Master Zhan was very happy and said: "Maybe God opened his eyes. Who would have thought that Yan Zhengling's soul lived in Luo Shihan's body. The Marquis and she fell in love and killed each other, and finally achieved the right result. "


After listening to the stories of Zhan hanjue and Yan Zhengling, old master Yu didn't come back for a long time. After a long time, he felt ashamed and exclaimed, "I'm wrong."

When Zhan hanjue came out of Bixi manor, he was crazy to look for Yan Zhengling everywhere. This time, regardless of the consequences, he directly started the hacker to investigate Yan Zhengling's whereabouts.

He had only one idea in his heart, that is, to run to Yan Zhengling at the fastest speed to stop her from doing stupid things.

After he told Guan Xiaoxun about the personnel situation, Zhan hanjue felt that he couldn't be idle either, because the process of waiting for the result was very painful for him.

He came to Huanya hospital and used Huanya's phone to call Zhengling, but Zhengling's mobile phone was always busy. This makes Zhan hanjue feel very nervous. After all, Zheng Ling's mobile phone is rarely busy.

He had to call Mrs. Yu. Mrs. Yu answered the phone in seconds, "hello."

Zhan hanjue handed the mobile phone to the nurse, and then wrote a line on the paper. The nurse read: "is this Yan Chen's family member? The child had an accident. Please come to the hospital as soon as possible. "

Mrs. Yu was scared out of her wits by the call“ Well, we'll be right there

Hang up the phone, Mrs. Yu told sister in fear, "Zhengyu, the hospital calls, let's go to Huanya."

Zheng Yu tried to get up, but she was lying in bed for a month, and she was weak after giving birth to the baby. She suddenly stood up and felt the sky whirling and squatted down.

Mrs. Yu quickly helped her to the bed.

Zheng Ling opened the bedroom door and came out, his voice was still hoarse and tired. He said, "aunt Qing, elder sister is doing confinement. She is so weak. I'd better go."

Zheng Yu looked at Zheng Ling's thin face, the original baby fat disappeared. Today is the standard beauty face, thin facial features, deep three-dimensional contour. But look down, the wind fell on the bamboo body is distressing.

"Aunt Qing, go with sister Zhengling." Zheng jade red eyes road.

She felt very guilty, Zheng Ling's body is not much better than her, but the family needs people to do big and small things, Zheng Ling is biting her teeth, also don't want her to do this month.

Zheng Ling went back to his room and changed into a tolerant guard. Such she, looks slender, but can't see sick.

Zheng Ling and Mrs. Yu come to Huanya hospital by taxi.

Two people flurried to the pediatric clinic, the service desk nurse will take them to the morning ward. Zhengling and Mrs. Yu are worried about Chenchen's illness. They follow the nurse in a panic. They don't notice the abnormality around them.

There were fewer and fewer patients in the corridor. Turning into the corner, there was a doctor's office at the end. The nurse suddenly said, "the doctor in charge of Yanchen is waiting for you." With that, the nurse put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and turned to leave.

Zheng Ling and Mrs. Yu push the door and enter

The consulting room was empty and there was no doctor at all. But in front of the window stood a tall shadow.

Zheng Ling saw him and ran away.

But the door of the consulting room was locked for some reason. Zheng Ling clapped the door in despair“ Let me out. "

Zhan hanjue walked towards her in three and two steps, without any words. The joy of seeing her again for a long time made him just want to put her in his arms.

He held Zheng Ling tightly, so clearly felt Zheng Ling's skinny body. His heart ached so much that he couldn't breathe.

"Zheng Ling, I'm wrong. Shall we go home? " He begged her like a helpless child.

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