Zhan Su put his hands in his pants pocket and said coolly, "I'll give back ten times the pain she inflicted on my mother."

Guan Xiao pinched a cold sweat for Yu Qian.


When the doorbell rings, Zheng Yu and Mrs. Yu look at each other. Knowing that Zhengling had been taken away by Zhan hanjue, they would never come back to them, but they still opened the door with great excitement.

Outside, master Yan and his wife are standing outside. Mrs. Yu is dumb, "are you?"

"I'm Zheng Yu's mother. I'm here to take my daughter home," Mrs. Yan said with a smile

Zheng Yu came out with tears streaming down her face. She knelt down in front of the Yan Family and cried, "Grandpa, Dad, mom, it's me who is not good. I didn't take good care of my sister. I failed to live up to your expectations."

Mrs. Yu also knows that Zhengyu is not the blood of the Yan family. Seeing that Zhengyu is so careful to please the elders of the Yan family, I feel pity for her.

When she just wanted to help Zhengyu, she didn't think that Yan's mother's action was a step faster. Yan's mother helped Zhengyu up and said in a soft voice, "silly child, you are still sitting in the confinement. Don't cry. It's bad for your eyes. "

Master Yan was also very grateful and said, "don't blame yourself, yu'er. Grandfather has heard about you blocking the robbery for Zhengling. It's our Yan family. I'm sorry. Grandfather will take you home now, and you and Chenchen will live in Yan's family in the future. If you want to get married, you can get married, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to get married. Grandfather teaches you to take care of the company's business. Later, you will go into Yan's company and help grandfather do something. "

Mrs. Yu looked at old master Yan in shock and was shocked by the old man's mind. In the face of Zheng Yu, who is not the blood of Yan family, they really treat him as if he were his own.

Zheng Yu nodded“ Yes

Zhengyu has a home, Mrs. Yu is happy for her, but also lonely.

Zheng Ling has gone, Zheng Yu has gone, but she is destined to wander alone.

Yan's mother was considerate. She took Mrs. Yu's hand and said, "elder sister, thank you for taking care of my two daughters. If you don't dislike it, come back to Yancheng with us. I think Zhengyu's body is weak. I can't take care of Zhengyu and Chenchen alone. It would be great if you could give me a hand. "

Mrs. Yu said happily: "Oh, if you are willing to take me in, you are also willing to let me take Xiao Chenchen. I'm so happy. "

Zheng Yu takes Yan's mother and Mrs. Yu's hand and smiles like flowers.

Three days later, Xiao Yanchen was discharged.

When the Yan family received the notice from the hospital, they rushed to the hospital. Who knows, Yu had been waiting in the hospital for a long time, and the door of the ward was jammed.

The arrival of the Yan Family suddenly made the air stagnant. Old Master Yu announced: "seriously, Yan Chen has no blood relationship with your Yan family. Why do you join in the fun?"

"You are really illiterate, Mr. Yu," he said. Zhengyu is my daughter. Her name is written in black and white on the household register of Yan family. When we take Chenchen home, Chenchen's registered permanent residence will also be written in our Yan Family's registered permanent residence. I know that our Yan family has a prosperous population, and the rest of your family has withered. You are jealous of me. But if you are not jealous of this, who can make you Yu's family not be human? Good daughter-in-law turned out, good grandson to gas away. Ha ha ha

Mr. Yu snorted and waved back. Suddenly, a group of bodyguards ran to him. One by one, they look strong and strong. They must be well-trained fighters of the Yu family.

Master Yan said, "Oh, I'm so afraid. Mr. Yu, don't forget that this is the imperial capital. The strong dragon can't beat the local leader. Yan Zheng -- "

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Zheng pulled out 256, followed by a group of endless long snake bodyguards.

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