"Give me a reason to stay," he said

"Mother is here!" Yu Qianqian cried.

Zhan hanjue gently lifted his leg and pulled off Yu Qianqian's hand. Dejected, he said: "where the mother is, the father is. This is your love. But for me, where Zheng Ling is, home is. This is my love. "

Yu Qianqian shed tears of despair and remorse, "Han Jue, my mother is wrong. Mother was wrong. Why don't you stay and accompany me? "

"Zheng Ling is not in good health. Today, I'm not sure how serious it will be for me to suffer such a great injustice. I can't rest assured of her. " Zhan hanjue said.

"So... I'll send someone to help you get her back?" Yu Qian was reluctant to compromise.

If it wasn't for Zhan hanjue to leave her, how could she compromise with Yan Zhengling.

Zhan hanjue looked at Yu Qianqian's embarrassed appearance, his heart cut like a knife.

Fengxian knows that Zhan hanjue attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and is afraid that he will be confused by Yu Qianqian's bitter plan. Fengxian jumps out again to accuse Yu Qianqian of his crime, "don't be hypocritical. You chased my sister Zhengling back, so you bullied her again, didn't you? After today's disaster, my sister Zheng Ling's physical symptoms will get worse!

If she is weak and weak, you will point to her face and scold her for being a waste. You will scold her for not being worthy of your son. How can a proud person like sister Zhengling be willing to live such a poor life? "

Each disclosure of Impatiens will refresh Zhan hanjue's understanding of Yu Qianqian.

He clenched his fist unconsciously, and her heart must be weeping blood when he thought of the proud girl like Zheng Ling and her mother insulting her like this.

No wonder she is so angry today.

She was fed ten grade explosives by her mother herself, and she couldn't bear it. That's why I'm doing it to my mother, even to him.

Zhan hanjue's fist slowly loosened, and he suddenly felt that he was surrounded by fear, and his fighting spirit passed away.

What face does he have to pursue Zheng Ling?

Every time he provoked Zheng Ling to be angry, she did not refuse to be so angry as today. There was no room for him.

Zhan hanjue is afraid. Zheng Ling is determined to make a decision with him this time.

"Let's go." He said weakly, and kept walking forward.

"Don't worry Old Master Yu said: "don't you want to forgive your mother all your life?"

Zhan hanjue didn't look back. He just said, "I only care about this moment. Will Zhengling ignore me all his life?"

Guan Xiao and Ye Feng take Tong Bao. After Yan Zheng comes out of hanshuiyuan, ghost members are waiting at the intersection.

Zhan hanjue, with more than a dozen children, walked to the intersection.

Yan Zheng didn't see Zheng Ling and asked eagerly, "where is Zheng Ling? What about the elder sister? "

Impatiens is afraid of Yan Zheng's trouble, and dare not tell the truth.

Zhan Su cheated his uncle: "my mom and aunt Yu went back by helicopter first."

Yan Zheng couldn't understand, "why don't you come with us?"

The crowd was silent.

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