"No, brother, are you out of money? No money, you tell me? You can't even afford meat. How poor is that? " Yan Zheng was very sad.

Zhan hanjue put his rice bowl into Yan Zheng's hand and said, "my family has changed to a vegetarian."

Yan Zheng is silly, "why don't you eat meat?"

"Zheng Ling's stomach can't digest." Zhan hanjue said.

Yan Zheng

Zhan hanjue went out with the meal, but Yan Zheng was standing there with tears in his eyes.

He was really moved that Zhan hanjue could accompany her to be a vegetarian for Zhengling's sake. After all, it's not a day or two.

When Yan Zheng came out of the kitchen, he saw that Zhan hanjue was eating elegantly. Even if eating a simple meal, but that expensive handsome face is satisfied and happy.

Yan Zheng suddenly felt that Zheng Ling was lucky to meet Zhan hanjue in this world. Although Zhan hanjue's parents brought many misfortunes to Zhengling, all the misfortunes seemed to be smoothed by Zhan hanjue's deep love.

This meal, because there was no meat, Yan Zheng ate a few bowls of white rice. Finally, he licked the bottom of the pot.

After dinner, Zhan hanjue sat on the sofa. At the moment, I finally realized the benefits of Yan Zheng's arrival. At least he doesn't have to do the dishes.

Zheng Ling sat next to him and touched his round stomach and said, "I don't have to cook or wash dishes. What kind of immortal life do I have?"

"Is that enough?" Zhan hanjue asked with a smile.

Zheng Ling nodded. Stand up again and walk around the living room in a bored way.

Zhan hanjue's eyes fell on her slender white legs, because she was wearing a miniskirt, and her two legs were very charming.

"Zheng Ling, go and put on your pants." Zhan hanjue said suddenly.

"Why? How hot am I Zheng Ling doesn't understand.

"It will go away." Zhan hanjue kindly reminded her.

Zheng Ling thinks that there are Impatiens and Yan Zheng at home. It's really embarrassing when they're gone. He runs to the bedroom and changes into a knee length skirt.

Yan Zheng and Impatiens came out of the kitchen. Yan Zheng saw the change of Zheng Ling and asked her curiously, "why change the skirt? Isn't the miniskirt pretty? "

"I'm afraid it's all gone." Zheng Ling tells the truth.

Yan Zheng speechless white Zhan hanjue one eye, gritted his teeth, "defend me with defend wolf similar, I am her elder brother."

Zhan hanjue ignored him. Stand up and walk lazily to the bedroom, "I'll take a lunch break. Zheng Ling, accompany me. "

The Impatiens pulled Zheng Ling, "brother, please let Zheng Ling accompany me to talk. I haven't talked to her for a long time

Zhan hanjue didn't demand it either. Just told Zheng Ling, "if you want to have a rest, come in. It won't disturb me."


Then the two sisters sat cross legged on the sofa and had a conversation.

Because the two people's sitting posture is really casual, especially the Impatiens wearing miniskirts, almost at the edge of light. So that Yan Zheng was very angry“ Impatiens, you'd better wear long pants when you go out. "


"It will go away." Yan Zheng said.

The Impatiens adjusted her sitting posture and said, "it's just so casual at home."

"I'm not going to notice when I get used to it..."

Fengxian glared at him, "if you don't learn from my brother, just learn from his conservative feudal thoughts!"

Yan Zheng suddenly realized, "I suddenly think your brother has a point."

Zheng Ling was afraid that the couple would quarrel, so he quickly separated Yan Zheng, "brother, go and buy us something to eat."

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