Zheng Ling used to be humble and obedient in front of Yu Qianqian. Suddenly, it was like being pulled out of the scale. Every cell was clamoring against Yu Qianqian.

She orders Yu Qianqian with that overbearing tone and tramples on Yu Qianqian's dignity and dignity. How can Yu Qianqian swallow this tone?

After all, she is a mother-in-law and Yan Zhengling is a daughter-in-law. Yan Zhengling dares to challenge her, which means how she failed as a mother-in-law.

"Yan Zhengling, how dare you command me? I'm your mother-in-law. How about your character of respecting the old and loving the young? " Yu Qianqian bit her teeth and said angrily.

Yan Zhengling was very angry and angry. "Yu Qianqian, when I used to call your mother, I really took you as my mother-in-law. I want to get along with you and me. But you don't have the magnanimity to be a mother-in-law. You want to break up my marriage with brother Jue heartlessly and heartlessly. You still pour dirty water on me. Which one can you bear? From now on, you will no longer be my mother-in-law. You can't expect me to do what you say. "

Yu Qianqian sneered, "ha ha. If you don't want to recognize my mother-in-law, divorce the marquis. Only if you are divorced, you will not drag down the marquis. I won't bother to look at you then. "

Yan Zhengling's face was blue and white.

She never wanted to divorce Zhan hanjue, but when she saw Yu Qianqian's face, her eyes were full of disdain for her, and she trampled on her dignity wantonly... Yan Zhengling's pride did not allow her to live so weakly.

"Why, you can't bear it?" Yu Qianqian provocative upgrade, "hum, on your broken body, in addition to my family's cold Baron, which man is willing to accept you? Yan Zhengling, don't you just bully me. Rely on him, let him tirelessly take care of you. You are selfish. "

Yan Zhengling was so angry that his whole body was shaking like a sieve. Suddenly, she turned and walked to the tea table, spread out the pen and paper, quickly wrote a divorce agreement, pressed her own fingerprints, and then handed the divorce agreement to Yu Qianqian.

"Yu Qianqian, you can watch it. Your son and I are divorced. You have to take care of your son and let him sign. And let him never show up in front of me again. Because now, in my eyes, he is worthless. He has an unreasonable mother like you, and I don't want him any more. "

Yan Zhengling threw the divorce agreement into Yu Qianqian's face and roared, "get out of here now."

Yu Qianqian took the divorce agreement and nodded his head with satisfaction when he saw that Zheng Ling wrote the words "broken feelings can't be overcome".

Looking at Yan Zhengling, he said with a smile: "you told me to go away? Yan Zhengling, you seem to have made a mistake. This is my home. You should be the one who should go away. "

Zheng Ling's chest heaved with anger. She turned to pull the suitcase and walked out the door.

As he passed the gate, Yan Zhengling ran into Master Yu and the battle court city and left without looking back.

Impatiens is probably gas to the extreme, want to tear Yu Qian Qian heart have. However, she turned her grief and anger into strength, laughing instead of anger.

"Congratulations, Yu Qianqian, your good days are over."

At the gate, the three brothers and sisters of the warring family line up with the nine sisters in the military information hall, and stop Yan Zhengling who leaves angrily.

Yan Zhengling saw the children, his angry face forced to smile. She came forward and hugged the girls and asked softly, "are you all well?"

"Well." The girls answered clearly.

Zhan Su's icy Eagle pupil looks at Yu Qianqian and the old ladies coming out. Seeing Yu Qianqian's face, he has already guessed how much she has been wronged.

Otherwise, the weak mummy would not leave alone with her suitcase.

"Oh, these are the foxes in the military intelligence hall?" Yu Qianqian saw the girls and said nothing.

Yan Zhengling slapped Yu Qianqian with his backhand and growled, "Yu Qianqian, don't insult my child."

It's like a hen attacking an eagle.

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