When Zheng Ling returned to the dining chair, he saw Zhan hanjue staring at her face for a moment.

Zheng Ling wiped his face, "what's the matter?"

"What did you talk to Grandma about? I'm so engaged in talking that I'm forgetting to eat and sleep? " Zhan hanjue joked.

Zheng Ling's mouth is full of stuffing, and two buns' faces look especially lovely“ Guess what As soon as you speak, your mouth leaks and the rice particles come out.

Zhan hanjue's silly eyes... "Zheng Ling, don't forget that you are a famous lady?"

Zheng Ling laughs to spray, all rice particles spray out, some rice particles fall on Zhan Han Jue Jun's face.

Zheng Ling quickly took out the tissue and wiped it on his face. Zhan hanjue was extremely helpless. At last, he didn't have a bit of temper except for petting her face.

Who told him that when he was a child, he didn't train her to be a famous lady?

After dealing with the rice particles, Zheng Ling suddenly drooped his head and said in frustration: "so you like ladies?"

Zhan hanjue realized that the sentence just now seemed to be in trouble. He quickly recalled it and said, "no, I still like a girl like you who is not artificial."

"But just now you clearly disliked me?" Zheng Ling's sensitive and suspicious personality was especially obvious after depression.

Zhan hanjue said, "I don't dislike you. I just think it's a pity that these rice grains are wasted."

Zheng Ling smiles with relief.

Zhan hanjue's back was dripping with cold sweat.

"Brother Jue, don't you really see who the old lady is?" Zheng Ling asked seriously.

Zhan hanjue's wrinkled face appeared in his mind and shook his head, "who is that?"

Zheng Ling stretched out a hand to lift up Zhan hanjue's chin. This action seemed very frivolous. Zhan hanjue looked at Zheng Ling in a daze.

"What are you going to do?"

"Brother Jue, I finally know what you will be like when you get old?" Zheng Ling flashed two big eyes with a smile.

"What's it like?" Zhan hanjue asked casually.

"Just like the granny opposite."

Zhan hanjue looks at Zheng Ling, who still feels like a young girl, but he puts himself into the state of an 80 year old man. All of a sudden, he has the feeling that an old cow is eating tender grass and he has picked up a big bargain.

For a time, the mood was a little complicated.

When he is eating, his movements are elegant. Even if eating is so common, his performance is very pleasing to the eye.

After swallowing a mouthful of rice, Zhan hanjue turned his head and looked at Zheng Ling, "what do you look like when you are old?"

Zheng Ling's smile congealed, she reminded so obviously, why did brother Jue still not find his special relationship with grandma Boye.

However, the problem of Zhan hanjue made Zheng Ling feel in a trance for a moment.

She holds her gills in her hands, thinking that her body is always in a weak state after her illness. When she is in a good mood, she thinks it's OK to live like this, but when she sees other people jumping around, she feels like a useless person.

She didn't have the confidence to live to be seventy-eight.

Zhan hanjue looked at the deep sadness in Zheng Ling's eyebrow eyes, and his beautiful mood was also gloomy.

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