Finally, Mr. Yu took them to the hotel.

When Zhuma arrived at the imperial capital for the first time, he was shocked by the prosperity of the capital. She said to Aunt Xiuhe in surprise, "aunt, I like it here. It's so beautiful here."

Aunt Xiuhe joked: "there is Zhan hanjue here. Of course you like it here."

The old master severely reprimanded Xiuhe, "do as the Romans do. This emperor is not Yu's village. Polygamy has long been abolished here. Han Jue and Zheng Ling are inseparable. As you can see. So the matter of Juma and the Marquis must not be mentioned again. "

Juma burst into tears and clenched her lips. The loss of heart turns sour foam to plug in my heart.

Yu Qian glanced at the sad Zhuma and comforted him: "don't be so desperate. Although monogamy was practiced in the imperial capital, divorce and remarriage were common. Yan Zhengling has already written a divorce agreement to Han Jue. Their feelings may not be unbreakable. "

Juma broke into tears again.

Master Yu dotes on his daughter, but he doesn't want to scold her. He just gives her a wary look as punishment.

For Yu Qianqian, it's just like a scratch.

Zhanting city is a real family. They always feel that their father-in-law came to the imperial capital but stayed in a hotel because he didn't receive them well. So behind his back, Zhan tingcheng took the initiative to call Zhan hanjue. Tell Zhan hanjue about their arrival in the imperial capital.

Zhan hanjue had mixed feelings when he heard the news.

In his heart, of course, he welcomed his grandfather's family as a guest, but the contradiction between Yu Qianqian and Zhengling could not be reconciled. The arrival of Yu Qianqian would make the relationship between him and Zhengling worse.

After hanging up, Zhan hanjue rubbed his eyebrows.

Finally, pick up the phone and call my grandfather.

"Jue'er, the sun is coming out from the west, and you even take the initiative to call your grandfather." Old Zhan said with a smile.

Zhan hanjue said in a low voice, "grandfather, my grandfather and mother have come to the imperial capital. What my father means is that he wants to put the Yu family in the xiangding garden of Bixi manor. "

When Zhan hanjue said this, he stopped because he couldn't say what he said next.

But the old man took the initiative to relieve his embarrassment and said, "I know what you're thinking. Do you want your grandfather to come forward and receive them well? "

Zhan hanjue said, "it's hard work, Grandpa."

The old man said, "your mother and Zheng Ling are not compatible. If Zheng Ling knows that you live with your mother, he will surely misunderstand that you value your mother-in-law more than your daughter-in-law. It will be difficult for you to catch up with Zheng Ling. Well, my grandfather arranged a reunion dinner for us, and then you can come, even if you as a son have done your best. In the future, you will live in the imperial capital because your company is busy. Try not to see your mother during this time. "

"Yes," said Zhan hanjue

Hang up Zhan hanjue's phone, the old master then orders his attendant with a clear mind, "go and call the other people."

"Yes, sir."

The valet left.

Soon, several other people came one after another. Only Zhan tingye is left in the big room. A few years ago, he and his wife divorced and didn't remarry. Although life is a bit lonely, it's more practical than ever. Zhan tingye is enjoying such a single old age life.

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