A dozen microphones came to Hanbao's mouth.

Han Bao looked at his father and said with a smile: "someone told me that the power of fists and feet is limited, and the magic weapon to win depends on strong ideas. I want to protect the simple villagers of Mt. Everest, and I want to protect my mommy more. "

The old master and Yu Sheng were moved to tears.

Yu Sheng hates the iron does not become the steel stares at Yu Chengqian, "is also the human son, you learn more."

Yu Chengqian looked at Hanbao in a dazed way and said with emotion: "Zhan hanjue, is this a play of" exchanging Hanbao for Zhan Su "? He is really profound and unpredictable

Hanbao successfully obtained the token of the last general [biqu Pavilion] www.biqugeso.info ]。

In front of the ten elders and the villagers, the old man gave the tiger to Hanbao. "With the tiger card, you can command the division of tiger and wolf in yujiazhai," he said

Hanbao is still smiling. He bowed to all the villagers and said humbly, "thank you for your trust in me. I won't let you down."

Zheng Ling's hanging heart finally fell down. Zhan hanjue hugged her and gently suggested, "I have to go back and make some delicious food to reward the children."

Zheng Ling mischievous way: "I give you such an excellent child, don't you reward your wife by the way?"

Zhan Han Jue shaved her nose and said with a smile, "you are the number one meritorious official, and what should be rewarded most is you."

Zheng Ling smiles like a flower.

At noon that day, Zhan hanjue and Zhengling prepared a large table of delicious food. Zhan hanjue suddenly proposed: "push the thirteen younger sisters out and join us in the fun."

Impatiens stood up, "I'll push her out."

The family gathered around the round table and ate happily.

During the dinner, Zhan hanjue asked shisan Mei, "how old is this year?"

Thirteen younger sister's body was not healed, and she was still weak“ It's eleven this year. "

Zhan hanjue asked casually: "how old did you enter the military information hall?"

"I don't remember," she said

Zhan hanjue's hand holding chopsticks was slightly stagnant, and a fleeting ferocity floated across his eyes. It's back to normal soon.


Thirteen younger sister shook her head, "I can't remember the appearance of home."

Zheng Ling listened to the chattering voice of Zhan hanjue and shisan Mei, but in his mind he remembered what Zhan hanjue had said to her a few days ago: whether the seedlings grow straight or curved is not up to her. It's up to the people who care for her.

Zheng Ling was a little uneasy.

After dinner, Fengxian and Yanzheng husband and wife consciously responsible for washing dishes.

Tong Bao and Zhan hanjue are playing chess.

Han Bao is coquetry with Zheng Ling“ Mommy, the food you make is delicious. "

Zheng Ling laughingly touched Han Bao's head and said, "if you like it, Mommy will often make it for you."

"Well." Hanbao buries her head in her arms and tears her mother-in-law at the moment.

He and Mommy are about to leave. He can't bear to leave Mommy.

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