Zheng Ling's illness didn't turn for the better.

The emotional bond between Zheng Ling and Zhan hanjue became more and more fragile.

Zhan hanjue, a powerful king of the dark emperor, is full of confidence in planning everything, but now he is helpless.

Opposite the courtyard, there lived an old couple.

My grandfather is disabled and sits in a wheelchair all day. Every day, the old woman pushes her husband out for a walk. They cross a bridge and a street. They are accompanied by wind and rain, talking and laughing.

Zheng Ling could see the old man talking and laughing through the window every time. At that time, Zheng Ling's eyes were full of longing.

From white head to old age, romance lasts till death.

When Zhan hanjue discovered Zheng Ling's strange behavior, he came to the window in surprise. When he noticed that Zheng Ling's eyes were locked on the old couple, Han Jue was shocked.

Zheng Ling's deep heart is still longing for the love from Bai Shou to Lao? But she wants to drive him out of her world, isn't it contradictory?

Zhan hanjue suddenly couldn't understand Zheng Ling's inner world. He walked slowly to Zheng Ling and stretched out his hand to Zheng Ling's face.

He wanted to touch her face, but he was afraid of causing Zheng Ling's resistance. When Zheng Ling looked back at him, his hand was so tense that he stayed in the air.

"Zheng Ling, do you want to go out to play?" He asked her.

Zheng Ling didn't respond.

If Zheng Ling didn't particularly resist, she would take the place of silence.

Zhan hanjue took out a loose and thick windbreaker from the wardrobe and put it on Zhengling. Then he went out with Zheng Ling in his arms.

It's warm and cool in April.

However, the afternoon sun was warm. Zheng Ling held Zhan hanjue's neck in his hands and put his head comfortably on his broad shoulder.

She's a little weak. It's hard work for her to stand upright for a long time.

Zhan hanjue never felt that Zheng Ling needed him and depended on his performance. I just think it's Zheng Ling's weakness.

Zhan hanjue came out of the courtyard door with Zhengling in his arms. Across the street, in the courtyard of siheyuan, the old couple sat at a stone table, sipping tea and chatting.

Seeing Zhan hanjue, the old couple immediately said with a smile, "Sir, would you like to come over and have a cup of tea?"

The old couple probably don't know why they used the word "flatter" when they saw Zhan hanjue. Intuition tells them that Zhan hanjue's noble bearing shows his extraordinary identity.

Zhan hanjue asked Zheng Ling's advice in a soft voice, "Zheng Ling, your grandparents invited you to have tea. Are you going?"

Zheng Ling secretly glanced at her grandparents, and was very defensive. The old lady stood up and came to Zhengling.

"What's the matter with the child?" The old woman asked kindly.

Zhan hanjue looked at Zheng Ling and saw that she was a little embarrassed. He laughed and spoiled her. He said, "it's OK. It will be fine soon."

"Come in and I'll see her," she said. I'm a doctor

Zhan hanjue went in with Zheng Ling in his arms and put Zheng Ling on her lap. Then the old lady opened her windbreaker hat. Seeing the exquisite face under the hat, she exclaimed, "this child is really beautiful."

Zhan hanjue's eyes were full of pride. His Zheng Ling, of course, is the most beautiful girl in the world.

However, the old woman's eyes noticed other places of Zheng Ling, skinny, and immediately felt pity.

"What's wrong with the child?"

Zhan hanjue looked a little lonely again and said: "anxiety and depression."

The granny was stunned and looked at him with a smile.

But he said quietly, "drink tea first."

The old man poured a glass of Longjing for Zhan hanjue and said, "my wife and I experienced a lot of hardships when we were young. It's OK. Just go through the difficulties."

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