take care of her. "

The man was speechless by the iron teeth and copper teeth. Zheng Ling said: "my husband and I, husband and wife. Since he promised old man Zhan Shan to take care of Juma, I naturally supported him. I am willing to adopt her as our daughter, and love and protect her like my parents. Do you have any objection? "

The villagers also felt that Yan Zhengling's statement was reasonable and nodded one after another.

"That's a good idea."

But Zhuma came back suddenly, and roared to Zhengling with red eyes: "you want me to be your daughter, you have a dream. Don't think I don't know what you think. You just want to cut off my love with brother Zhan completely. I won't let you succeed. "

Zheng Ling laughs but does not speak.

Zhan hanjue, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Zhuma, I once vowed to Zhengling: I will be a couple with her in this life. I promise to her first, promise to your father later, definitely will not give up the original oath because of the promise behind. What's the difference between me and a hypocrite? "

Then Zhan hanjue looked at Zheng Ling and said in a soft voice, "Zheng Ling, let's go back."

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