She comforted herself that maybe the child was not good at communicating with others since he was a child, and she was indifferent to anyone, so she was too thoughtful.

But her fluke mentality was smashed by Zhan Su at the next moment.

Zhan Su said, "thanks to you, my father and my mother have gone out of the world. Now I'm the president of Huanya. I'm not as great as my father. He likes to put down his anger and discontent and light up others. And I like to vent my anger and discontent, burning others and lighting myself up. If anyone makes me unhappy, I'll make her even more unhappy. "

When he said this, his voice was cold enough to freeze a cow to death. And the evil and cold eyes have been locked on Yu Qianqian's face.

The meaning of Yu Qianqian is very obvious.

Until now, Yu Qianqian is like a dream. She was still in disbelief, "Su Su. Do you want to fight us? "

Old Master Yu's heart was wrung by Zhan Su's anger. He had already lost the Marquis and didn't want to lose his excellent great grandson. But Zhan Su's hostility to them frightened him.

"Susu, grandfather Zeng knows what you mean. Well, we won't embarrass you. Let's go. " Mr. Yu said.

Yu Qianqian was unwilling, "Dad, how can you just give up? Can Zhan Su still stop our tiger and wolf generals? "

With that, Yu Qianqian winked at their bodyguard, "grab the child."

Yu's wife and Zheng Yu's face are very white, and they protect the child tightly. Yu Fu was so angry that he scolded Yu Qian and said, "you are a madman."

Zhan Su's court official knew that they waved and said bitterly, "I'll beat you to death. This is a hospital. No one can die. It's best that they can't get up for a year and a half. "

Yu Qianqian and Yu Laoye are shocked by Zhan Su's ruthlessness. After all, Zhan can't do it.

Fortunately, Mr. Yu still kept some sense. He gave up his bodyguard and said, "give up."

What else did Yu Qian want to say? Master Yu rebuked her angrily, "enough. If you have cooled the heart of Han Jue, do you want to chill the heart of Zhan Su? "

With that, Mr. Yu turned to leave with his family.

Before they left, Yu Qianqian heard Zhan Su's gentle voice cry: "grandma, Grandpa..."

Yu Qianqian angry face deformation, "I know this son of a bitch is deliberately against us."

Old Master Yu looked at his daughter, his eyes full of helplessness.

"Qianqian, why did Zhan Su treat us like this? Have you thought about the reason?" After getting on the bus, Yu asked him calmly.

Yu Qianqian said, "it's not Yan Zhengling who encourages her children to kiss Yan's family and neglect Yu's family."

Mr. Yu said, "you are wrong. Zhan Su was respectful to me before. Zhan Su hates us so much now because we hurt his mom and dad. In the world, how can there be a child who doesn't protect his father and mother? "

Yu Qianqian's face floated a touch of guilt, just fleeting.

Mr. Yu looked up at the sky and sighed bitterly. He said with a smile, "Qianqian, my father loves you and spoils you. I know that you are wrong to Yan Zhengling. I also turn a blind eye. I think I'm partial to my daughter, which is a kind of father's love. It's harmless. But I was so wrong that I finally cooled Yan Zhengling's heart, Han Jue's heart and Zhan Su's heart. Qianqian, in order to satisfy your paranoid desires, Dad finally lost all the daughters in law of the Yu family, and lost his grandson and little grandson. Dad, there's nothing to lose any more. You'll have to keep your temper

Yu Qianqian was very surprised. What do you mean, dad? Doesn't dad want to be her patron saint?

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